Salty Kizaru: This Is Not Right!

Dragon dived into the interior of the "Pluton" soon found that the "Pluton" body is not accessible, but every ten meters or so, there is a gate blocked.

But Dragon did not care, as long as these passages are not closed off from each other. With the characteristics of elementalization, he could penetrate through those tiny gaps through the elementalization.

"Hmm? Where is the person who manipulates the Pluton?" Dragon whispered in slight surprise.

With his Kenbunshoku Haki, the one-kilometer length of the giant ship was nothing at all.

But after radiating his overpower Kenbunshoku Haki over the entire range of the ship, he surprisingly did not catch any breath of life.

"Did it escape already? Or is everything before ... just a malfunction of the control system in the long time?" Dragon only pondered for a moment, then turned into a breeze and drifted towards other rooms, "Too late to think about this, we must hurry to find the control room of the Pluto to do so!"

While the second one entered the Pluton, Sakazuki's eyes narrowed and followed Dragon's scent, "Dragon, don't try to get rid of me!"

"Hm? That Sakazuki guy is catching up so quickly?" Dragon, who sensed the change in a breath behind him, directly increased his speed and flew ahead.

Then, just as Dragon crossed the next gate and flew forward, the room that looked ordinary before unexpectedly changed of its own accord, and all those shapes used for camouflage were converged.

It also makes, when Sakazuki chased here, appeared in his eyes, is very different from those standard rooms before, everywhere flowing with the high-tech atmosphere of the room.

However, after staying for a breath, Sakazuki once again accelerated towards the direction where Dragon was.

Somewhere in the sea of the South Sea, someone on the griffin fell into silence.

"Did that Sakazuki guy ... turn out to be a blind man?"


Pluton did not conceal his size this time, which made that all the forces received the corresponding information.

The fourth one to arrive at the battlefield was Borsalino.

At this moment, someone was still smashing the door quite hard.

"Oh yo yo~ Isn't this Victor of the Revolutionary Army?" Kizaru said in an astonished tone, "Why don't you go in yet?"

Victor remained silent.

Kizaru turned into the light to enter the Pluton from the cannon tube, and then, in and out like this a few times back and forth, "See, Victor-sama? Just like this, it's easy."

"Admiral Kizaru."

"Huh? What?"

"Has anyone ever told you that you're delinquent!"

"Ah ah ah ah ~ powerful monster is about to get angry, really scary, I'd better hurry into the refuge!" Kizaru faces panic flying into the Pluton.

Victor's face was expressionless, "Fuck the motherfucking Logia!"

It didn't take long for the fifth man to arrive on the battlefield.

"It's you, Victor of the Revolutionary Army!" Katakuri said in a deep voice, "I didn't expect you to be the first one to arrive."

Victor continued to look expressionless, "There are already three people inside."

"Three people? I see." With Katakuri's intelligence, he naturally did not need to say much and quickly nodded, turning himself into a fluid Mochi towards the cannon mouth.

After a few seconds, it managed to enter Pluton's ship.

Victor: "I wonder if Paramecia can do that? (ノ ` ⊿´) ノ"

At this moment, the salty Kizaru is advancing leisurely inside Pluton.

"The other two breaths inside Pluton's body ... are Sakazuki and Dragon, right! Is this an old school reunion today?" The salty Kizaru advances leisurely, "Like before in the boot camp, the first thing or let them two fight to go, I take a third on it."

"When they find the control room I think they will start a fight, then I will catch up ...," Salty Kizaru thought so, crossed a gate, and what came into view was an incomparably gorgeous room.

Kizaru first silent, then suddenly realized, "I know, this must be a trap! Dragon and Sakazuki are not stupid, if it is true control room, how they could not see?"

"However, they are not stupid, but I'm stupid, ah, I'm right here to 'seriously' check, no one should be able to say that I am rowing, right?" Kizaru nodded in satisfaction, "Well, then I'll go over when the group battle starts."

A few minutes later, Katakuri entered this room to see such a scene.

The Admiral of the Marine Headquarters, Kizaru, leaning back in his chair, resting his feet on the console full of buttons, "Oh yo ~ is the BIG-MOM Pirates Katakuri ah! No, should I call you BI... Katakuri of the Katakuri Pirates?"

Katakuri did not care about Kizaru's provocation; he is not a man who is so easily provoked, "This is the control room of the Pluton?"

"Of course!" Kizaru also did not get up, continue to "slump" in the seat, slightly swaying body, "Such high-tech room, of course, can only be the Pluton's control room!"

Katakuri fell into silence, using Kenbunshoku Haki to catch the two's breath in the distance, and then associated with Kizaru's reputation and his current leisurely demeanor, and then, without saying a word to go to the next room.

"Fortunately, no need to fight, it is really scared old man! However, let Sakazuki alone against two top battle power is not some not very good?"

Kizaru pondered for a moment, quickly self-enlightenment success, "Dragon and Katakuri is not on the same side, as I rushed over, instead will provoke the two of them to join forces, and then a big fight is inevitable."

"For the sake of the peace of the South Blue, I'd better continue to row ... not, seriously check it!"


Ten minutes later, after reaching the end, Dragon looked confused, "Could it be that Pluton doesn't have a so-called control room, but relies on the voice or something to control it?"

Thinking of this, Dragon couldn't care less about shame or anything and shouted, " Pluto, I am your master Monkey D. Dragon!"

"No? Change one. Pluton, I command you as a master ..."

Just then, the magma that penetrated through the gap condensed into a human form.

Sakazuki had an odd face, "I didn't think you had such a habit!"

Dragon's face was frozen; was he going to be exterminated?

Sakazuki took a deep breath and said, "This time, you seem to have no place to escape!"

Dragon also simply no longer thinks about the control room, "To escape, should not it be you?"

Then, the battle broke out.

Simultaneously, someone who had fallen asleep fell violently from the seat under the violent shaking.

"Ha ~ already started the fight?" Kizaru yawned and was about to support his teammates when he suddenly noticed that the screen above the console lit up.

The console also a burst of red and blue light flashed as if it came to life.

"Hey? What's going on here? By the way, when I fell down just now, it seems that I accidentally touched a certain button. Wait, does it mean ... this thing is real?"

Kizaru's face was confused, "This is not right! I just scratched the surface ... how suddenly became the biggest contributor to this operation?"

"Also, it turns out that Dragon and Sakazuki are really stupid!"

Published in Qidian, September 19, 2019