First Generation, Second Generation ......

Just as Kuina was sinking into grief, a gentle voice came from ahead.

"This is a long story, want to hear it?"

Without looking up, Kuina knew that this voice belonged to her teacher.

After discovering the "fact" that Apophis was her father, Kuina understood one thing: her teacher was not the bad guy she thought she was initially.

"I want to know everything."

Longinus came from afar, stepped on the shattered island, and walked step by step to Kuina, "This story is divided into two parts, the first part, is the story between me and Apophis."

"He and I should be considered to have emerged from this sea in the same period, I also fought with him a few times at that time, but did not share the victory." Longinus "reminisce" said, "Of course, that is because he at the time as a pirate hunter, I did not use my full strength, just out of curiosity and he fought a few times."

Father also used to be a pirate hunter? ... Kuina, although her heart has doubts, but did not ask out, just quietly listening.

"Then it was nineteen years ago, the war on the giant elephant, so that he was famous for the sea at the same time also carried a reward of 500 million berries. This transformation of identity directly contributed to the result is that he encountered the joint capture of the government and the Marine."

"That action, in fact, I did not participate in the conduct. After all, at that time, I was only a captain of the Marine, the capture of a bounty of five hundred million sea pirates such action, naturally will not let a captain to participate in it." Longinus smiled lightly, seems to be lamenting the change of years.

"However, what I didn't expect was that Apophis, who was being pursued by all parties, was easily stumbled upon by me. I thought at the time that it was a guide of fate. But I didn't realize that all gifts of fate had already been marked with a price in secret."

"At that time, Apophis was defeating a group of government CP0s, and had suffered considerable injuries himself. Although it was not very honorable to take advantage of people's danger, but I always believe that mercy for criminals is a crime against the people, so I did not have any hesitation to rush up."

Kuina was a little nervous, breathing heavily, and finally to say here?

However, the next moment she heard an answer that made her directly dumbfounded.

"Then, I killed him, or rather, he deliberately let me kill!"

Father died more than ten years ago ... This answer flashed through Kuina's mind but quickly dismissed it.

She could be sure that until ten years ago, her father was still alive, "Could it be that father actually inherited the name Apophis?"

Longinus did not care about Kuina's change of expression and continued, "I was also surprised at the time, questioned why he did not fight back, but he was on his deathbed and told a different story."

"He was actually a slave, a slave who was sold to the Celestial Dragons, and by chance, he got a demon sword called the Seven Star Sword, and then took revenge on those pirates who sold human beings to buy and sell slaves."

"No wonder he hates slavers that much, and in the middle of that war on the giant elephant, he even took the initiative to sabotage the government's plan to hunt down and kill key members of CP0." Kuina said in a daze.

"It's just a pity that the demonic nature of that Demon Sword is too strong, and the more he kills, the more power the Demon Sword will recover, and the ultimate end is that he is manipulated and becomes a puppet of that sword."

Heard here, Kuina looked with some scruples to Nidai Kitetsu in her possession.

"From the beginning of the hatred of pirates, to gradually deviate from the heart, and then to those innocent people, he didn't want to become what he hated, so, he chose to beg for death!"

"Of course, he is not willing to die in the hands of those CP0, according to him, since he is going to die, it is better to give this life to a person who he sees in his eyes."

Kuina also temporarily detached from her grief and asked curiously, "Why have I never heard of this matter?"

"Because, I concealed all the events of this incident." Longinus sighed, "I do not know what kind of psychology was out of at that time, but I did conceal everything."

"From my point of view, the death of Apophis actually does not deserve sympathy, no matter what kind of psychology he was motivated by, some things done are done, and the sins committed will never be offset."

"But throughout this tragedy, what is the source and cause? It is those greedy and brutal pirates, but also those high and mighty world nobles. For justice, I began to feel lost and confused."

"Later, I secretly landed in the Sabaody Archipelago, and after witnessing what the world nobles did, I picked up that sword, put on the mask, and began to cleanse this dirty world in the name of Apophis!"

Kuina's eyes were rounded, and she asked in horror, "You were the first one to start a slave liberation movement? And, Sensei, you killed nine Celestial Dragons back then?"

"Now, you should be able to understand why I felt so guilty about that fishman hero, Tiger, back then, right?" Longinus sighed, "He was influenced by me to a certain extent to take that step, and his journey ended up being ended by me!"

The massive amount of information made Kuina a bit bewildered; it took a long time to come back to her senses and then asked, "Sensei, you didn't stop using the name Apophis after that?"

"That's not true, it's just that it's used less often." Longinus shook his head and said, "There are three main reasons for this."

"First, in the years after that, the government's grip was too strong, and I could only try to appear as the Marine."

"Second, I want to take that time to eliminate the desire to violence. That demon sword is indeed very powerful, even my mind was eroded, at that time Kuzan, who was still a vice admiral, was almost killed by me by mistake."

Kuina looked odd; she did hear that at that time, Vice Admiral Kuzan was quite happy.

"Third, my talent for swordsmanship is too poor. Even after several years of intensive study, it is still no match for Hawkeye and the others, and it is easy to be seen to break too early."

The corners of Kuina's mouth twitched wildly, in the case of major physical training swordsmanship on the side, so that can become the top of the big swordsman, sensei, you say here the inferior talent must be showing it off!

Thinking of this, Kuina asked with some curiosity about a public case, "By the way, sensei, who was the other masked person in the Sabaody incident back then?"

"That person you should be familiar with, he is the Dark King Rayleigh."

"He still has that kind of courage?" Kuina was first stunned, then asked nervously, "You know about that incident, sensei?"

"I'm not blind, so how could I not know."

"Sensei, I'm sorry." Kuina lowered her head.

"There is nothing to apologize for, that guy Rayleigh's standard of teaching his disciples is indeed good, and since he is willing to contribute to the Marine, I am certainly happy to save my efforts." Longinus smiled.

Kuina was half ashamed and half grateful to look at Longinus. Indeed, the teacher can share with her even the killing of the Celestial Dragon, which is already the most significant degree of trust, but she had doubted the teacher before; it is too improper!

"Just like that, ten years ago, I surprisingly heard the rumor of Apophis again, I suspect that there are people with ulterior motives trying to achieve ambition in the name of Apophis, so I came to the birthplace of that rumor - the East Blue!"

Published in Qidian, September 28, 2019