3 years, the Spade Pirates

After the war that almost involved more than half of this sea's war power, the turmoil of the great sea finally subsided for a while.

The big shots lay down, so the sea has more and more newcomers began to be active.

In this way, the time passed quietly during the celebration of the newcomers.

In 1517 of the Age of the Kaien, the New World, a winter island with snowflakes;

"Spade Pirates? The legendary super newcomer wants to greet me?" Akagami picked up the famous sword Gryphon, which was placed aside, and the surrounding members of the Akagami Pirates also stood up at once.

Seeing that the atmosphere was stiff, the young man with freckles on both cheeks hurriedly spread his hands, "No, no, that's not what I meant by greetings, my brother always mentioned to me that you were his savior, so I want to meet you and thank you face to face."


"Ah ~ his name is Luffy."

"Eh ~ Luffy has a brother?" Akagami's eyes lit up, "So ah, let's have a party to welcome Luffy's brother!"

Soon, the bonfire crackled up.

"You guys are so enthusiastic!" Ace laughed, "After saving Luffy, I should be the one to thank you guys."

"Never mind." Yasopp said with a smile, "Even if you guys didn't come today, Shanks will always find a reason for him to have a party."

To the side, Lucky Roux imitated Shanks' tone of voice and said, "Let's have a party today when it's snowing so hard! Rarely, it's not snowing today; let's have a party!"

"Hey hey, I'm the captain!" Akagami said discontentedly.

"Hahahahaha!" Surrounding pirates gave a very disgraceful laugh.

Seeing such a cordial atmosphere, Ace could not help but say in his heart, "Indeed, no wonder the others said that Akagami is the most eccentric one among the Goko!"

After the banquet for some time, Akagami asked, "By the way, that guy is still clamoring to become the Pirate King all day long?"

"Yes, it has become his mantra." Ace took a sip of wine, upper body slightly leaned forward, and said, "However, although I' m a little sorry Luffy, but I still have to say, the person who wants to become the Pirate King ... is me!"

"Eh ~ is that so?" The corners of Akagami's mouth rose slightly.

"I will make the whole sea agree with my strength."

"Oh~ How is that going to be done?"

"To defeat the man who is considered the strongest in the world!"

"Take the head of Whitebeard or Longinus?"

"Yes, that's right!"

"Hahahahaha! It's been a long time since I've seen such a dynamic newcomer like you!" Akagami with a glass of wine and drink, "I give you a piece of advice, do not be too hasty. First to see the scenery of this sea, taste the victory and defeat, experience the bitterness of running around, grow into a real man, then go to challenge the peak of this world!"


The party was over.

"What an awesome newcomer, his Haki, as bright as a flame!" Akagami appreciated.

"Yeah, that's why the snow melted here. Now that he's gone, the blizzard is coming again, I think." Beckman said.

"Haha! Otherwise the World Government wouldn't have extended an invitation to him for Shichibukai."

"I admit that Ace's strength is strong, but I do not think he deserves the seat of the Shichibukai. The newcomer, who has been at sea for less than a year, has obtained a super high bounty of well over 100 million berries, which, perhaps, has certain considerations made by the World Government."

"The World Government?" Akagami frowned tightly but soon stretched; the corners of his mouth flowed a strange smile, "Did Ace just say that he was born in the South Blue, the South Blue's Baterilla Island?"

"What you mean is ..."

"Portgas D. Ace ... there is a thing, I may have to go to Rayleigh-senpai to ask the next." Akagami rubbed his chin and said.


Onboard the Piece of Spadille.

"Deuce, what do you mean by Akagami-ji?" Ace asked with a tangled face towards his partner, "Could it be that I'm not really a man now?"

"A real man has to be able to recognize himself." Deuce earnestly admonished, "Ace, your current behavior is indeed a bit impulsive!"

"Eh? Is it?"

"Since entering the New World, you have been much more reckless than before." Deuce looked straight into Ace's eyes, "I know, you are trying to free yourself from the prison, the one called 'Pirate King', right?"

Ace was silent, holding his arms and sitting on the fence.

"But you have to know, whether it is Whitebeard or Holy Lance, neither the current us can challenge." Deuce put his right shoulder on Ace, "You are the captain, no matter what decision you make we will support you, but the same, you should also be able to afford everyone's trust in you!"

Ace looked around the room; Mihar, Skull, Ganryu, Wallace, Banshee ...

The light that shone in those eyes was named trust.

After a long time, Ace smiled, "Thank you, Deuce, I will re-plan the direction, grow on the way to adventure, and wait until there is enough certainty to challenge the top of the world!"

"By the way, didn't we get a treasure map last time? Now, let's go start a new adventure!"


Marine headquarters, outside a unique room, two marine soldiers were on guard.

At that moment, a Commodore came over with hurried steps.

"Commodore Ska!"

Ska nodded slightly, "Is Admiral Hitsujiza inside?"

"Yes, do you need us to inform you?"

"No, I'll just wait here!" Looking at the bright red number "100" on the door, Ska asked with awe in his eyes, "Is Admiral Hitsujiza exercising in a 100x gravity chamber again?"

"Yes!" The two marine soldiers puffed out their chests with honor.

"As long as it exceeds 5 times gravity, my internal organs will rupture because they can't bear it, and I don't know how Admiral Hitsujiza managed to exercise in such a gravity environment!"

"I heard that the other three admirals can't do it either!"

"It's normal, Admiral Akainu and the others are ability users after all."

It did not take long for the door to be opened.

Longinus came out of it, his forehead beaded with sweat, and an invisible deterrent radiated in all directions with him as the center.

Three people outside the door, just a glance was shocked by trembling legs, and they can not say even words.

See three people are in this situation; Longinus will try to converge the aura that escaped after exercise.

At this point, the three were only relieved to breathe.

"Phew!" Ska took a long breath and couldn't help but think in his mind, "Admiral Hitsujiza is really too powerful, just the unintentional aura he emits, all of which makes me completely unable to raise the thought of resistance."

"Commodore Ska, is there something wrong?" Longinus asked.

"There is news on the matter you asked me to pay attention to, that newcomer called Ace has clearly refused the government's invitation." Ska said with an indignant face, "Now, he has entered the New World!"

PS: The world of One Piece can easily make hundreds of millions of volts, the speed of light kick, and I get a 100 times gravity here, should not be too much ... right?

Published in Qidian, September 09, 2019