Battle: Beating the Future Pirate King Counts?

"A woman can make so many pirates fear, she is really not simple." Ace whispered.

"Don't underestimate her, her bounty is a whopping 800 million berries!" Deuce cautioned.

"Oh~ A woman worth eight hundred million!" Ace's eyes lit up.

Seeing Ace's look, Deuce had some regrets about saying the other party's bounty.

"Whitebeard Pirates, BIG-MOM Pirates, two of Goko have already appeared, and I wonder if the other three will come?" Ace asked longingly.

"Akagami and Demon Sword are the top of the most powerful swordsman, as for the Beasts Pirates ..." Deuce says, face gloomy look up to the sky that shadow, "he, has come!"

The winged dragon that seemed to cover the sky turned into a human form, jumped down, and made the ground tremble violently.

Vista and Smoothie rather scornful look at the man, obviously also know each other's power.

A group of pirates in the underground palace also gritted their teeth and looked at the scene, "Damn, it's Conflagration Ember!"

"Who is this guy again? It looks more powerful than the previous two!" Ace asked.

"It's the number two of the Beasts Pirates, the first of the three disasters, Conflagration Ember!" Deuce's face was grave.

Ember, who was fully shrouded in black armor, walked to the edge of the giant pit and coldly ordered, "Where's the sword? Bring it!"

"Ember, don't think ..." The pirate who stood out didn't even finish his sentence before he was cut in half by a sudden jump of Ember.

"What a lot of nonsense!" Ember said indifferently and walked towards the famous sword that no one had picked up so far.

"So strong!" Ember took a deep breath and put himself in his place, this slash he was not sure to dodge.

"Ember, don't try to take it away so easily!" Vista lightly laughed as a jumping slash fell towards his opponent.

"Hmph! What a nuisance!" Smoothie also grabbed the longsword and jumped down.

The surrounding pirates looked at each other and also joined the battlefield in unison.

One-on-one, they naturally can not be the opponent of these big guys.

But in this kind of melee situation, anything can happen.

"And we are not in the same world at all!" Deuce has a heavy mood; some worry about Ace, who has been targeting Whitebeard, will be hit.

However, he turned his head to see an excited to flushed face.

"It's awesome! These guys, really are very powerful ah!" Ace was completely unaffected. Instead, he was waving his arms in excitement.

Deuce had a black line; sure enough, he still underestimated someone's ability to withstand.

"Ace, you don't want to join the fight too, do you?"

"Of course ..." Ace subconsciously said, then his eyes drifted and dodged, "No, I'm not a swordsman, want that sword to do what ..."

Just then, a scramble of Ame no Habakiri was knocked out in the air through a beautiful arc trajectory, firmly inserted in the ground in front of Ace.

Ace + Deuce: "(=°Д°=)."

A crowd of greedy eyes fell on the two in unison so that Ace is a little numb head.

"Uh, I'm just watching the show ..."

Before Ace could explain, several slashing blows flew towards him.

"Bastards!" Seeing that those people's attacks would include Deuce, Ace punched out in anger, and while the flames engulfed the slashes, the remaining momentum flew towards the crowd.

"Huh? Logia!"

"Mera Mera no Mi? This guy is the newcomer who was famous some time ago!"

After recognizing Ace, many people were a little surprised.

Of course, it is limited to surprise.

The pirates of the New World have always had a look-down attitude towards Paradise.

"This guy, is that little kid that father had paid attention to in the newspaper before!" Vista said in his heart, "Why did he enter the New World so quickly?"

"Give me the sword." Ember indifferently said, the voice steeply appeared a change, "Wait, behind you that is ... ancient stone monument!"

This time, a group of pirates is terrific!

What kind of luck was it that the Poneglyph would be found on a deserted island?

But very quickly, their hearts turned into something terrible.

The dispute caused by the ancient stone tablet seven years ago was still fresh in many people's minds.

Although a large part of that time was because of the Pirate King's message, it was enough to show the importance of the ancient stone tablet.

"Want a sword? Then you can have it!" Ace pulled up the sword stuck in the ground and threw it in the distance.

"What? My sword!"

"Don't fall into the sea!"

A group of pirates panicked and went after them in the distance, while Ace was ready to take this opportunity to take his buddies away.

He has also realized that his companions in this kind of chaos, even bystanders are a threat.

However, a powerful slashing attack came from afar and sent the evasive Ace flying heavily.

Ember was finally cut out with a strong slash.

"Bastard, what are you doing?" While Ace roared in anger, he was also secretly horrified; this guy is powerful as a monster!

It was the first time he met an enemy of this level.

"What I just said, is for you to give me the sword!"

"Hey! Why should I listen to you?"

"Just by me ... is stronger than you!"

Even Deuce, who didn't have much combat power, could sense the terrifying aura of the deep sea on Ember.

"Not good, Ace can't be his opponent!" Thinking of this, Deuce hurriedly said, "Ember-sama, if you spend your time here, Saijo O Wazamono may have to be snatched by others!"

"They are not as fast as me, not as strong as me, no matter who snatched it away, I can get it back. Not to mention ..." Ember said blandly, "Compared to that sword, I'm more inclined to help big brother Kaido take this tablet!"

The moment the words fell, Ember has appeared in front of Ace.

"So fast!" The pupils of Ace contracted violently, and his body instinctively performed elementalization to retreat towards the rear.

However, his combat experience was too far from Embers.

Just one movement, let Ember see through his intention.

The long knife covered with Busoshoku Haki, a single blow will knock Ace out of the elementalized state.

"Enkai - Hibashira!" The super-wide range of flame surrounded the two, and he was the first time that Ace made a counterattack.

"Not escape, but counterattack?" Ember's calm eyes wavered slightly, and the next moment he slashed through the sea of fire, " A flame, I will do the same!"

The powerful slash-separated the sea of fire and sent Ace flying directly to the ancient stone monument.

"Pfft!" Ace slid down from the stone monument and spat out a large mouthful of blood, "You bastard, you're really something!"

"You're not bad either, within the newcomers I've seen, you can be ranked third!" Ember said in a cold voice.

"Third?" Ace raised his eyebrows, slightly wary.

"The first two are Longinus and Redhead, one was 14 when he suppressed the Propulsion City, and the other was 14 when he participated in the Edd War sea battle." Embers faintly mocked, "Think about what you were doing when you were 14 yourself!"

Even with Ace's mind, after listening to it, he could not help but be in a trance; when he was 14, it seems that he was beating Luffy 50 times a day, right?

Beat Luffy, this kind of battle record can not think to take it, right?

PS: I suddenly bought a house and then was burdened with a heavy debt of 10,000 in January; it is time to struggle, but ... is difficult to burst more ah! The last time is still owed a chapter has not been returned (= ° Д ° =); I certainly have a five (• ᷄⌓ • ᷅).

Published in Qidian, September 11, 2019