Desperate Situation

At this moment, the Straw Hat crew has fled to the adjacent sea. They look at the endless column of water that connects the sky and the sea in the distance, completely crumbling islands, as well as the sea from time to time set off the violent wind and waves, can not help but fall into silence.

They just stepped into the Grand Line not long ago; when have they seen such a terrible battle? Even the battle in Alabasta not long ago is far from comparing with the scene in front of you as if it was the apocalypse.

Zoro trembled, took a deep breath, fiercely clenched the hilt, "Indeed, this is where the strong should come to the sea, next time, I want to really stand in front of them!"

Sanji took a sharp puff of the cigarette, exhaling a thick cloud of smoke, "Yes, never again as powerless as today!"

However, Luffy turned his head and asked, "Usopp, there is a spare small boat on the Merry?"

"There is, but what do you need a small boat for at a time like this?" Usopp asked in disbelief.

"Already the fourth time, the old uncle he is going to lose."

The crowd naturally understands Luffy's meaning. The Admiral against the powerful old uncle has sucked blood four times, the interval of sucking blood is shorter than once, apparently after each sucking blood will be weaker than the peak state to a point.

It is not surprising, the activation of the fruit's ability will need to consume a lot of physical strength, and blood can only recover injuries; it is impossible to return his physical strength to the peak state.

Compared with the tireless Longinus, Redfield is indeed a little weaker again in terms of endurance.

"Once the person who is comparable to the Pirate King is going to fail, that Admiral Longinus is really too harsh ..." Usopp first sighed like this, then suddenly reacted, "Wait, Luffy, you are not going to save that Old man, right?"

Luffy rightfully nodded, "He just saved me."

"Are you crazy?" Nami hurriedly discouraged, "You can not even get close to the two of them, you will be killed by the aftermath."

Usopp also followed, "Yes, Luffy, did not that old man said? He saved you actually is not good intentions."

"I know, so this time it's my action alone."

The crowd covered their heads in unison; sure enough, the idiot captain will start committing suicide again!

When several people think about whether to knock Luffy out simply, Robin suddenly said, "No need to do so, he is going to escape, you can not catch up with them."

People turned their heads in unison and indeed found a bloody stream of light is flying away to the distance at a breakneck speed, in the behind that is a white light shadow in pursuit.

"Hoo! Really great!" See this situation, Nami and others are relieved; only Luffy was not happy with a deflated mouth.


On the other hand, Redfield did not want to run; he just wanted to shift his position and find a new island convenient to draw blood and land.

Those pirates have run far away, do not allow him to draw blood, and the sea battle is too threatening for an ability user like him.

Longinus clinging behind Redfield and did not say any trash to provoke the other side; only quietly will be some simulation of the fluctuations emitted.

It didn't take long for the two of them to travel at breakneck speed across a small part of the ocean, finally allowing Redfield to find a vibrant island and land on it.

Although there is no trace of human activity, there is hissing from giant beasts from the island from time to time. For him, it is also a good hunting ground.

"Heh! I thought you were going to taunt me for planning to run away?" Redfield crossed his fingers in front of his belly.

"Saying hard words is just a sign of your own incompetence." Longinus stepped onto the island; his white coat of justice had turned red and black from a large amount of blood-stained.

The two did not deliberately converge their breath, which makes the initially vibrant island immediately fall into dead silence because of the two evil guests' arrival.

The transformation of the extreme of silence to the extreme of movement is just one moment for the two.

One moment the two were confronting each other; the next moment has already collided together.

"Scarlet Storm!"

The Zoan devil fruit focuses on the body's enhancement, like Batto Batto no Mi, which is undoubtedly biased towards recovery and agility, and between running and triggering a blood-colored phantom, a storm between illusion and reality sped towards the opponent.

"Rokuogan - Mugen no Wa!"

It incorporated the strongest axioms in the eyes of Rokushiki into every punch and kick of Longinus, and together with the shockwave of the high-level Busoshoku, they quickly tore through the storm. Longinus, who rushed into the eyes of the storm, blew the opponent away with a single punch.

"Your time has passed, return to the Impel Down to retire in peace!" Longinus spirited up, seems to be at this time to wake up the sleeping body.

"Does this bastard really not know what it means to be tired?" Redfield cursed in his heart, but his face was not much impatient.

Although he is now at a disadvantage, and his physical ability is decreasing, but progressively regains the sense of combat intuition is slightly compensated for this aspect of disadvantage.

At this point, the island suddenly shook violently.

Accompanied by a loud "click", the island is gradually sinking into the sea.

Some kind broke the foundation of the island under the surface of the sea of creatures!

"What's happening?" Redfield stabilized his body and then noticed a line of flesh walls rising around the island.

"Is it a giant Sea King class that is devouring the island?" As an old-timer, Redfield quickly understood what was going on, and with a swipe of his body, he was ready to fly out directly.

Although he was not afraid of these giant sea kings, he instinctively felt some odd; this is not a Calm Belt; why would giant sea kings appear in such a place?

But Longinus, as if unpredictable, blocked his way in advance, merely obstructed a little, the giant abyssal mouth has closed.

The giant sea king class with a body size of a thousand meters quickly dived into the deep sea after devouring the island from the outside world.

In the darkness, Redfield asked in a deep voice, "What do you want?"

Longinus smiled faintly, "Just changing the battlefield to one more suitable for me."

"A more suitable battlefield for you? Are you mistaken about something?" Although the ominous feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger, Redfield still mocked, "The life force of the giant Sea King class is nearly infinite, to say that it is suitable, it is also more suitable for me."

He was already prepared to suck this giant Sea King dry.

"Is that so?" Longinus snapped his fingers.

Then, endless seawater rushed into the sea king class.

This giant sea king class is swallowing seawater?

"This is ..." Redfield's eyes widened, an unbelievable guess surged to his mind, "This giant sea king class is controlled by you?"

"Only one can be controlled at a time, it's not much." Longinus smiled.

After ten years of analyzing and imitating, he was finally able to simulate a trace of sea king fluctuation.

It is also based on this reserve card; he is sure to continue to hunt the top powerhouse like the Red Count after losing the "Apophis" doppelganger.

Although he was stronger than Redfield, he could only defeat him at best, and it was almost impossible to kill or capture him alive when he was the only one.

"This time it's real trouble!" Redfield's face gloomy, if only seawater, he can still use Busoshoku Haki to maintain the shield to escape.

For the top combat power, the sea threat is far less deadly than the sea building stone, but the problem is that it is possible only in the absence of the same level of power in the case of prying eyes.

And Redfield is now in an environment where for him, can undoubtedly be said to be ... desperate!

Published in Qidian, October 03, 2019