From the South Blue

After the seats in the venue are almost full, the auction will officially begin.

The auction mainly is the Devil Fruit, weapons and equipment, exotic treasures like the Sabaody Archipelago auction. The most significant difference is perhaps - here, there is no slave auction.

After all, Tesoro also knows that his boss behind the scenes is always mistreating slavers.

Of course, this does not affect the crowd in the field to the auction lot, except for the Celestial Dragons; few people will be passionate to buy some slaves without much use.

"This is from Cloud's Island of Cloudbe ..."

"This is a famous wine from the Far North Icefields ..."

With the stunning appearance of one lot, the forces that got restrained at first because of the presence of Longinus were finally bidding frantically.

And compared to the increasingly heated atmosphere in the entire venue, Longinus here is much quieter.

With his level, this world, few things can make him raise interest.

Of course, to avoid suspicion.

In this bidding process, Longinus also shot a few looks past the gadgets.

As for Issho, he didn't shoot anything.

Because, he managed to lose all of his money.

Issho does this because he likes to enjoy the process of gambling; otherwise, with his Kenbunshoku Haki and fruit ability, he can ultimately win until the casino goes bankrupt.

Just like that, when it somewhat wore out the crowd's enthusiasm in the venue, the host of the auction hoarsely shouted in an incomparably excited voice.

"Dear guests, next, is the biggest surprise of this auction, keep your eyes wide open and don't miss a single image!"

Hearing him say this, the crowd had some interest in the grand finale item that had been covered up in this auction.

Then, the master of ceremonies had someone bring up the long-prepared grand finale auction items.

When they saw the so-called grand finale item placed on the platter, the crowd in the room looked a bit odd, and then one by one, they all laughed out loud with their bellies.

"Hahahaha! Den Den Mushi? Are you idiots? This kind of thing can be considered as the grand finale?"

"Even if it's Den Den Mushi that ate the Devil Fruit, it's still just Den Den Mushi!"

"Has your Golden City's auction all degenerated to this point? Even if you can't get something good, don't fool us with something like this!"

The host was not angry but only had a faint smile on his face, "Don't be anxious, next, is the real surprise!"

After saying that, the host pressed a specific button on Den Den Mushi.

It projected a clear image in the air.

"Geez! So it's still an image Den Den Mushi?" Some people on the stage whispered in contempt, but most of them still paid attention to the image above.

The projection was of a very ordinary sea, with slow waves and crisp weather, not like in a New World with lousy weather.

The image was still moving as if the person filming was recording the surrounding scenery.

"It's not much!"

"What? Just want us to see the wind in the distance ..."

Before the words fell, the picture of an island turned into nothingness in a column of light that suddenly fell.

Then, the whole sea was wildly fluctuating and shaking, with terrifying waves that filled almost every corner of the picture.

The picture then shakes violently, some distortion, as if the filmmaker was stunned by the accidental recording of the picture.

Or rather, he died in the middle of the wave.

Not to mention him, the crowd in the venue across the screen to see. There are many people scarred by this sudden change in a shiver in the body.

"This, what is this?"

"An island that has been erased so easily?"

Those who could appear at this auction couldn't be too low in status, but they were all shouting in panic one by one now.

Even Jack the Drought and Commander Snack were terrified by the scene in this picture.

Although their bosses can destroy an island, it is impossible to be so easy as in this picture, let alone wholly erased into nothingness.

This kind of destructive power, perhaps only God is possible to do it ... Sabo thought this way, and then his heart was surprised, "Wait, only God can do?"

Thinking of this, Sabo hurriedly touched his right hand on Den Den Mushi in his arms.

Few people started to contact their bosses like Sabo, but more, still trapped in confusion and shock.

"How about it, everyone, this surprise is okay, right?" The host spoke up.

"What the hell is this? Where did that pillar of light that destroyed the island come from anyway?" Someone hurriedly asked.

"I'm not sure about this, we can only guarantee that this visual information is absolutely true." The emcee laughed, "I can even reveal that this scene took place in the South Blue."

"The South Blue ..." This time, those who had guessed before were even more certain.

"The South Blue ..." Ace also muttered, the flame in his body was a bit uncontrollable burst up.

"Well? Is everyone ready to bid?"

"We all know it's the South Blue, what do we need this image of you to do?"

"You can't say that!" The host chuckled, "The South Blue is so big, with the image of this phone bug for comparison, you can also find the sea where the picture occurred as soon as possible."

The island in the picture is deserted, and there are too many similar islands in the South Blue; it is not easy to find the location in the image through the sudden disappearance of the island.

The crowd looked at each other, and all began to bid frantically.

Even those who were dumbfounded and still didn't know what the picture meant could realize the enormous opportunity involved.

"What the hell is going on? What is the image they are talking about?" Issho was a little depressed; these people are too bad. Isn't this bullying the blind?

"It's likely that Pluton has appeared." Longinus lowered his voice and said.

"What? The Pluton?" After seven years at least at sea, Issho naturally understood the meaning of the word "Pluton".

"Please bid instead of me first, the things that happened here, we must hurry to report to the government." Longinus reminded a sentence and picked up Den Den Mushi.

"Eh? Okay!" Issho shook his head, "Let me, a person who does not even have a Berry on him to bid, this is really ..."

Mariejois, Room of Authority.

The Den Den Mushi's voice rang out.

After looking at the number displayed, the blonde Gorosei were quite surprised as they picked up the phone and asked, "Admiral Hitsujiza, what do you want?"

"An image Den Den Mushi appeared at the auction in Golden City, recording the image of an island in the South Sea being wiped out with a single shot." Longinus said in a sharp tone.

"What?" Five voices came from Den Den Mushi's side almost simultaneously.

"The island was wiped out by a cannon?"

"The South Blue?"

Longinus' face was stoic, "That's right."

Soon, the other side went on to ask, "How big is the island that was erased?"

"Looking at the situation, it seems to be a small to medium-sized island." Longinus replied.

"Hmm!" The Den Den Mushi side pondered for a moment and said, "Admiral Hitsujiza, please take down that Den Den Mushi at all costs!"

"Take it by force?"

"No need for now, no one can beat the government in the competition of financial power!" The voice on the other side of Den Den Mushi said proudly, "If someone doesn't follow the rules, you can then tell them what happens if they don't!"

PS: The update owed may still have to wait a few days, you know, I am very rookie. After all, it is only writing a book for one and half years from the intern's starting point, a little weak, a little ordinary; it is normal \( ̄︶ ̄)/!

Published in Qidian, September 16, 2019