Vinsmoke Sanji

The Sea Restaurant, Baratie.

"Patty, one order of Mixed Fried Rice."

"I got it ... Wait, who are you to dictate to me, you little brat?"

"Idiot! You should call me sous chef!"

"Don't be ridiculous! You're a hairless brat, aren't you just a few days ahead of us?"

"First, I didn't just come here a few days before you, I founded this restaurant with the stinky old man; second, I can be the sous chef because my cooking skills are above yours!"

"Damn you, you little son of a bitch!"

"Stupid, you bastard chef!"

"Stop it, Patty, Sanji, the rich and beautiful people want to eat!" The chef in the back kitchen had no choice but to make his killer.

"Beautiful woman!" The little kid's eyes turned into a peach heart.

"There's money!" The big muscle bar's eyes turned into berries.

"God, I'm coming!" The two who were still arguing agreed quickly and ran towards the dining area.

"Those two are really close!"

"Who says they're not!"

Just as the back kitchen crowd sighed, a cook suddenly ran in and shouted, "There's a marine coming, a whole warship, and inside the people coming, there seems to be a top officer at the captain level!"


A group of chefs has stopped the action in their hands; their eyes showed a fierce gaze. If it was just a general sea chef, it could not be their kind of reaction naturally.

However, before they became part of this place, their identities were ferocious sea pirates on the ocean!

"Could it be that our previous identities have been revealed?"

"Marine captain, this is not easy to deal with!"

"Don't be impulsive yet, maybe they're really just here for a meal?"

In the dining hall, a group of guests has stopped their hands, timidly look in the direction of the door.

Although the Marine represents justice, so many marine soldiers were terrifying to look at, not to mention that there seems to be a top officer of the Marine.

Such a significant action, is it that they have hidden the vicious pirates inside these guests?

When the atmosphere in the hall gradually froze, someone suddenly stood up and shouted, "Captain Smoker, the Commander of the 153rd Branch Captain Hacsa to report to you!"

According to principle, each branch should be equal to the other, but as a branch commander, Hacsa knew very well that this strong-willed captain of the headquarters was the highest officer of the East Blue in substance.

Moreover, it is also the officer with a rather bad character!

"What? White Hunter Smoker!"

"He's Captain Smoker of Loguetown!"

Hearing this report, the surrounding guests were all whispering, looking at Smoker with eyes filled with awe and fear.

Smoker has been a captain in the East Blue for six or seven years, which means that his prestige in the East Blue has reached its peak long ago.

Almost no pirates can escape from his hands.

After all, Logia can be described as an impossible ability even in the first half of the Grand Line, for the weakest East Blue has the ruling class's power.

"Sit down, we are also here to dine."


Hacsa sat down with a sense of relief; he was ready to be annoyed, but he did not expect the devil captain who was rumored in various branches to forgive him; this is magical!

Smoker naturally does not care what a branch commander thinks; he first let the marines behind them each find a place to sit down before leading Longinus to a table next to the window and proposed.

"Senpai, this is where you can enjoy both the breeze and the sea view, why don't we sit down here?"

"Now I am a guest, everything is at your disposal." Longinus smiled.

This scene undoubtedly made the eyes of those who were secretly observing bulge out in surprise; who the hell was that dignified-looking Marine that could make Captain Smoker treat him with such solemnity!

Many people then recalled that in the last standing, Smoker was actively one position behind this marine.

Could ... he be a big shot from the Marine Headquarters?

Commodore? Or is a Rear Admiral?

When thinking of this, the people are more careful to eat up, lest disturbing the big man's mood to enjoy the food.

"Waiter, please come here for a moment!" After ticking off the menu, Smoker shouted.

However, there was no sign of movement in the restaurant.

The oddity of this sea restaurant is that it does not have a waiter.

Or rather, it was the waiters who couldn't tolerate the grumpy chefs.

And those chefs are now hesitant to go out. After all, outside is the strongest marine force in the East Blue!

In case the problem is seen, things can be complicated!

Although they did not put the Marine captain in mind initially, those lists did not include Smoker, who has the strongest captain's name.

"Waiter, where is everybody?"

Just as the second call rang out, a small, skinny kid rushed out.

"Here it comes, here it comes ..."

"Wait, Sanji ..."

The surrounding chefs wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

"Guests, to correct you, I'm not a waiter, and there are no waiters in this restaurant, I'm the sous chef here, Sanji." The little boy with blond curly eyebrows came up and said.

Smog frowned slightly, "You're the sous chef here?"

"Marine-san, please do not use age to judge a person's ability!" Sanji said seriously.

Smoker face changed slightly; his eyes softened a bit, indeed, did not senpai also have the hero's title at a very young age?

Just as he was about to speak, he saw the serious little boy suddenly change his face.

"This beautiful lady, can I buy you a drink? Your beauty, like the colorful haze in the sky, gorgeous and dynamic yet inscrutable."

Smoker twitched slightly at the corners of his mouth, trying to calm his heart, "What an idiot I am to compare him with senpai!"

Tashigi was also stunned; what was wrong with this little kid? It looks like he's only 11 or 12 years old; how come he looks so skilled?

Just as Sanji was about to continue his X harassment, he suddenly heard the man next to him, so handsome that he was a little jealous, "Your full name, is Vinsmoke Sanji, right?"

Sanji pupils contracted violently, staring blankly, directly petrified.

Inside the back kitchen, people are hiding in the doorway, sneaking around, looking in the direction of the hall.

Just at this time, a wooden stick flew in the crowd knocked on the top of the head.

"Oops! It hurts!"

"Which son of a bitch hit ... er, is the boss ah!"

Zeff frowned and asked, "What's wrong? I heard that a marine is coming?"

As soon as Zeff asked the question, the surrounding cooks said in a variety of ways:

"It's that pipe-smoker Captain Smoker from the Loguetown branch!"

"Good thing they don't seem to be here to cause trouble!"

"Smoker?" Zeff nodded with a grave face, " It is indeed a difficult guy, by the way, where is that little bastard Sanji?"

"He's entertaining the marines."

"That dumbass better not screw it up for me, you guys get out of the way so I can look." Zeff pushed people out of the way and got himself to the doorway, looked in the direction of the window.

Just one glance made Zeff's body tremble wildly, "How could it be him? Why would that kind of big shot appear in the East Blue?"

"What big shot?"

"Who are you talking about, boss?"

Zeff hide the board with trembling hands to calm down before he said in a complicated tone, "That is the legend of the Marine, the Admiral of the Headquarters, Hitsujiza Longinus!"

PS: I guess you guys will say I broke the chapter again; well, finally stay up; it should be after two o'clock, everyone goes to sleep first.

Published in Qidian, August 28, 2019