Barbecue Diplomacy

Akainu, who has the awareness that the commander in chief should block the most powerful person on the other side, volcanically erupted and flew violently towards Kaido, "Kaido, your journey ends here!"

Ryusei Kazan!

The surging sea of magma fire blew down from the sky like a meteorite meteor and hit Kaido.

The hot magma almost set the air on fire, the moisture in the air evaporated, and even the sea breeze gave a dry feeling.

"Magma bastard, have this ability to try!" The dragon's mouth bulged, terrifying energy fluctuations gathered in the mouth, head slightly back, and then swiftly spurted out.

The blazing white pillar of light separated the sea of fire with a gesture that penetrated heaven and earth, and even Akainu was shattered into scattered magma.

However, the magma fire's separated sea did not dissipate but once again accelerated after blasting at the dragon.


The dragon that was eroded by countless magma roared in pain, almost fell from the sky to the surface.

At this time, Kizaru, who has been crooked mouth sighing, "so scary ah", but quietly raised his right index finger, "It seems to see the opportunity!"

The highly condensed laser shot out with the tap of his index finger.

In almost an instant, it reached the dragon's eyelids, bright enough to blind, so that Kaido instinctively closed his eyes.

"Is this your chance to join us? Admiral Kizaru!" Two space doors appear in front of the laser track and above the massive fleet with this cold voice.

Like a diversionary attack, the lasers that got originally shot at Kaido suddenly crossed space and came towards the fleet.

"Don't do such a dangerous thing! Bastard!" Longinus leaped high, an iron fist covered with Busoshoku Haki scattered the laser directly.

In the next moment, Apophis stepped out of the space door and appeared behind Longinus, cutting down with an incomparably fierce slash, "Are you not satisfied with my greeting? Admiral Hitsujiza!"

As if unpredictable, Longinus twisted his waist and kicked behind him with a kick that almost burst space, "Idiot! Who would be satisfied with that kind of greeting?"


The right leg with a black metallic luster collided violently with the demon sword that glowed with a demonic red light, and in this instant, the crowd only felt that the space around them trembled.

Like an endless storm, it released the airwaves, blowing the battleships below were almost flying up. The surrounding sea also stirred up a wave of tsunami higher than a wave.

"It's a good thing it's a top-class warship from the headquarters, otherwise, a normal warship wouldn't even last through their first wave of attacks!"

"They're really all so strong! Is this the encounter between the Admiral and the Yonko?"

A group of marine soldiers holding the fence, half excited, half dreamy, said on the swaying battleship.

"They are real monsters!" Kizaru, with a face "shocked" patting his chest, "If it was not for the appearance of Admiral Longinus, I was almost killed by own mine attack!

Garp is dissatisfied, scratching hair, "These two bastard brats really fast, can not leave one for the old man?"

"Arara, the opponent you want, old man, has come over!" Aokiji pushed the eyepatch on his forehead and looked into the distance with a sense of strength.

Heck, it's hundreds of pirate ships considerably coming towards the crowd, only, unfortunately, a dozen ships were affected in the previous artillery baptism, and the tattered hulls brought down the overall momentum.

"Haha! Then the old man can go over to play with them first!" Garp bent his legs at the knees, then lashed out and launched himself out like a cannonball.

The price was that the deck of the so-called strongest battleship crumbled out into a vast crater.

"Arara, Vice Admiral Garp can really ... there is Geppo not used, but to use this way of destroying public property." Aokiji said with some headache.

"So, how much salary will be deducted this time from the old man Garp?" Kizaru asked with interest.

"It does not matter how much is deducted!" Aokiji waved his hand, "Vice Admiral Garp's salary has been deducted to two hundred years later, it is already equivalent to sell out his body to the Headquarters."

"Oh yo yo, it is terrible!" Kizaru "blush".


On the other side, the main ship of BIG-MOM Pirates.

"Impressive! That bastard Longinus actually used his body to receive the attack of a top-class great swordsman like Apophis!"

"Not only his Busoshoku Haki powerful, even his Kenbunshoku Haki must have been developed to the point of foreseeing the future, otherwise, Apophis-sama's transfer attack is not that easy to predict!"

Just when the crowd sighed at the power of Longinus, Smoothie suddenly shouted, "Not good, it's the marine hero Garp the Fist!"

A person's name is the shadow of a tree;

Just this name will make countless pirates scared, not to mention the Charlotte family previously saw Garp's hand.

The unbeatable powerful, the current mother really can deal with it ... everyone will cast their eyes on the Charlotte Linlin who is eaten by hand; there is a lack of confidence in the heart.


The Garp cannonball landed and successfully hit the target.

"Ahahahaha! Can any of you guys give me a hand?" Garp asked for help from the enemy without half embarrassment.

Looking at Garp, whose body is half plunged into the deck, the crowd is silent; is this guy a marine hero? How do they feel the older they get, the more unreliable they are?

Now it seems that he and mother may have a common language ... thought here, the crowd directly ignored Garp, rushed to other warships, leaving space for two lonely older people to spend time alone.

The two stared wide-eyed for a moment before Charlotte Linlin timidly asked, "Ne, ne, would you like to eat barbecued meat?"

"Is this some new trick? Barbeque meat with devil fruit inside? Or maybe it's some kind of laxative? Heh! I Monkey D. Garp can not be tricked by such a simple trick..."

"If you do not eat, then I can start to move!" Charlotte Linlin cheerfully clapped her hands, surprisingly clapped out the sound of sonic booms.

It smells so good ... Garp's nose twitches, his eyes light up, and his heart secretly thinks, "How can I, Monkey D. Garp, be intimidated by this challenge, this barbecue, I will eat it!"

"Wait, save some for the old man!"

This peaceful scene almost lets the two sides of the pirates on the battlefield stare out their eyes.

What is this weird atmosphere? Barbecue diplomacy?

Especially Akainu, as the commander-in-chief of the battlefield, after accidentally glancing at, barely had his lungs explode and was slapped out heavily by Kaido in a lapse of concentration.

As for Kizaru, it was as if it had opened the door to the New World. He looks at the scene in front of him and mutters, "So it can still be like this?"

Although even Katakuri, who thought he had everything under control, looked at this scene and was a bit baffled, "Is this a diversion? Is this a diversion or not?"

Published in Qidian, September 06, 2019