Life Chains

The Island of White Soil is filled with dust and sand.

In the corner of this island, two parties are facing each other.

One side is the combination of Admiral Akainu, Admiral Kizaru, and a certain masked man hid under a white coat. The other side is the combination of Revolutionary Army Chief Dragon, Chief of Staff Victor, and the four military district commanders.

Such a lineup could easily overthrow a country's regime and overturn the sea, causing the world to shake, but now it was gathered on such a deserted island.

"Even such a deserted island for you to operate, Dragon, you guys are really powerful ah!" Akainu looked around and said with a gloomy face.

"You guys aren't bad, I've been hiding in a place like this, and you still found me!" Dragon asked tentatively.

"You ask that, do you want to know the answer from our mouths?" Akainu snickered, "It's just a pity that we don't know who got the credit either. On the contrary, you, surprisingly, started the relocation before the arrival of the big army, don't tell me that you still have the ability to foretell?"

Dragon kept silent.

"Humph! You don't say it, I also know that someone within the government was bribed by you, right?" Akainu's face was irritated, "With the corruption of government agencies, it couldn't be more normal for this to happen ..."

"Ahem, Admiral Akainu -" the masked man interrupted directly, "I think we'd better hurry up and start, in case we let them finish their relocation, it won't be so easy to make an arrest then. "

Akainu sneered at the masked man but didn't object, "Since the big shots from the government can't wait any longer,... Dragon, are you and your revolutionary army ready to accept death?"

The hot magma began to gush, both power and explosive fist blasted towards Dragon.

"The fire of the revolution will not die!"

Dragon's right hand squeezed into a dragon claw form, transformed into a hurricane, and the cloud dragon probing claw-like strike met it directly.


The magma and hurricane intertwined and roared like a vortex of flame; the rocks and land were melted so that the sky and sea were boiling, and it utterly destroyed everything around.

This kind of terrifying fluctuation, even the surrounding crowd also hurried to avoid, but the two people in the battle were no hesitation to meet again.

"Dai Funka!"

"Ryu no Kagizume!"

Even in the small part of the crowd standing at the top, these two are also deservedly strong. Under the full outburst showed a terrifying power comparable to the natural disaster level.

"Oh yo yo, what an extraordinary monster it!" Kizaru crooked his mouth in awe; as these two old classmates, he can be said to be the most understanding of these two people's strength.

The monster of talent, the self-torture efforts, coupled with the indomitable faith, will create the unparalleled power of nature.

But the problem is, our task is only to hold back, with a full force to come up with it ... Kizaru's heart-depressed sigh pointed out the light of the fingertips streak towards Victor.

The Revolutionary Army recognized as the World Government's greatest enemy, even the combination of the three top battle power, also slightly seems a little shabby.

But within a short period, the government and the Marine can pull out the top battle force just three of them, the rest of the battle force, either can not go away or on the way to come.

Therefore, their task is not to ultimately defeat the other side but to stall for time and wait for reinforcements to arrive.

"Kizaru buddy, we have a good destiny with each other!" Victor easily dodged the opponent's attacks, and where he stepped over the landing spot, a forest grew wildly towards Kizaru.

"Give me a break! If they do not know, they think I have collusion with your revolutionary army!" Kizaru flew up into the sky, crossed his arms, countless light bullets shot out from his palms, "Yata no Kagami!"

"Kizaru buddy, if you want to come, we revolutionary army is of course eager to welcome." Victor, while talking tawdry with Kizaru, at the same time will press the right hand on the ground, flexible vines are woven into a wall to block the light spots all, "Shizen no Okurimono!"

For Victor, his idea is also to stall for time; as long as Kizaru does not destroy the rear, he is also happy to play here.

The next step is to see whether their side moves first or the other side arrives first!

At this moment, CP0, who had not moved, suddenly smiled, "Speaking of which, I have to thank everyone in the Revolutionary Army!"

"Thank us?" Betty asked with a frown.

"Of course! If it wasn't for you guys turning Julius-sama, I wouldn't know when I'd be able to take over his position!"

Betty and the others' facial muscles twitched slightly. Was this pot impossible to shake off?

They didn't think about explaining it either because there was no way to describe it.

"Since you all have already helped me, why don't you help me again today?" CP0 grinned, "As long as I catch you guys, this position of mine can be considered completely secure!"

The most hot-tempered Karasu directly transformed into a flock of crows and surrounded him, "Come and try, you bastard!"

Betty and others looked at each other and followed closely behind.

"The four army commanders are all known as the strongest in the sea, and now they want to surround me, a newcomer?" CP0 said with a sigh.

Indeed, although all four of them are still some distance away from the real top power, once they join forces, even the top battle power will be overwhelmed.

"The strongest shield of the Celestial Dragons, will just be lip service?"

"Nah~ underestimated ah! In that case -" CP0 raised his right hand violently, "Life Chain!"

An illusory chain passed through several people's bodies at a breakneck speed.

"This is?" Betty and the others' faces slightly changed as they checked their bodies, but they didn't find anything different.

At this time, Karasu's attack finally landed.

Surprisingly, that CP0 didn't dodge, didn't make any defense, and let the attack fall on himself.

Then, blood flowed from under the mask.

He was worried that the other party had some backhand, but just as he was about to speak mockingly, he sensed a familiar force falling on himself out of thin air, and surprisingly, a large mouthful of blood spurted out.

Not only him, even Betty and others are also spitting out a mouthful of blood; the body's breath instantly wilted down.

"This is, your fruit ability?" Karasu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, scornfully looking towards the other side.

Although it is the same injury, CP0's state is much better than several people, "This is the ability of the life fruit, locking all of our lives together, no matter what kind of injury I received, will be shared by several of us. So ... now, what are you guys going to do about it?"

"You think I'll be afraid of that? Big deal to die together!" Karasu roared, ready to rush up again.

"Don't be impulsive, Karasu! Even if you die, he won't die!" Betty hurriedly discouraged, "You observe carefully, he has almost recovered from his injuries."

"Hmm? It's his self-healing speed!" Karasu suddenly woke up with a start.

"Since he is a Life Fruit Ability, his life force and self-healing power will naturally be much stronger than ours." Betty solemnly said.

"You found out so quickly! Only, do you guys think this will work?" CP0 laughed lightly and slipped a dagger from his left sleeve, then stabbed it towards the small of his stomach.

Published in Qidian, October 05, 2019