From the Heart of the Giant Elephant

The female driver was driving on the high-speed flying highway.

"Longinus-sama, do we go to the aquarium next? There is a 300-meter sea king class there, and only the golden cage built by Tesoro-sama would be able to trap it!" Baccarat asked enthusiastically.

"A three-hundred-meter little guy? Better forget it." Longinus shook his head.

Three hundred meters of the little guy ... Baccarat face muscles twitched slightly and then continued to ask, "What about the golf course? Does Longinus-sama want to go and have a little fun?"

After a moment of silence, Longinus sighed, "Let's go there."

It was the helplessness of being too strong.

Even if it is not to use Kenbunshoku Haki, to achieve a hole in one's pole is not a difficult thing with his strength.

As for the other facilities of the amusement park, they are too slow and completely unexciting.

From his perspective, it is surprising that the world's largest casino can not provide him with any thrill.

Sure enough, how can a game be as fun as training?

When the two were talking and laughing all the way, a figure suddenly flew in from the golf course. It was scaring a driver into a head-on rush with a throttle.

Then the figure was caught by Longinus with one hand.

"Hoo! Saved, thank you ..." Sabo turned his head, ready to say thank you, wait to see the face of the person who picked him up, but scared even his soul is freezing.

This face he is naturally more than familiar with the number one enemy of the revolutionary army - Admiral Hitsujiza Longinus!

Sabo could not help but roar in his heart, "Why would be an admiral? The most fearsome of the admirals, Longinus?"

As a disciple of the chief of the revolutionary army, he was caught in the admiral's hands.

May one ask, is he still saved?

Longinus smiled and asked, "Why do you look a little scared? It would not ... be afraid of me, right?"

Sabo was shocked, even cold sweat scared out of a body, "I can not let him find out that I have a problem, have to find a way to divert his attention ... there!"

"Yes, it's like this, I just saw inside a pirate and the Marine in a secret deal, ended up being found by them and beaten out." Sabo said in mock panic, "Let's hurry to the Marine Headquarters for help!"

"How dare someone make a move in the absolutely neutral Golden City!" Baccarat was first shocked and angry before smiling and saying, "Little brother, there is no need to report for help or anything, this one in front of you, is Longinus-sama, Admiral Hitsujiza of the Marine Headquarters!"

"Wow! Is that so?" Sabo's efforts to "exclaim" said.

"What poor acting skills!" Longinus secretly slandered in his heart but did not show it, but only asked with a serious face, "The Marine and pirates are making a secret deal?"

"Mm-hmm." Sabo repeatedly nodded, "Longinus-sama, please save my companion! She may have been captured by those people!"

"Don't worry about it, I'll definitely get the person out." Longinus said comfortingly.

See Longinus said with such conviction, Sabo also relieved, the Admiral's promise is too reliable!

Sabo is now a little glad that he met Longinus; otherwise, even if he can escape, Koala also has to fall into the hands of those people.

Only, Sabo was ashamed, deceiving such a good older man; his heart is a bit too much.

At this time, the direction of the golf course where a giant mammoth rushed out.

The middle-aged man was cursing behind the mammoth, "The Beasts Pirates are really a group of idiots in the head! Obviously we can directly catch that little kid, why do you want to knock him out, and now also transformed and rushed to the highway, do you really think the Golden City guards can not see?"

"Forget it, this is good. After we finish that kid, we can put all the charges of disturbing the order on this fool!"

Just when the middle-aged man mentally said "plan through", he found that the stupid mammoth in front of him had stopped.

At the same time, the mammoth blocked the direction of vision from the familiar voice.

"Jack the Drought, are you openly disrupting the order of the absolute neutral zone? And you, Rear Admiral Will, why are you with a pirate? Can you give me a reasonable explanation?"

"This, this, this is ..." Will trembled and moved his body slightly, finally seeing the whole face of the man who spoke through the gap, " Hitsu, Hitsu ... Admiral Hitsujiza!"

"It's me." Longinus nodded.

"Its, actually, it's like this." After Will had passed the initial panic, he forced himself to calm down. He explained, "I saw these two brats making a secret deal with the Beasts Pirates, and suspected that they were from the Revolutionary Army, so I took action to capture that brat's companion and forced them to kill each other."

"Yes, that's right!" Will said to the back, even himself believed.

No matter what time, dumping the pot to the revolutionary army is right; this is politically correct, Will can't help but give himself a nod of approval.

However, Sabo, standing beside Longinus, and Koala, who taken by Will, both had violently contracted pupils.

The two were very clear that the fat man did not know their identity. Otherwise, he dared to sell the marine equipment to the revolutionary army secretly.

It is a crime that is 10,000 times more serious than fornicating with pirates.

In other words, this guy just dumped the pot haphazardly; surprisingly, he also fucking pitched the right?

"Is that so?" Longinus threw a suspicious look at Sabo, making the latter nearly unable to control the instinct to escape.

But Sabo also clear; he is absolutely no way to escape in front of the admiral, so he also had to live to the death said, "Longinus-sama, you can take us back to interrogation, and the truth is how, check it out all clear!"

Longinus nodded slightly, "Rear Admiral Will, what is your opinion?"

Will's face was gloomy, and he could not afford to check his affairs.

"Admiral Hitsujiza, you shouldn't want to let this little girl die here either! Otherwise, this is definitely a major blow to your reputation!" Will calmly said, "As long as you are willing to let me and Jack-sama leave, I promise not to hurt her!"

When Will says, he is a little glad that if it were Admiral Akainu here, he would not be threatened by him at all.

However, Jack is coldly said, "Do not pull on me, disrupting the order of things, I will go to Tesoro myself."

Although Jack's voice was cold, everyone heard the meaning of from the heart in his voice.

It can't help but let the crowd present are a little surprised; the legendary Jack the Drought, whose IQ is infinitely close to zero, will also have a conscientious day?

"Damn! I knew the pirates could not be trusted!" Will cursed in his heart, he had planned to defect to the Hundred Beasts Pirates after, now it seems, it is estimated that there is little hope, "Admiral Hitsujiza, quickly give me a reply."

Sabo looked at Longinus with some nervousness. Would he let go of a fallen marine for a person he had never met (actually met once)?

However, Longinus is shaking his head, step by step towards Will, "Rear Admiral Will, are you have never seen me strike? As a Rear Admiral, you don't even know what an Admiral represents anymore?"

"Wait, you want to ..." when Longinus took the first step, Sabo is almost desperate.

But immediately after he found that the officer's knife rested on the neck of Koala, Rear Admiral, even unable to control the body to behead, only the eyes of despair reluctantly spoke, "Yes! I can't believe I forgot that the Admiral of the Headquarters, representing the highest battle power that no one can resist!"

When Longinus quickly rescued Koala, after removing Haoshoku Haki's suppression, Will's body only collapsed to the ground in paralysis.

"Good, so powerful!" Sabo dumbfounded at this scene; the marine called Will, although he could not beat him, his strength is also considered very good, but he unexpectedly can not even do the most basic resistance in front of Longinus.

Thinking about it, Sabo could not help but worry about the future of the revolutionary army.

When Longinus is on his side, it is indeed incredibly reliable, but to stand to the opposing side is a nightmare that can wake people from their dreams.

To be an enemy with such a person is frightening.

The giant elephant standing on the side is secretly despised; if resistance were helpful, he wouldn't need to be from the heart.

Published in Qidian, September 15, 2019