Into Raftel?

"Admiral Akainu, don't be impulsive!" Longinus quickly warned.

"Don't worry, I'm not so stupid that I can't even see such a simple trap." Although the mouth said so, the burning air's heat proves that his heart is not calm.

The main thing is that Kaido's previous words of marching into Raftel had given him too much shock.

At this time, the giant king also came up with a big smile, "My friends, thank you for saving Elbaf, in the future, you will always be the best friends of the giant clan!"

"It was we who came too late to save those dead giants."

"To be able to sacrifice on the battlefield is the highest honor of a warrior!" The Giant King's bright laughter swept away like thunder, "Enough of these negative things, to show our gratitude, please do stay for the post-battle banquet!"

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty Olaf." Longinus said with a grave face, "We may not have this time to stay here, because, this sea will soon be in turmoil!"


The first half of the Grand Line, a pirate ship;

After receiving 100 berries, the news coo dropped a newspaper and flew into the sky.

"How dare this stupid bird charge us, I want to roast it and eat it." The pirate with a turban wrapped around his head cursed while handing the newspaper toward the captain.

"These little guys are very vindictive. A pirate who does this will not be able to buy news at sea in the future." The pirate captain laughed and scolded as he unfolded the newspaper, then his eyes instantly glared around and almost popped out of his eyes.

"Captain, what's wrong with you?" Some pirates were unsure and also jokingly said, "It couldn't be that you found your bounty has gone up by a large amount again!"

The pirate captain shook off his head with a dazed look, "Elbaf was actually sacked?"

"Elbaf? Never heard of it! Is it the captain's hometown?"

"Idiot! That's the kingdom of the giants!"

"That's a lie, right? Can the kingdom of giants be sacked too?"

"Yes! I heard that Elbaf is the number one power in the world!"

Surrounding pirates discussed in commotion, although none of them had seen the giant, but only from the rumor's description, but also knew that it was a power they could not defeat.

And such a mighty kingdom would be sacked; it is unimaginable.

"The ones who sacked Elbaf were the Yonko Kaido and Apophis, and now ..." the pirate captain's face was complicated, "they are preparing to launch up towards Raftel!"

"So it is that kind of big shot, no wonder even Elbaf ..." the pirates who spoke a stunned, hurriedly asked, "Wait, captain you just said Raftel? It is that Raftel with the big secret treasure ONE PIECE?"

"Stupid, you think there will be another Raftel?"

"Does that mean that the Pirate King is likely to be born?"


New World, the Donquixote family residence;

"Apophis-sama is actually going to start off a journey towards Raftel? That's ... amazing!" Diamante grabbed the newspaper and marveled.

"It is indeed a big deal, in order to build a pirate ship to Raftel, the two of them even directly attacked Elbaf!" Doflamingo laughed, "This kind of fearless strength can really be envied, Fuffuffuffu!"

"So are we going to join in?" Pica called out, "With your relationship with Apophis-sama, Doffy, you must be able to join the fleet as well, right?"

"Me? I'll stay out of the fun! Raftel, it's not that easy to find." Doflamingo laughed.


New World, on an island.

"Hmph! Still impatient and lonely, two years and only now planning to challenge Raftel?" The man named Douglas Bullet had a demonic gleam in his eyes.

"Challenging something that Roger has already successfully challenged simply cannot prove that I am stronger than him, only by erecting a monument that belongs to me where he fell can I prove that I have truly surpassed him!"

"And this monument is, defeat the Marine Headquarters!"

Bullet stroked the ancient stone monument beside him and muttered, "As long as I get the power of the Ancient Weapon, I will be able to use the fruit ability to merge with it. And at that time, it will be so easy for me to defeat the Marine Headquarters after becoming a god!"

"In order to get this power that should only belong to me alone, Roger, you should not mind if I ask others for advice on the words erased from this stone tablet!"


Marine G2 branch.

Under the scorching sunlight, the little girl was biting her lips tightly and wielding her sword, "998, 999, 1000 ..."

"Kuina, you do not push yourself too hard!"

"I'm fine, Hiyori-san, the enemy is the world's top great swordsman, my swordsmanship talent is not necessarily better than his in the first place, if I do not even try as hard as others, then I deserve to live my whole life only under his shadow!"

Even as she spoke, Kuina still didn't stop wielding her sword arm as if to fuse the swinging motion into physical instinct.

"Seeing you like this, I don't even know if I should tell you the news." Hiyori sighed.

"Hiyori-san, say it, I am now stronger than you think!"

"Just a few days ago, the Demon Sword Apophis and the Beasts Kaido jointly broke through the defense of Elbaf and snatched the Treasure Tree Adam from the Giant Kingdom, preparing to use it to march into the last part of the Grand Line!"

Kuina's movement of swinging the sword stalls but soon regained smoothness, "Isn't this better? The stronger he is, the more powerful otō-sama who was chosen by him becomes."

"Only then will it be more valuable and meaningful for me to defeat him!"

"Kuina, you really have grown a lot!"


Marine Headquarters, in the Fleet Admiral's office;

"Why don't you take the initiative? Do we just watch them become the Pirate King?" Akainu roared.

"You should also be aware of the difficulty of the last part of the sea route, it is not that by launching an onslaught, you can reach Raftel." Sengoku calmly explained, "Over the centuries thousands of pirates have challenged Raftel, but only Roger has really become Pirate King."

"And what if? In case they become the Pirate King, will cause an unimaginable impact on the order of this era." Akainu slapped the table and roared, "Don't forget, they have a permanent pointer to Raftel."

"Since you're so insistent, I'll tell you, this is an order from Gorosei."

"There is no such order ..."

"Just take it easy and hear me out. The government intended to chart out that sea area through the method of permanent pointer records hundreds of years ago, and then determine where Raftel is one by one."

"But they finally found that in that sea, even the permanent pointer would point to the wrong location!"

"You mean that the government did this on purpose so that they could get lost in that sea?"

"That's right. In the past, those pirates who challenged Raftel were able to quit because they couldn't go deeper. But they have prepared well this time, yet they will be lost in that sea permanently because they went too deep."

"Now, you should understand the government's idea, right?"

"But there's one thing I still can't figure out, why would the government ..." Akainu asked, narrowing her eyes, "want to explore that sea too?"

Sengoku shook his head, "This is not something you should know."

PS: Originally, I've wanted to add more in the past few days, but since a "malicious" fellow bookworms recommended to me the analysis video of the god of crispy ink, I feel that some of my subsequent ideas are too superficial and directly overturn the outline to rethink. But the key is to think for a few days also did not come up with any good ideas, and the experience of the last book told me that this deep digging is no good results, anyway, it is a matter of Oda's words, but I still can not help but think, it is a big headache Õ_Õ.

Published in Qidian, August 23, 2019