Golden City

"No wonder the World Government has decided that Roger has the most dangerous power in the world, after all, it is an ancient weapon, an existence that the government has been expecting to erase from this world." Apophis wordlessly said to himself.

"But why didn't Roger bring out the Pluton? Is it because he knows that his life is not long? Start the Great Age of Pirates, but also in the hope that this radiant era is born stronger than him, and then by that real Pirate King to take the ancient weapon?"

"Heh! He is rather spontaneous, he does not care at all about the ancient weapons taken by Kaido or BIG-MOM that ambitious person to destroy the world." Apophis wordlessly muttered to himself. Even himself laughed, "But, wouldn't the world's biggest ambitious person be me?"

"Forget it, none of this is important. The key is to shift the target to the fourth Road Poneglyph!"

BIG-MOM and Kaido each hold a piece of Poneglyph, and he also got the third piece of Poneglyph from the giant elephant of Zou, but only this last piece, there has been no clue.

"Could it be that, like this piece a few days ago, with the help of the so-called fate guidance ..." Apophis thought with a gloomy face and then rubbed his palm, "However, the news about the Pluton that I got today can allow me to make the next trial less flawed."


Two months later, the Golden City.

Longinus stood on the warship and looked out at the golden city ahead.

It had to be said that Tesoro's talent in business was indeed astonishing.

With the backing of the two Goko, he had built a golden city on that neutral area in just seven years, which was even larger than the original story at the time.

In this Golden City, there are specialties worldwide, top theaters with world-class stars, luxury amusement parks where the lights never go out, and the most significant carnival casino in the world.

Almost can say, as long as it can entertain the imagination, they can find all in this fairy tale dream-like golden city.

Not only the pirate powerhouse, even the admiral or senior government officials will come here to relax in their spare time.

Therefore, when a marine warship appeared on the Golden City port, it did not attract much attention.

Except, for the owner of the city.

The most famous opera and dance theater on the island;

Under the splendid lights, in the heated atmosphere, the beautifully-built singer was singing with all her heart, and her stunning voice and singing voice made those spectators on the stage almost even shout until their throats were hoarse.

"Carina! Carina!"

In the box on the top floor of the theater, the man with ten fingers covered with gold diamond rings and an aura of a thug was shaking his glass of red wine, his eyes indifferently looking at the crazy crowd below.

"I didn't expect a little one from the East Blue to have this kind of talent, I really picked up a treasure, I heard that Apophis-sama also has some interest in music, or shall I give her to Apophis-sama?"

But said, Tesoro then shook his head, "Apophis-sama is a man who will bring disaster to those who claim to be gods, how could be addicted to this kind of degenerate music? Forget it, it's better for me to keep it for myself."

Just then, a man with short stature and a face like an ass emerged from the floor.

It is the ability user of Nuke Nuke no Mi, that able to pass through all non-living bodies.

"Tanaka, something wrong?" Tezolo frowned; usually, Tanaka should not bother him.

The man named Tanaka's face was a bit alarmed, "BOSS, the Admiral Hitsujiza Longinus has come to the Golden City!"

"What? Longinus!" Tesoro paled as well; this is the same level as the boss behind him, "Why would he suddenly appear here, could it be, that the information about the auction was leaked?"

Seeing Tesoro's eyes suddenly become dangerous, Tanaka hurriedly explained, "BOSS, I spread the news all according to your orders, only said that there would be more interesting lots appearing this time. The rest, I didn't say a word more!"

Seeing Tesoro's face softened slightly, Tanaka said tentatively, "I think, maybe he's really just here for fun?"

"That's right, I'm the one who's a bit sensitive." Tesoro sneered, "If it really leaks out, the one who comes to the door now is not an Admiral, but the World Government's CP0!"

"Then we, what to do in response?"

Tesoro has calmed down at this moment, calmly said, "Since he just came over to play, then there is nothing to worry about, we are the absolute neutral area recognized by the World Government, even the admiral, can not break this agreement."

"But the problem is, in case those unscrupulous pirates on the island provoke him ..." Tanaka whispered, "You know, the island is now filled with several groups of rather troublesome guys."

Tesoro face changed slightly, and then rubbed the ring on the palm of his hand, "They should know more than we do about that man's terrible, as long as not stupid enough, no one will take the initiative to provoke him. Of course, in order to avoid the worst case scenario, you have to be careful to guide, never let the people of the Beasts Pirates meet with him."

Tanaka nodded solemnly. He also knew the past glorious deeds of the Beasts Pirates.

"What about the reception? Should we prepare the highest specification reception?"

"Too much noise, but it will spoil the pleasure of others. In this way, let Baccarat go."


Golden City, on the port;

"Since it's a neutral area recognized by the government, I should have no problem going to the casino to play a few games, right?" The blind vice-admiral, wearing a purple yukata and a coat of justice, asked, rubbing his palms together.

He has never had much good feeling about the World Government, but now, he feels that the government is sometimes still generous.

"Go ahead." Longinus is also a bit helpless. He originally intended to come out with Gion to have fun but did not expect Gion had a temporary matter. Finally, it turned into Issho to pester to follow.

This gap seems to be a little hefty.

"Hehehe! There are advantages for me to follow out." Seemingly sensing Longinus' depression, Issho comforted, "For example, if you want to go see the courtesan's performance, sir, then I will not leak anything out."

Longinus helplessly sighed; this guy's style of drawing collapsed a little too much!

PS: I came back to sleep for more than two hours, I couldn't sleep (in fact, I woke up hungry, I'm not used to eating seafood, so I barely managed to pick up a few bites of rice(˘̩̩̩ε ˘̩̩̩)) and got up to write this chapter, but I couldn't sleep anymore, but I didn't dare to write it down, even if I couldn't sleep, I still squinted a bit - the life of the dog is important.

Published in Qidian, September 14, 2019