Uninvited Guests

Boom! Boom!

The giant beast fell into the sea, raising huge waves, and even the surging sea could not cover the body of the massive beast completely.

This very impactful picture left the crowd who swam to Orange Town with great difficulty, horrified to the point that they could not even speak.

But before they could react, the giant beast that had fallen unexpectedly stood up again.

"Hahahahaha! Didn't expect it, did you?" The merged giant beast laughed loudly, "You are indeed very powerful, but just like how I suppressed you before, the current you, at best, can only suppress me from getting close to them, there is no way you can defeat me!"

Indeed, even this kind of explosive strength increase can't make Longinus infinitely enhanced. For a top battle power who has reached his apex in every aspect, it's hard to make any leap forward unless he broadens his physical limits.

According to Longinus' estimation, after the transformation, he should have 1.2 times the previous increase, which can suppress almost any top battle power. Yet, he cannot do it to defeat.

"There's one thing you're wrong about." Longinus calmly narrated, "I am unable to break your shell, but it doesn't mean, I am unable to defeat you."

"What did you say?" The behemoth roared.

"I said, I'm coming to defeat you!" Longinus appeared in front of the beast's chest across space, and his fists fell like a fierce storm.

"Stupid! I told you ... ahhhhhhhhhh!" The giant beast suddenly issued a hiss of pain.

Although the strength of their own temporarily plucked to the top part of the top battle power through the fruit merging, his original body is still the same with Longinus has an enormous gap with the Bullet.

Like the fourth form of Moria, who swallowed 1,000 shadows through the shadow collection, has exceeded Bullet's control.

Otherwise, this form of his will not even be unable to fix the specific shape, and the duration will not plunge off a cliff to half an hour.

As long as you find a way to attack Bullet's body, his violent blend of transformations in this fourth form will soon collapse due to chaos and disorder.

It's not that Akagami couldn't see Bullet's weaknesses, but unfortunately, his attacks weren't that penetrative.

If Longinus hadn't strengthened his transformation again, he would have punched out a shockwave that would have been difficult to penetrate that deep.

In this regard, the most capable of restraining Barrett should be Whitebeard.

Back on the battlefield, in a second after hitting nearly a thousand shock waves, the beast of a massive stretch of the body like a mountain range is finally collapsed and cracked, hidden in the beast also revealed the main body.

"I can't believe I lost! I can't believe I lost to someone other than Roger!" The physical strength and hegemony are recharged, but Bullet is aware that he no longer has a chance.

Transform again; it's too late!

Sure enough, Longinus' iron fist landed on Bullet the next moment.

And then, ah ~ hit hit hit hit!

Bullet, who had endured thousands of punches in just a few seconds, finally crashed to the sea with a bang.

After splashing a colossal wave, it restored peace.

The crowd in Orange Town first fell into a dead silence, and then, cheers burst out violently.

"That monster of unknown size actually ... fractured the whole thing!"

"It's too powerful! Longinus-sama is really too powerful!"

"I'm going to join the Marine too! I also want to become a powerful marine like Longinus-sama!"

Patty trembled and came up to Zeff's ear and whispered, "Boss, you're right. It's too dangerous to be a pirate, it's better to be a good chef."

Smoker, on the other hand, his eyes were on fire, "Only absolute power can suppress all pirates, compared with senpai, my strength is really far, far away!"

"Bullet is so powerful have been defeated, this man, is simply the devil!" Although very much looking forward to Bullet was defeated, but see Longinus defeated the other side with this scene, Buggy can not help but shiver in the body again, crouched low to the ground, sneaking towards the back, "I can not be seen, I can not be seen!"

"Captain Buggy, where are you going to go?" The gentle voice sounded steep, but in Buggy's ears, it was like the whisper of the devil, making the blood flowing in his body almost frozen.

Buggy warily turned around and looked up, and he found the tall marine all the way dragging Bullet from the sea, stepping onto the island, and leaving the already fainting Bullet on the shore.

"Haha!" Buggy rubbed his palms together and laughed sarcastically, "I was actually worried that it was too much effort for you marine-sama to guard me, so I wanted to find a rope to tie myself up."

"You are very conscious of yourself!"

"I should, I should." Buggy asked tentatively, "Where will I be locked up next?"

"Impel Down." Longinus said succinctly.

"Im, Impel Down!" Buggy exclaimed, whirling into a state of double vision.

"Do not worry, I will arrange to put you in custody with someone you know."

"A familiar face, who is it?" A glimmer of anger barely ignited in Buggy's eyes.

"This one at my feet."

"Bu, Bullet!" Under the impact of intense joy, Buggy directly fainted.

"Smoker, bring them both ..."

Just at this time, a voice came from the distance.

"Give me face, please give them both to me!"

A massive ship into the line of sight, a group of marine pirates are still puzzled, in front of the admiral to say such words; the newcomer is this want face, not life?

Smoker, who always pays attention to the movements of the Grand Line, on the other hand, shouted, "It's the Red Force, the ship of the 'Yonko' Akagami!"

"What? The Yonko?" Sanji looked nervously; he just heard, the Vinsmoke family is joining the banner of another Yonko.

"Akagami, you guys are quite good at catching up." Longinus looked at the giant ship in the sea, said blandly.

"I wouldn't have wanted to arrive so late if that Admiral Akainu of yours hadn't blocked me for too long." Akagami sighed, "After all, it was because of me that Buggy got involved, can you let him go for my face?"

"Whether he was involved or not, he is a pirate, this is an indisputable fact."

"So it's going to be war again? This sea, can no longer afford to lose a second time!"

Hearing the words of Akagami, the surrounding crowd is throwing a nervous gaze toward Longinus.

In the battle, only by the Bullet involved in merging two islands, in the battle volatility and destroyed six or seven small islands.

If this comes again, they have no place to hide.

"You are right, this sea, indeed, can not withstand the second destruction!"

When Longinus finally let go, not only these ordinary people, even Akagami was relieved.

If not necessary, he did not want to go to war with an opponent of Longinus' level.

Do not look at his numerical advantage, but the real fight, only Beckman can help.

However, he soon heard Longinus say again.

"I can give you this face, but you can only take at most one of these two."

"One?" Akagami scratched his hair in distress, but he wasn't the kind of character who didn't know any better and knew that this was already Longinus' bottom line.

After a few moments of struggling, he sighed, "Then let's take Buggy, Bullet-senpai is also my former partner, after all, handed to your marine treatment, I will not be so difficult."

"Understood." Longinus picked Buggy's waist with his right foot and hooked it with a powerful kick, aiming directly at Akagami.

Lucky Roux consciously blocked in front of the redhead and picked up Buggy with his soft and elastic belly.

"Is he okay?"

"No injuries."

The ship's crowd was not surprised; with Longinus' strength, it couldn't have been easier to control the force.

"As promised, you should leave now."

"It seems I'm really unwelcome!" Akagami said with a shrug, "Then let's go."

Published in Qidian, August 31, 2019