Magician Hawkins

On the Long Ring Long Land, an island dedicated to the competition, all kinds of pirates from the first half of the Grand Line gathered here.

It has to be said that pirates are like a pot of mish-mash when pirates from all over the world gather together; they can see even the mink race, the snakehead race, the long hand race, the long foot race, these scarce foreign races here.

"Wow! There are really a lot of people here!" Luffy shouted all the way exclaimed, "Usopp, look at that man's neck and your nose are the same long, Hey, Chopper, there are the pirates same as you eat the Hito Hito no Mi!"

"Pfft~ Hahahaha!" Usopp burst out laughing.

"Where is it? Where is it?" Chopper is excited in the crowd jumped up to Luffy pointed in the direction to see.

Of course, that is a mink.

Many pirates are looking disgruntled, not to mention the lively place, but as the pirates gathered around the three regardless of the area, it is common to kill someone without a word.

After all, Foxy the Silver Fox as the host is only 24 million berries bounty; for the pirates on this island, there is no deterrent effect to speak of that.

"You three, that is rude!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Nami is directly put down with an iron fist; a few moments later, two people and a deer with a large bun on their heads apologized towards the surrounding area, "Sorry for the disturbance."

When looking at a few people so weak, surrounding pirate's hearts despised one also scattered.

At this time, a calm voice came from behind several people, "This is where 100 million reward pirates should have the boldness? What a disappointment."

The crowd turned to look; a man with blond hair and six black vertical lines on his forehead was standing behind them, his eyes as calm as a pool of dead water.

"Hey, who is this dead-faced guy?" Luffy asked discontentedly.

"He is the captain of the Hawkins Pirates, the magician Hawkins with a bounty of 135 million berries." Robin introduced.

Hearing Robin's introduction, the crowd was secretly on guard; the guy who offered a bounty of over 100 million in the first half of the Grand Line would not be any simple character.

"A bounty of 135 million?" Luffy's eyes instantly lit up, " The face palsy man, you are here to seek me out to fight?"

"No, it's just that I happened to foresee that you will become the center of the next vortex, there is some curiosity, only to come over to take a look." Hawkins is not angry because of Luffy's rudeness, just calmly said.

"The center of the vortex, means I will become the winner of the contest?" Luffy asked excitedly.

"How naive, still thinking about that meaningless match?" Hawkins said with lowered eyelids.

"You guys are really strange, do not want to contest, then should think about what?" Luffy cocked his head to look at the other side.

"Here gathered so many pirates, you think the Marine will not have any action?" Hawkins asked.

"Oh~" Luffy's eyes widened, and his right hand chopped in the palm of his left hand, "You mean the Marine is also coming to the competition?"

"Cough ..." Hawkins, who has been invulnerable, couldn't help but cough, this guy, in the end, what kind of odd his brain circuit?

Nami, on the other hand, asked a little nervously, "Will the Marine come to attack us?"

"I don't know." Hawkins returned to a stoic look, "but if I were the Marine, I would not be comfortable with so many pirates gathered together."

Robin held up a delicate chin in one hand, contemplating, "Indeed, all the way, I saw a lot of people who were incompatible with the temperament of the pirates, now that I think about it, they are perhaps the Marine in disguise, right?"

Usopp said anxiously, "Then what to do? We have to hurry to escape, right?"

"Don't be frightened by this guy, there is real danger, how he did not run?" Luffy said, discontented.

"I have divined for myself that I have no recent death phase."

"Aha? Divination?"

Hawkins said no more and turned away in style.

"Really a strange guy." Luffy deflated mouth commented.

"Luffy, we'd better hurry up and leave, if the Marine is watching, this place is no longer safe." Nami said timidly.

"No way, that face palsy man are not running, if I run, it is not proof that I lost to him?" Luffy refused to say.

Usopp tears, "What is this kind of thing to compare?"

Luffy is full of energy, "Do not worry about it, when the time has come to all the coming marine forces just knocked away!"

Usopp can only look at Robin with expectation, "Robin, you must also feel very dangerous here, right?"

"This time, I support Luffy." Robin mused, "If the Marine really secretly surrounded here, we leave now, on the contrary, too obvious, it is better to prepare first, wait for the event to break out and then take advantage of the chaos to leave."

"Ugh, okay." Usopp can only resign himself to his fate.

Several people walked all the way to sit in the middle of a bar.

Before sitting down for a long time, they saw that someone next to them made a scene.

"Old man, you sit in the old man's seat!" A bald pirate stood next to an older man in a red suit and laughed wistfully.

"Oh? Then what do you plan to do?" The older man in red asked in a soft voice.

"Of course it is necessary to give the old man a satisfactory compensation to do so, I see the gold chain hanging on your mouth is not bad, so send ..."

The older man in red sitting on the barstool slightly raised a finger; however, before he could point his finger, he saw an elongated fist send the bald pirate flying out.

"Huh? This straw hat is ..." the old man in red noticed the straw hat on Luffy's head, the corners of his mouth slightly flooded with a smile, "interesting."

"Old man, are you all right?" Luffy asked without looking back.

"Yes, thank you, little brother straw hat." The older man in red smiled.

Zoro and other people have long seen this kind of thing are not strange, and even have the heart to pick up a glass of wine to watch the show, but Robin was sweating cold, even dare not move a little.

The commotion in the bar also attracted others' attention, but no one to stop, but one is afraid to shout.

At that moment, the bald pirate who got sent flying beyond the bar walked in again, "Damned brat, do you know what you are doing?"

"You came in with us, that is to say, the old uncle sitting at all is not your seat." Luffy said in a righteous voice.

The corners of the bald pirate's mouth twitch; he finds an excuse; there are idiots take it seriously? "I was sitting in that seat yesterday, can't I?"

"Hey? Is that so?" Luffy looked embarrassed.

This time, even Nami could not look away, "Luffy, he is lying to you!"

Just as Luffy turned his head to look at Nami, the bald pirate laughed and punched Luffy in the head, "That's right, I'm lying to you! What an idiot, this is believed by some people!"


Bald pirate unbelievably widened his eyes; the brat who should have been his head burst was extended out infinitely by his neck, the head fell to the ground, but still connected to the body.

The frightening scene made his scalp tingle a little.

But soon, the bald pirate reacted, "Damn, is it an ability user?"

Out of the scruples of the ability user, the bald pirate lowered his tone and said, "Kid, you now get out of my way, I can still be a sh ... pff!"

By Luffy's fist hit the abdomen, the bald pirate like a dead fish, and nearly bulging out of the eyes.

"You bastard, I am a Bear Vine Sea ... poof!"

This time, the bald pirate has turned directly into a shooting star and disappeared in the sight of the crowd.

Published in Qidian, October 01, 2019