Apophis in Action

The crowd was stunned for a moment before they exclaimed incredulously.

"Zoro, what are you saying, the battle record between you and her is 0:2001?"

"You must be joking, right?"

As partners in the same ship, they naturally know best how powerful and terrifying Zoro is.

At a young age, he became the most powerful pirate hunter in the East Blue; his talent is powerful, not to mention the degree of effort is even more impressive to the point of shame.

In terms of effort, all of them combined are only less than Zoro.

Even Luffy, as the captain, really may not be able to beat him.

But such a powerful in their eyes of Zoro, but will say he lost to a woman more than two thousand times to say such things.

It is unbelievable!

"Kuina is really strong, as far as the talent of the sword, I have never seen anyone stronger than her." Zoro first looked grave before saying with confidence, "But that was all in the past, she is two years older than me, developed earlier than me, it is not surprising that I could not beat her at that time. The current me is definitely stronger than her!"

After hearing Zoro's explanation, everyone reluctantly accepted the statement.

After listening to Solon's explanation, the crowd reluctantly accepted the statement.

But in their hearts, there is still no trace of disdain for Kuina, a woman who can defeat Zoro more than 2,000 times, no matter how you think, can only be described as a monster.

Luffy is also nodding with deep feelings, "I also, I also. I also have a brother who is three years older than me, and I never won a fight with him. But now it's different, if I fight again now, it's definitely me who will win!"

Vivi is nodding her little head, a face of admiration and aspiration, said, "Kuina-san is super powerful. She did not know how many pirates with a bounty of more than 100 million captured some time ago, and even came to the big news that she defeated the sweet commander Snake with a bounty of 600 million berries. Everyone said, Kuina-san will become the next Admiral Longinus then! "

"Dang, the bounty of six hundred million berries?" Usopp was first given a strange cry and then said with weak legs and feet, "No, no, I got the disease of dying at the sight of a female swordsman."

Chopper is also teary-eyed, "Oooh, we'll be caught and killed soon, right?"

Nami is forced to play calm, "Do not worry, the bounty of all of us combined is not a fraction of those sea pirates more, that Rear Admiral Kuina, certainly not notice us!"

If their previous impression of Kuina is still only in the stage of very powerful as a child, they are now more intuitive to feel the fear of Kuina.

Even the right hand of Sanji clamping cigarettes can not help but tremble a little; this is the closest to death in the history of his hitch, right?

Thinking about it, he could not help but cast a grateful glance at a certain marimo.

However, Zoro also fell into the stage of doubting life, "What the hell? Kuina has been able to take out the bounty of 600 million pirates? Who was the last pirate I defeated? The Catman brothers with a 7 million berries bounty, adding up to 14 million berries?"

Zoro had a black line, but soon, his eyes will once again firm up, "It must be my training is not enough; from today onwards, the intensity of training is also doubled!

"The reward of 600 million sea pirates!" Luffy's eyes shine, excitedly shouted, " Amazing, she is really good! I have decided, when the next time I run into her I will..."

However, before Luffy finished speaking, Usopp and Chopper held his thighs, "Do not do it, Luffy, do not mess up!"

Nami, on the other hand, was hitting on Luffy's head, "Don't even think about it, if you dare to do so again, your food bill will be reduced by half!"

This time, it was Luffy's turn to start hugging Nami's thighs and wailing, "Don't! Nami, don't do anything!"

Then, Sanji angrily directed at Luffy with a flying kick, "Damn bastard, how dare you take advantage of Nami-swaan, this is, this is what I dreamed of doing!"

Looking at this infinite "happy" scene, Vivi can only hold a stiff smile, always feel that this court dinner will not be quiet!


In the middle of the royal palace, the few people who had not seen the world were shouting again.

On the other hand, Vivi was smiling as she introduced them to the people she met in the royal palace.

"This is Uncle Pell, this is Uncle Chaka, they are the most powerful warriors in the royal palace, the guardians of Alabasta!"

"The guardian, so powerful, I can fight with them ..." Luffy has not finished speaking and then chopped by Nami in hand.

To see Pell and Chaka look bewildered, Vivi had to show an embarrassed and polite smile, with the crowd hurrying away.

"Vivi, I'm so sorry." Nami apologized sincerely.

"Do not worry." Vivi also knows Luffy's nature is such and naturally will not blame him.

At this time, behind the crowd came a clear and beautiful voice, "Vivi, they are?"

The crowd turned their heads to look; behind them was a sensual and beautiful woman holding a book with a sexy figure.

"Ah, it's Robin-san! Let me introduce to you, this is my geography teacher, Nico Robin, and they are ..."

Sanji's eyes turned into a ❤ shape, once again on one knee chanting, "We are weak lambs waiting for forgiveness and redemption, dry fields waiting for water to nourish, and you, beautiful lady, must be the angel sent from heaven to save our group of lost lambs!"

Robin smiled faintly, "Thank you, you are really a lovely gentleman."

"Lovely ... gentleman ..." Sanji giggled and put his tongue on the outside of his mouth; a demented look, the cigarette clamped in his hand, fell naturally.

"Hey! Watch out!" Sanji's wrist part suddenly grew a white arm, gently catch the cigarette, and then smiled and said, "Your things don't fall down!"

Seeing Robin's charming smile, Sanji was directly KO, his nose bleeding to the ground, and he did not wake up.

"Yikes! He's ..."

However, before Robin could finish his sentence, she saw the two men and a deer rushed up with glowing eyes, "That's awesome, is this your fruit ability?"

"Well, I am the one who ate Hana Hana no Mi, it is nice to meet you." Robin said with a smile, and then, at the two men's wrist and a deer, an extra arm to shake hands with them.

"Ooooh! That's so cool!" The two people and a deer's body swayed like a noodle.

Nami, who was conscious of her position as somewhat dangerous, surveyed Robin with an unkind look, "You're a woman who came out of nowhere, really weird!"

"Is that so?" Robin laughed bitterly, "Maybe it's because I often study pirate treasure maps, and I'm a little curious about all of you who look a little like pirates."

"Treasure map!" Nami exclaimed, her eyes turned into the shape of berries, "Wow! Beautiful big sister, please don't ever mind my rudeness just now!"

On the other hand, Zoro rubbed his chin, "Why do I feel that you are bribing them?"

"Then this swordsman, do you mind if I bribe you with the news of 21 O Wazamono?"

"Ahem, I think ..." Zoro's eyes shine, "I should not mind."

See the crowd look, Robin was smiling on the face, but her heart is secretly saying, "It's so easy! I don't know why Apophis-sama asked me to approach them, and said that following them might be able to find the Poneglyph, but these guys are very ordinary no matter how you look at it!"

"Could it be, because they are stupidly uncommon?"

Published in Qidian, September 22, 2019