See the ferocious Blackbeard left; the crowd also seems to be drained of all the strength, softly lying on the sand, from the body to the mind has a kind of indescribable fatigue.
After relaxing, they understand the menace and shock of the scene just now.
The reason for the danger is that Blackbeard is too strong, far beyond any of the enemies they had previously encountered!
Shock is because such a powerful Blackbeard, but only heard the name of Longinus would not dare to stay!
Although they also listened to Robin said that the man's story, it was too far away, after all, only leave them a vague "powerful" impression.
And this time, the strong to the extreme Blackbeard surprisingly be scared away by Longinus' reputation, they really intuitively feel, the deterrent of Longinus' name.
"This is the real strong man!" Even Zoro can't help but sway, "If I can become a strong person of the level of Longinus, I can definitely kill that man!"
"It's awesome! Is this the might of a strong man?" Usopp murmured; surprisingly, his heart sparked for a moment of pride and ambition.
"Blackbeard is already close to the kind of powerful Apophis-sama. This kind of strong man, can not be a coward, even if it is not the opponent of the Admiral Longinus, nor should not even have the courage to face each other directly."
Robin secretly speculated, " The only explanation, perhaps the importance of that brother Ace far beyond our imagination, he would rather flee, rather than risk the brother Ace was snatched by Admiral Longinus continue to fight!
On the other hand, Luffy is still pounding the sand feebly.
"Ace! Ace!"
"Luffy, you don't have to worry too much." Nami said in a rare comfort, "Since that fat black man did not directly kill big brother Ace, it means that he will definitely not do anything to big brother Ace in a short time."
"Is it true?" Luffy asked with a snotty mouth.
"For sure, think about it, since that fat black guy also wants to become the Pirate King, he also wants to recruit crew, right? And Brother Ace is so powerful, he may just want to pull Brother Ace on board?" Nami analyzed, "Within a short time, Brother Ace is definitely safe!"
"Great! I must get Ace back!" Luffy instantly rose in place, jumped up, and hugged Nami, "Thank you, Nami!"
"No need to courtesy of ..." Nami rarely some touched, and then found, she just got clothes full of snot and tears, and her face instantly gloomy down, "Luffy, I want to kill you! "
On the other hand, Sanji is jealous of the benefits of Nami twisted his face, "Dirty pervert, let me kill you!"
See this chaotic scene, Robin shook her head and smiled bitterly, thinking for a moment or did not say their guesses.
Hearing this steep sound, the crowd looked to the side, and it was Crocodile who got handcuffed to the Kairoseki handcuffs.
Seeing the scene in front of them, the crowd then remembered that Kuina's marine identity; their hearts could not help but tense up.
Although Kuina also let them go yesterday, that is in the premise of not knowing their pirate identity; now the other side would be challenging to say what manner!
However, Kuina only slowly shook her head, "Do not worry, this time you are also considered to have contributed to the official action of Alabasta, I will not arrest you, when the next time, you will not have such luck!"
Hearing Kuina say this, the crowd also relaxed.
On the other hand, Zoro looked serious and said, "Next time, I will definitely fulfill the promise I made ten years ago!"
"Promise?" Kuina first had a complicated face before she smiled brightly, "Yes! I'll be waiting for you!"
If there is the next time ... Kuina sighed in her heart, then lifted Crocodile and walked away into the distance.
Seeing Kuina walking away, Sanji only said with a displeased face, "Why you such marimo can have an appointment with Kuina-san, is this an exclusive benefit for idiots?"
However, Zoro, this time is too lazy to argue with Sanji; he has fallen too far behind, only to seize every minute to train to do.
Seeing Zoro without saying a word went to find a rock to hold in his hands, Chopper whispered, "Usopp, what's wrong with Sauron?"
"Must be seeing the woman he likes stronger than himself, irritated!" Usopp muttered with one hand holding up his chin, "But what exactly is the agreement they are referring to?"
In the middle of the Vast Sea Desert;
Because of his height, Crocodile, who was dragged along the sand by Kuina's collar, suppressed his inner depression and said, "It seems that you should not intend to kill me?"
Kuina kicked back; her eyes were cold and silent as she looked toward Crocodile.
"Don't act like you want to kill, your strength is very strong, but you are still too young in playing with people's hearts!" Crocodile recklessly laughed, "Although I do not know what you plan to do, but, you can not even hide your different appearance from me, do you still want to hide it from those more tricky guys?"
"Hiding? What am I hiding?" Kuina asked in a cold voice.
"Oh, is this a test of my intelligence?" Crocodile looked up straight into Kuina's eyes as if to see through her heart.
Seeing that Kuina is not moved, Crocodile again said to himself, "Although there are few swordsmen who are willing to eat the Devil Fruit, but there is certainly not none. Back then Shiki who dominated the New World is also this kind of person, so there is nothing strange even if you eat the Devil Fruit."
"But the question is, why did you hide your ability in that battle just now? Worried about exposing your ability, you even took the initiative to assign Blackbeard to that kid who played with fire."
"Is that strange?" Kuina blandly and calmly asked in return, "Facing Blackbeard who has Yami Yami no Mi ability, hiding the ability is the normal choice, right?"
"Different, if you use your ability directly, you can completely defeat me quickly like just now, and then team up with that fire-playing brat to persist from Blackbeard until Marco and the others arrive."
Seeing Kuina fall into silence, Crocodile continued, "It's because of the fruit ability, isn't it? I actually have a rough guess of what your fruit ability is, that's why I'm so interested in your reluctance to reveal your ability."
"I have a hunch that if your action can succeed, the final ending, will definitely be very interesting." A maniacal smile spread across Crocodile's face, "How about it, want to join forces with me? Your methods are too inferior to destroy the Marine!"
"You want me to subvert the navy?" Kuina's face was filled with mockery.
"What? Is this not something you intend to do?" Crocodile's eyes narrowed slightly, a little surprised at Kuina's reaction.
"You are wrong, although I have a little selfishness of my own, but I have never denied, the identity of my own marine!"
"If not attempting to subvert the Marine Corps, then? Why do you want to hide your ability?" Crocodile analyzed again, "Could it be that your target is actually a pirate? Is it one of Goko?"
"That, you don't need to know."
"This attitude, you are not worried that I will reveal your secret?"
"Would you?"
Crocodile was stunned and let out a laugh, "Kuhahahaha! I really won't, I can wait, someone comes in to keep me company!"
PS: I positioned Kuina's battle power (no fruit situation) to be ≥ manga's current Zoro stage. Not to say that Kuina's talent is stronger than Zoro, but at least the same level, right? With the pressure of the death of Koushirou, her degree of effort is equal to the level of Zoro. Plus, the main character's teaching, and so many years of refinement (age is also similar to two years later Zoro), she has this strength should be understood ... right?
Published in Qidian, September 25, 2019