Ace Struck Down

"Ohhhh!" Only after being pushed by Deuce like this did Ace wake up like a dream.

He who had just experienced a severe beating education would naturally not think he was stronger than Ember.

Even a perversely strong character like Ember didn't dare to fight the other side, and he had nothing to be ashamed of in the running away.

Only, he was not willing!

It is clear that he entered the New World to defeat the other party, but he had to escape before facing that man directly.

What an irony!

In the first half of the Grand Line, he had smooth sailing, but his first battle in the New World ended in a fiasco and escape.

However, he now has some understanding of what Akagami had said.

Only after tasting the pain of defeat and the bitterness of fleeing and facing his heart openly can he grow into a real man!

"Next time, I definitely won't ..."


Before Ace's determination was finished, he felt a powerful to the extreme pressure sweeping through his body.

"This is, Haoshoku Haki!" As the possessor of Haoshoku Haki, Ace naturally does not feel unfamiliar with this power.

However, he never thought that Haoshoku Haki could be powerful to this extent, allowing him to dizzy, not to mention that even the surrounding ground also had cracks spreading under this pressure.

"Aura actually materialized!" Ace's heart was shocked at the same time, but found around people continue to fall, more than eighty percent of the pirates were directly cleared by this wave.

He now understands why these pirates do not even dare to face that man directly.

This overwhelmingly powerful, really awe-inspiring!

Thinking like this, Ace suddenly had a panic in his heart, "Not good, Deuce and Banshee, I'm afraid they can not withstand this aura!"

Turning his head to look, he found that his companions who were following behind him had fainted with foaming at the mouth.

Then, there was a scene like this.

When everyone was scrambling to escape, the youth with freckles on both cheeks turned around and rushed back.

A materialized fire whip wrapped and dragged all the people; the flame temperature was low, showing an incredibly amazing control ability.

Only, it was a little late.

A gentle voice had sounded in the ears.

"The courage of willingly risking the danger to turn back to save others, is indeed very good! It's just a pity that it took a wrong path!"

The majestic griffin landed in the open ground, suddenly set off the gale so that Ace was somewhat unable to open his eyes.

When the storm subsided, Ace saw the scene in front of him.

The huge beast, almost comparable to a small mountain, gave an oppressive visual impact.

Sharp claws were grasping at the ground, and it easily tore the heavy ground apart.

Look at the fierce and proud eyes; Ace has some doubts, can he beat this beast?

"No need to doubt, you can't beat Minos, after all, its Busoshoku Haki is above you." The Marine who jumped down from behind said so.

The upright body, gentle face, giving a mature and majestic but not losing the sense of poise and handsome ... Ace subconsciously thought, this is perhaps those women often say the charm of men!

Wait, what am I thinking about these do ... Ace hurriedly set his mind right and asked in disbelief, "How do you know what I'm thinking? Wait, this monster can also get Busoshoku Haki?"

Minos undoubtedly understands human language; his body flickered, almost instantaneously appeared in front of Ace, discontent raised sharp claws slapped down.

The tip of the claw flowing is a black metallic luster.

"How fast!" Ace pupils contracted violently, only had time to cover a layer of armed color hegemony on the body, Minos slapped him out.

He stopped his tendency to fly backward only when he went straight through from one end of the mountain range to the other.

"Are you kidding? I can't even beat his mount, and still be killed by a slap directly in seconds?" The corners of Ace's mouth were bitter; the more optimistic he was, the more desperate he was at this point!

"Perhaps, I indeed should not enter the New World so early!" Ace staggered to his feet, holding on to the rock wall, stumbling to retrace his steps back to the other side of the cave.

The middle of the forest.

Longinus was standing in front of the stone monument, reaching out to touch the ages' traces.

"Surprisingly, it is the Poneglyph!" Longinus is a little surprised; to be honest, the appearance of Ace and the Poneglyph is not in his plan.

His original intention was to take away Ame no Habakiri, catch a few pirates by the way, and brush a wave of merit.

But it was unexpected that there would be such an incredible harvest.

"I have searched for so long for the Poneglyph, even the crystal ball has predicted a number of times, but only vague answers, I did not expect to get a piece so easily after hooking up with Ace!" Longinus eyes cloudy thought.

At that moment, Ace finally walked out holding the wall.

"Didn't take this opportunity to escape?" Longinus raised his eyebrows slightly, "Do you know that you probably missed the last chance to escape."

"Perhaps." Ace wiped down the corner of his mouth, and his eyes looked at the bunch of companions on the ground, "But I had a reason for having to come back!"

"Even if it is to die?"

"Even if it's death!"

"A pity to be on the wrong path!" Longinus sighed for the second time.

"Wrong?" Ace said with a firm look in his eyes, "I don't think I have any mistakes. I will never regret being able to take this path that I have chosen since I was a child!"

"Since childhood?" Longinus frowned slightly, "Is this how Vice Admiral Garp taught you?"

Ace, who was frowning, suddenly paled, "You, you said what Garp? I... I don't know him."

"Is that so? But how do I hear that you have a brother named Luffy?"

"Then you must have heard wrong!"

Longinus shook his head and dialed the phone directly in front of Ace.

Soon, a familiar voice rang out.

"What is the matter quickly, the old man is diving! There will soon discuss the size of the Whitebeard!"

Ace looked confused; what the hell is the size?

Longinus gave a clear cough, "Vice Admiral Garp, do you know this person Fire Fist Ace?"

Den Den Mushi's eyes drifted to the sky, "What fire fist water fist, the old man has never heard of it."

"Is that so?" Longinus laughed lightly, "Then I'll just execute him."

"Wait wait wait wait ..." Garp yelled, and then whispered, "Ahem, that what, I remembered, I seem to have a grandson named Ace."

"Is that so?"

Garp's eyes drifted, and he asked in a sideways way, "What are you going to do with him?"

Longinus pondered for a moment and said, "Although he is your grandson, Vice Admiral Garp, but a pirate is a pirate, I can't let him go because of his relationship with you, Vice Admiral Garp."

On the side of Den Den Mushi, the jumpy voice was also silent.

"Considering his past crimes, he should end up being imprisoned in Impel Down for three to five years!"

"Hey? Is that all?" The silent voice was suddenly energetic again.

"So what did you think it would be?"

"I thought it would be ... ahem, nothing." Den Den Mushi simulated expression suddenly fierce up, "Since you want to lock him, just lock him up a little longer, lock him up for five or ten years, when he is not clamoring to be a pirate and then put him out to me!"

PS: The chapter I owe can not be delayed ( ̄ ~  ̄), today must write out, but the time is not specific; we sleep first!

Published in Qidian, September 12, 2019