
Clang! Clang!

The Kairoseki chains fell to the ground with a clear, crisp sound.

"How does it feel now?" Dragon asked.

"Not bad, just kind of miss the outside sunlight." The curly-haired man said, rubbing his wrist.

At this moment, LEVEL6 has long been buzzing.

"Hey, hey! The one with the tattoo on his face, take me out with you!"

"I'm a man with a 400 million berries reward, let me out and I can protect you!"

"Open the door for me! If you don't obey, I'll kill you!"

"Annoying guy." Dragon's face was cold, and a strong aura burst out from his body.

Clack! Clack!

The prison walls are cracked by this materialized aura; a group of prisoners was even worse, directly fainted most of the past.

The prisoners held in this LEVEL6, in the New World, are also considered strong. Still, one is physically weak; the will is demoralized, which can withstand the Dragon's Haoshoku Haki, almost instantly cleared most of this unbeatable vibe.

The remaining ones are the ones who are strong.

They could only see that Dragon had no idea of saving people, and for the strong arrogance, they did not bother to touch the nail.

"What a super scary vibe, old man, what are you doing out there?" The curly-haired man asked in surprise.

"Overthrow the World Government." Dragon said briefly and concisely.

His heart is also quite surprised; he did not control the enemy; that is to say, this guy is wholly withstood his Haoshoku pressure without any semblance of discomfort.

"Oh, is the overthrow of the World ..." the curly-haired man said with a start, steeply increasing the volume, and asked, "overthrow the World Government?"

"It's not too late to quit."

"Rahahaha! Although it is very surprised, but I am now equally more and more interested in you guys!"

"Speaking of which, I don't know your name yet."

"Just call me Victor."

"Your strength does not look weak, why were you caught in?"

Dragon knew very well that although many people in this Impel Down were wrongly accused, the vast majority were still the vicious and true thugs.

Especially in this LEVEL6 named Eternal Hell, there are many brutal to the extreme criminals.

As the revolutionary army leader, he naturally will not open this Pandora's Box to save people.

Let these people stray into the sea; the harm is no less than the scum of the kind of the Celestial Dragon.

Although this Victor gave him a very different feeling, the necessary inquiry work still has to have.

"Well, let me think about it!" Victor scratched his hair and said uncertainly, "It seems that some people wearing masks were looking for something, and then they started to set fire to the massacre, and I couldn't see past it and took them out."

"Then came the trouble." Victor sighed, "Those masked people came in waves, too much trouble, I just let them catch as well."

Dragon almost couldn't maintain his high cool style of painting; what the hell? What the heck? You want someone to arrest him for being too much trouble?

This guy who has entered the revolutionary army will not be too much trouble to give out the base camp, right?

Dragon examined the other party with a wary gaze; although this guy is not reliable, he can generally see that the other party did not lie.

In other words, this guy should be a lazy guy with super strength and leaning towards the righteous camp.

"Rahahahaha! That's it!"

"We'll talk about the rest later, but for now, let's escape."

"Escape?" Victor said in shock, "Do not save that beautiful lady?"

I'm afraid that you will be saved after the direct mutiny ah ... Dragon heart thought so, the mouth is said, "This time it's too late, Chief Warden Impel Down and CP0 are looking for me, the outside world, there are two admirals are rushing to the road, if you do not leave quickly, you can not get away."

"Ahem, you guys in the end is what ..." Victor rounded his eyes, suddenly woke up, "right, almost forgot that you want to overthrow the World Government came."

"So many big shots to catch us, now that I think about it, it's really exciting!"

"Let's go!"

Dragon controlled his own Haoshoku Haki, almost a hundred meters around the formation of a field of pressure; while advancing all the way, those guards have directly fainted before they saw anyone.

Not long after, the two have advanced to LEVEL 2.

Here, they finally encountered a tricky enemy.

"Dragon! What have you done in my Impel Down?" The man, with one hand covering his stomach, roared.

"It's Magellan!" Dragon said towards Victor, "You go out first, I'll stop him."

"So your name is Dragon, well, then I will wait for you outside." Victor did not push back; he knew very well that although Magellan's Doku Doku no Mi was strong, it would hardly work for the pervasive wind.

"Bastard, don't try to escape!" Magellan waved his right hand and pulled up a poisonous door behind him, blocking the way ahead.

"This guy, how to get through?" Dragon dealt with Magellan's attack while looking ahead with the corner of his eye.

Then, he saw the scene of Victor running wildly "recklessly" through the wall of poison.

Dragon + Magellan: "(=°Д°=)."

This guy couldn't be too much trouble and too lazy to figure it out, could he? Don't tell me there's still such ability as lazy fruit ... Dragon's heart spat madly.

"What the hell is this guy? Don't want to live?" Magellan also exclaimed.

"Isn't he a prisoner of Eternal Hell? What, you, the Chief Warden, don't even know?"

"You would pay attention to a lazy prisoner who lies around all day?" Magellan said, and the anger in his body erupted, "That guy is the most honest prisoner in Eternal Hell, just so little time and you've brainwashed him, you are really worthy of being the most vicious and dangerous criminal in the world!"

"Meow meow meow?" Dragon was speechless too, did he do anything?

He merely asked about Ivankov!

"The ultimate criminal like you, once you enter this prison, you won't be able to escape again! Venom Demon: Jigoku no Shinpan!" The blood-red fierce poison skeleton enveloped Magellan, causing the air around him to emit a soft sound of being corrupted.

"Fruits awakened? Surprisingly, even the invisible and massless wind can be tainted with toxins, this guy is really powerful!" Dragon sensed that his elementalized body was showing signs of erosion and couldn't help but sink in his heart, "Shiryu and those CP0s have probably noticed the commotion here, we can't delay any longer!"

The soft wind suddenly raged, dispersing the poisonous fog, and then flew violently towards the outside world.

"Don't try to escape, stop for me!" The poisonous skeleton roared, but unfortunately, his speed could not catch up with the wind at all.

In a few breaths, the hurricane had disappeared from his eyes.

Published in Qidian, September 08, 2019