Falling into the Sea

After a moment of bewilderment, Desert Crocodile shakily put his palm to his chest. He also did not dare to believe the knead twice, then "delicate body" trembled wildly, the huge chest heaving extremely fast, his eyes almost gushed out with anger, "Ivankov, I will kill you!

However, the crisp voice with the angry words gives a different kind of contrast.

At least several pirates who saw this scene are pressed their guns in homage.

Seeing his even vocal line has changed, Desert Crocodile is even more furious, directly leaving Longinus rushed toward the human demon king.

"This kind of thing happened actually I don't want to ... pfft hahahaha, just can't help it!"

The laughter of the Okama King was naturally adding fuel to the fire, and Desert Crocodile didn't care that much, directly pressing his right hand on the ground to launch his big move, "Ground Death!"

The surrounding ground was instantly sandy, and the desert was still spreading in the direction of where the Okama King was.

"Crocodile you really!" The Okama King shouted strangely, "Then I'll fight back, look at my new human demon fist, hehehe!"

After seeing the two great forces on their side infighting, a group of pirates' hearts broken.

"These fools really can't be trusted!" Blackbeard low curses, seizing the opportunity to fight towards the wound on the chest of Longinus.

The Longinus, who was dealing with the joint attack of Bullet and Shiryu, was too late to dodge, and a large mouthful of blood spurted out, but he not only did not back off but instead grabbed Blackbeard and slammed him into the ground.

Blackbeard's eyes bulging, like a dead fish, absorbing the injury's double pain almost let him die on the spot.

It is important to know that Longinus learned from Garp's iron fist and has the effect of doubling the pain deepening.

With such a cumulative, the kind of pain that pierces the soul even Blackbeard can not bear.

"His injuries have worsened again, there is hope!" Shiryu did not care about the captain who had just acknowledged but increased the rushing Longinus cut speed.

"Everyone together!" Bullet, too, all but ignoring his injuries, roared and rushed on.

"It's not over yet!" Longinus took a violent kick to kick the feet of Blackbeard directly away, grabbed Bullet's fist with both hands, and wrestled back and forth in a furious left and right stance.

Several pirates were unable to dodge in time and pressed into a flesh pie by Barrett's sturdy body.

Suddenly a flash of blood appeared in front of the eyes of Longinus, and it was Shiryu who killed the red-eyed, accidentally blocked in front of him by hand to split, bathed in blood, and chopped towards the waist of Longinus.

If it were anyone else, this sword would most likely be the end of the waist. Still, Longinus just spewed a spray of blood, surprisingly control the waist muscles to suck the blade tightly, taking advantage of Shiryu's force to pull the sword when he kicked him away.

In the next moment, Longinus appeared above Shiryu's body again, his right leg raised high and slashed down like a battle axe.


Spider web-like cracks in the ground quickly spread, the entire Impel Down shuddered, and the dense dust from the surrounding walls rustled down.

Longinus did not look at his feet but cast his eyes to the other side; Blackbeard used dark gravity in an emergency to suck Shiryu over.

At this moment, after seeing the cold gaze of Longinus, Blackbeard thought terrible, which was lying on the ground, he quickly rolled his fat body on the ground. Indeed, the next moment will hear a roar from where he was coming, and it was Longinus' furious pursuit.

Not waiting for him to breathe a sigh of relief, Longinus surprisingly chased over again, looking at Blackbeard looked at ahead numbly, this bastard is to blame for him?

When Blackbeard was a bit desperate, Burgess blocked his body, "Bastard, do not underestimate our Blackbeard Pirates ah!"

Then, in the eyes of the pirates' admiration and respect, Burgess took the initiative to swing his fist to meet!

The moment the two fists came into contact, the crowd saw Burgess's face distorted in pain. First, the elbow bone shot out of the entire muscle, and then the whole arm burst into a bloody mist, fell to his knees, wailing and crying out in pain.

