The Charlotte Family Takes a Hit

Even when Katakuri listened, he couldn't help but be slightly distracted and took a break from the battlefield to ask, "So, what about Longinus?"

Daifuku and the others also perked up their ears, for the culprit who had forced them to this point, they were naturally extraordinarily concerned.

Ember indifferently looked at them and then said, "That guy was already an admiral before we came in, and also took out the resurgent Shiki, and was seen by those tiresome people as the strongest admiral of the Marine Headquarters."

"The strongest admiral?"

"Took out Shiki!"

A bunch of Charlotte family members were all shocked in their hearts and nearly slapped out by the BIG-MOM.

Six years ago, although that man defeated their mother, they all knew that it was just the other party taking advantage of their mother's vulnerability.

In terms of absolute strength, Longinus is far from being able to match their mother.

But now, they can roughly guess just the title of the strongest admiral; that man is standing at the top.

After thinking about it, the Charlotte family crowd's mood is heavy; they do not even want to continue the conversation.

People like Ember and Eneru were seriously analyzing the strength of the supposedly dead BIG-MOM.

"Sure enough, the ability of Soru Soru no Mi is gone!"

"And the body of the steel balloon, it seems to be gone!"

"But her strange power, has become even more terrifying, there is no way to resist!"

"Hey! Let's retreat to your ship for now." Daifuku suggested, "In this area of physical strength, we can't outlast Mama's."

"No need." Eneru shrugged and said.

"Don't think that without the fruit, Mama's strength will become weaker." Daifuku said with displeasure.

"Do not misunderstand, I do not look down on this old woman." Eneru teased, "I just want to say that our boss is coming over too!"

"Boss?" Daifuku face suddenly changed, "Kaido and Apophis are also nearby?"

The next moment, a familiar voice rang through the sky.

"Linlin, it's great that you bastard is not dead! If you want to die, only I can beat you to death!" The devil-god-like figure jumped down from the sky, and the kanabo club sent the BIG-MOM flying while the strong airflow that erupted blew the surrounding crowd straight away.

The Charlotte family's faces are grave. Indeed, this kind of indiscriminate chaotic attack can only be the Beasts Kaido!

At this time, the figure wearing a masked without warning appeared in front of their eyes. Under the mask have the flash of red blood, and let their hearts are like a severe clenching of the ordinary.

Katakuri stood decisively in front of the crowd, "Apophis, what do you want to do?"

This indifferent attitude allows the Charlotte family members to hold a fire in their hearts. Still, they do not dare to take offense; even the Beasts Pirates' unruly guys are very much in awe of Apophis; it is clear that the strength of the other party is absolutely beyond imagination.

On the other hand, Apophis is also observing the battle on the field.

It is important to know that when Carmel first saw Charlotte Linlin, she knew that she would become a future admiral or the strongest shield level of the Celestial Dragon, so her talent is too strong.

After discarding the fruit ability and specializing in physical skills, her strength became stronger than before, only to regret the loss of the steel body and let this improvement fall back to the original point.

In addition to the lack of combat experience, it is only a matter of time before you lose to Kaido.

But Katakuri, this man's strength seems to have become much stronger; vaguely, he can smell a hint of danger.

Of course, just a hint.

See Apophis look like watching the show, Daifuku approached Katakuri ear and whispered, "He is not planning to wait for Mama and Kaido to fight to almost the same extent, then strike to take them both down, right?"

"He heard it all." Katakuri said succinctly.

"Eh? This guy ... ahem, is Apophis-sama's Kenbunshoku Haki also so strong?" Daifuku was shocked; should not all swordsmen specialize in Busoshoku Haki?

Apophis, on the other hand, said blandly, "One more sea emperor, it is not a bad thing for me, after all, the current marine is too strong!"

All the Charlotte family members were half shocked and half happy, happy that Apophis would choose to support them, shocked that the marine has become so strong.

The next moment, Apophis then blasts into the battlefield with a slashing blow, knocking Kaido both directly away from the fierce battle.

"Stop it, if you want to be beaten out and then fight again."

"What a strong swordsmanship, what a fierce sword power!" Amande, who is also a swordsman, said in a deep voice.

"What's even more frightening is his boldness, he even dared to forcefully interfere in the battle between Mama and Kaido!" Smoothie said with a gloomy face.

For the forced persuasion of Apophis, Kaido and BIG-MOM have only one expression: turn around and fight towards the persuader.

Apophis took out two things from the space door and threw them at the two people, respectively.

"Barbecue meat! My barbecue!" BIG-MOM caught the barbecue in a hungry tiger's lunge, causing Apophis, who watched the scene, to go a little silent.

A woman with a craving for sweets tends to change towards Luffy, which is a distortion of human nature? Or the moral degeneration?

"Surprisingly, it is booze! You bastard, there are stocks why not take out earlier, I have not drunk booze for six months!" Kaido held the alcohol bottle with a hasty brake and poured it into his mouth with a raging surge.

"E ..." the Charlotte family members almost gave their eyes out, which took care of their mother and Kaido?

Katakuri, on the other hand, said in a solemn voice, "Spatial ability? Devil Fruit!"

The crowd then reacted, their hearts could not help but awe, the top prominent swordsman's swordsmanship with the space attribute fruit ability, it is too intimidating!

This time, the BIG-MOM, who recovered from the food-obsession, actually asked with wide eyes, "Nah nah, Ox Head-san, Masked Man-san, are you new pals?"

Hearing BIG-MOM's question, the Beasts Pirates were almost trembling in their souls; what the hell is this BIG-MOM's brain was smashed by a meteorite?

Even Kaido also asked dissatisfied, "Linlin, what kind of bastard are you talking about?"

Who knows, BIG-MOM slapped Katakuri with a "small hand ", timidly said, " Ox Head-san is bad, right? He's so mean!"

Nearly hammered by a tiny fist suffered internal injuries, Katakuri calmed his breath and said, "Simply put, you can think of Mama as amnesia, she now, only seven or eight years old memory."

"What?" Kaido roared, " I just fought with a little kid?"

"Only seven or eight years old memory ..." Apophis chewed the words, then said, "This is where the voyage ends, get ready to go back."

Kaido said with displeasure, "I have long stayed impatient, your permanent pointer is simply bullshit!"

Katakuri, on the other hand, asked, "Can you bring us along?"

"Yes, but I hope we can reach an offensive and defensive alliance." Apophis said.

"No problem." Katakuri agreed with only a slight hesitation, they were at a disadvantage, and an alliance was not a disadvantage.

What's more, for real pirates, such things as alliances are used to betray and break.

Once the Beast Pirates and BIG-MOM Pirates are allied with each other and then stabbed each other, they could never do things less.

PS: Sorry, I have a low fever today; I barely made this chapter after I really can't hold on; the next chapter I owe ... count me owe two chapters, I will make up for it in a few days.

Published in Qidian, September 02, 2019