Bastard, Leave My Students Alone!

The endless sea, the blue waves rolling, in addition to the lonely marching warships, only the occasional leap out of the sea fish and gulls across the sky, bringing life and vitality to this quiet picture.

Suddenly, a black dot in the distance jumped into the sight of the crowd.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

"It's a pirate ship, a pirate is coming!"

There was no panic in the voices that called out urgently. Instead, it filled them with enthusiasm and motivation, and eagerness to try.

Indeed, with the two admirals of the headquarters sitting, whoever it is, will be strengthened in their confidence and belief.

"Captain, it's the Marine's trainee warship!"

"Captain, let's run, shall we?"

"The Marine's trainee warship is far more terrifying than the official warship, I heard, the responsibility for the protection of the accompanying in addition to the Rear Admiral and Vice Admiral, and may even have the existence of the Marine Headquarters Admiral!"

A group of pirates is with fearful and timid eyes look at their naive captain.

As a crew member who was forced to "join" in the middle, they naturally know that their captain's stupid and straightforward appearance is hiding a devil's heart.

"Do you want to escape? But I don't want to run away!" Weevil said with a torn face, biting his fingers.

"Captain, there may be an admiral on that warship!" A pirate whispered to remind.

"Admiral? Sounds like something nasty na!" Weevil beamed and swung his fist out, "Why do you want to remind me of unhappy things, you are bad!"

The pirate, who was hammered in the chest by the small fist, exploded in place, and bright red blood splashed all over the surrounding pirates.

"What the hell are we going to do?" Weevil frowned again.

A group of pirates who were warned by the "small fist" shivered and hurriedly said, "Charge up and kill all those marines!"

Weevil nodded with satisfaction, "It seems that everyone is thinking the same as me!"


On the warship;

"Finally, there are pirates!" Zephyr spat out in a rare moment, "It looks like I'll have to give feedback to the headquarters when I get back and get me a standard warship as well, otherwise those pirates will run away when they see us, so what's the point of this internship exercise for me?"

On the other hand, Longinus looked grave and said, "Zephyr-sensei, the enemy may need a hand from us this time!"

"How so?" Zephyr some stunned, the first half of the Grand Line up, a few pirates slightly worthy of attention point is not the Oka Shichibukai?

"The enemy is an extremely ferocious pirate named Edward Weevil that I recently tracked down, he even slaughtered an entire island before, such a ferocious criminal is not something those interns can handle." Longinus eyes looked thoughtfully into the distance.

"Edward Weevil?" Zephyr frowned and narrowed his eyes in the direction of the pirate ship.

"I'll handle this guy ..."

Longinus had not finished, was interrupted by Zephyr, "No, it is better for me to do it!"

"Zephyr-sensei, you ..."

"This guy should be a pirate that I let go before." Zephyr had a complicated face, "I never thought that because of my momentary weakness, I would let him cause such a big disaster."

"Since I made the mistake, I should make up for it myself!"

Longinus is clear that since pirates killed his family, Zephyr, although not as extreme as after the second change, began to reflect on the so-called "not to kill" which is correct.

"Since you are so insistent, Zephyr-sensei, then let me see the strength of my teacher!

"Haha! It's true that I haven't fought for many years!" Zephyr laughed.

"By the way, Sensei ..." Longinus reminded, "according to the information I got, the other party is probably already a Nui Nui no Mi ability user!"

"Ability users? I see." Zephyr nodded and headed out.

After two rounds of useless gunfire, the warship and the pirate ship began a pick-up battle.

"Is that the opposing captain? He looks like a good fighter, silly." Binz leaped forward and said.

Ain also nodded, "It should only be this kind of pirates with abnormal brains that would choose to fight us!"

"Then let's go by the old rules, I'll bind, you fall back." Binz said and danced his body as if he was dancing, "Mosa Mosa Dance!"

The wooden pirate ship's decks were rapidly decaying, then sprouted countless vine branches, binding Weevil tightly.

The next, Ain's hand appeared a ghostly fire like a peach flame.

Just when Ain was about to throw the flame out, she suddenly heard Weevil said with a silly face, "You are all so powerful! Then I'll get serious too!"


The vine that bound Weevil broke apart, and the naginata that he held in his hand slashed at the two.

"What? How is this possible?" Binz was shocked; it was the first time he saw an enemy who could break free from his bindings in an instant.

"No good! This guy must have been playing dumb before." Ain threw out the flames and then quickly retreated.

However, the speed of their escape was utterly unable to catch up with the speed of the naginata's dance, and just when both of them were about to despair, a thick and powerful pitch-black arm appeared in front of their eyes and directly gripped the blade.

"Bastard, don't touch the old man's students!"

He loosened the palm, and then a fist was clenched and struck.

A dumbfounded Weevil was sent flying by this terrifying force directly from the deck of the warship to the stern of the pirate ship, blasting away all the way; he broke even the mast.

"Zephyr-sensei!" Ain and others shouted excitedly, hearing that Zephyr's words of protectiveness; it is even the blood in the body are stirring and boiling up.

"Next time, don't be fooled by the enemy's appearance!" Zephyr still did not forget to teach.

"Mm-hmm!" The two nodded heavily, while in their hearts, they were appalled, not expecting that naive-looking guy to be so powerful.

The pirates who were still fighting with other trainees were so scared that their hearts slowed down a beat. In their eyes, the captain who was even more powerful than the vice admiral would be knocked away with a single punch, so this older man's identity was very problematic.

"I heard that this time round the marine admiral are still young, could it be that he is the oldest admiral Kizaru? Or maybe it's the Marine hero Vice Admiral Garp?"

"No, he is not that ugly, I know, he is the previous generation of marine admiral Black Wrist Zephyr!"

"Wait, I'm not mistaken, right? The one standing over there is the legendary Marine Admiral Hitsujiza!"

"A lie, right? A trainee ship has two Admirals of the Marine Headquarters! This is designed to play us to death!"

"Let's jump into the sea and escape! Maybe there is still a way to live."

"Oooooh! It hurts!" A grumpy voice rang out from afar, then furiously ran towards several people, "You bad guy, it hurts so much to hit me!"

Zephyr frowned, "This guy, is he really stupid or not?"

PS: The third one is more than half written; 12.30-1.00 should come out.

Published in Qidian, August 25, 2019