Blackbeard was already gloomy face, but now it's even darker with ink, and another wasted a man or one of the most loyal men!

This time the operation of the Impel Down, it seems to be problematic to return the cost!

On the other hand, Zoro even clenched the sword in his mouth, silently put away, "No matter what attack can not hurt him, my strength is so bad?"

"This sentence should I say right, idiot marimo!" Sanji held his right leg; his mouth sucked in cold air; after kicking the other side, the recoil force directly fractured him.

Although they had also fought with Longinus "battle", the situation was, they could not even touch each other's clothes by Longinus to the absolute power of the suppressed.

Now with the siege situation finally attacked the other side, but the result after the battle is even more unacceptable to them, so they can not even do the minimum to break the defense?

When you think about it like that, those few times they resisted before were a bit ridiculous!

"You guys don't have to be too frustrated, the enemy is the strongest in the world, if you can hurt each other after less than a year at sea, that's what underestimates the weight of the word Admiral!" Robin comforted.

On the other hand, the Okama King found some not quite right, now this situation, how feel Longinus completely abandoned them?

The eye's corner to glance at the tragic battle situation over there, the human demon king is glad in the heart, did not expect the guy called Blackbeard is so desperate, it seems that "he" before is wrong about each other!

Such a "self-sacrificing" good comrade, "he" is a little embarrassed to pit each other!

So, the next moment "he" will dodge the Desert Crocodile's fierce attack while winking and skimming, crazy to give the Desert Crocodile hints.

Desert Crocodile has almost calmed down after the rage; she knows the Okama King can change her back again; in general, it is only in the female dress's body level once.

To get out, she endured!

Of course, to avoid attracting the attention of Longinus, the Desert Crocodile also did not directly stop fighting, but cold eyes at the Okama King, tacit agreement to reduce the force of the attack.

The Okama King understood in seconds.

Emporio Ganmen Seicho Hormone!

By injecting the growth hormone into his face, the Okama King's already oversized head quickly swelled up, "Jump on my head!"

As soon as the words left his mouth, "he" crashed into the wall and jumped towards the sea outside.

The Okama King is obvious; as long as there is some hesitation, the admiral will catch it, so "he" also did not have time to leave others to react.

In the first time to react to only three people, Desert Crocodile, Jimbei, Robin!

Cien Fleur!

In the first time after jumping on the head of the Okama King, Robin will stretch out six long arms to grab Luffy and the rest of them.

At this point, the rest of the pirates also finally reacted.

"Wait, take us with you!"

"You guys get the hell out of my way!"

These pirates frantically jumped to Luffy and the other six, Chopper and Usopp, who reacted slightly slower, had a long string of pirates hanging from their bodies instantly.

"Not good, my ability has reached its limit!" Robin said with a big sweat.

At this time, Luffy, who had pulled to the head of the Okama King, shouted, "Wait, I'll pull them."

"Can't wait!" Okama King shouted, "Crocodile boy, the next look at you."

"Humph! Get out and hurry up and change me back!" Desert Crocodile coldly snorted in displeasure and rolled up a sandstorm to hold the Okama King in place.

"No, Usopp and Chopper are not here yet!"

"This is a necessary sacrifice!"

Okama King is some speechless, "he" even gave up Inazuma, but you are good, save the five people but you are not satisfied.

"But ..."

"Not good, the strongest man on the sea is going to be angry!"

Longinus also seems to be enraged by several people's sneaking behavior, surprisingly ignoring the enemies in front of him, turned towards the sea, and swung a fierce fist.


A giant shock wave visible to the naked eye separated the sea and hit the Okama King heavily, almost a fountain of blood column spurted out from the face of that vast number.

The furious wave of energy blowing violently, and Robin which two arms connected into the rope, finally broke; Usopp and Chopper, even with a large group of pirates, all fell into the sea.

PS: Sauce it, can not top, I want to sleep Orz.

Published in Qidian, October 19, 2019