Daifuku: This is The Big 3 Pit

The Rear Admiral nodded, with an infinite look of longing in his eyes, "If only Admiral Longinus were here, if only he were here, those Oka Shichibukai would not dare to be as perfunctory as they are now!"

Except for Hawkeye, the other three on the battlefield were all educated by Longinus, which is no secret in the Marine Headquarters.

"This group of bastards, really do not take the marine's orders seriously!" Sengoku's face was ugly.

On the battlefield, Doflamingo was controlling Atmos, the 13th team leader of the Whitebeard Pirates, and Hancock was petrifying one of the arms of the 10th team leader, Curiel.

The most extraordinary would have to be Hawkeye, surprisingly fighting with the Flower Sword Vista hardly parted.

Flower Sword Vista is powerful and is considered an extremely powerful one in the great swordsman, but the gap between him and Hawkeye can see by anyone who is not stupid.

This open and honest paddling is treating their marine as idiots?

The only consolation is that Kuma carried out all the instructions perfectly, leading the twenty pacifists and destroying all the enemies within the target range with extremely powerful combat power.

It didn't take long for the huge fleet to officially enter the people's sight on the battlefield.

"Wait, what is that?"

"Damn! Has there been another change of course?"

A group of pirate and marine forces are a bit stunned; the current situation, the sudden intervention of any power may overwhelm the scales of victory.

Those are three incomparably huge ships; from afar, it looks like small islands moving in the sea.

Soon, the crowd got a good look at the owners of those huge ships.

"Giants, these three huge ships were all giants!"

"Together, these three ships will only have hundreds of giant warriors!"

"Hundreds of giants, that's a powerful force that can decide the battle! I don't know, which side will they take?"

"There's a super tall giant coming out, his size is almost catching up with little Oars, could it be that he's also a Demon Berserker?"

Seeing these giants, the most affected is undoubtedly the BIG-MOM pirates on the side; they are aware that the relationship between their old mother and the giant race can almost describe as deep water.

"Just kidding, right? Why would giants appear here?" Daifuku's face was gloomy; he was gloating over the fact that the Beast Pirates had a boss who liked to pit his men, but now, were they pitted by their mom?

If you take into account those sons of the Whitebeard Pirates who like to pit, so it seems, this is not what they are, the three major pirates? It is three big pits!

"Oorararara! Where is Longinus old brother ah? I brought someone to support his fight!" The tallest giant king Olaf, laughed loudly.

When hearing his booming laughter, the hearts of the pirates present were half chilled; these giants were on the side of the Marine!

"Is that His Majesty Olaf?" Sengoku, of course, also knows some situation of Elbaf. Seeing such prominent physical characteristics, naturally, at the first time to recognize the identity of the other party, then also relaxed a lot, "Longinus is now on an urgent mission, it will be some time before he returns."

"That's a real shame! I was hoping to give him a surprise!" Olaf said with a lack of interest.

"The surprise Your Majesty the Giant King said was ..." Although he already guessed in his mind, Sengoku still couldn't help but ask.

"Orrararara, I heard him say that he seems to be going to war with a very powerful enemy, so those of us volunteered to come over and help him with the fight!" Olaf laughed loudly.

Longinus knew that these giants were very enthusiastic, and all he had to do was make an aside to get them to spontaneously and actively come over to help.

He is not yet a fleet admiral, and such things as requesting support cannot bypass by the Headquarters, but if the other side takes the initiative to reinforce, it is a different story.

Hearing what Olaf said, the people on the battlefield were a bit unable to believe their ears; they thought it was the giants invited by Longinus, did not think it was these giants who took the initiative to request to come over to help?

When did these proud giants become so lovely?

Also, just how high was Longinus' reputation among the giants? To make these proud giants recognize him like this!

But no matter what, because of the Pirate Alliance's sudden intrusion and the loose decline in morale is finally starting to rebound.

"Giant King, Giant King! Admiral Hitsujiza, Admiral Hitsujiza!"

"Admiral Longinus is so impressive that even the giants will take the initiative to fight because of him!"

"They say that Admiral Longinus has a high reputation among those other races, I didn't expect it to be true!"

Hearing the cheers of the surrounding marines, Doflamingo also narrowed his eyes, "Can someone who is not present become the main character? It's awesome! Admiral Longinus!"

When these giants entered the battlefield, they are indeed the first time to find the BIG-MOM Pirates.

"Charlotte Linlin, you evil god, I heard that you were killed by Longinus old brother and then resurrected, today, I want to see how many more times you can resurrect?" The giant king roared and ran wildly on the ice field towards Charlotte Linlin.

"Hey? Is that a bad guy?" Linlin, who was wandering on the battlefield, tilted her head and waved her fist towards Olaf.


The two fists blasted together, space was quiet for a moment, and then rippling ripples swept out in all directions.

The shock wave visible to the naked eye radiated towards the surroundings, and the nearby pirate and marine blew up into the sky at once.

"Ooo-ra!" Olaf stepped hard on the ice field, the glacier beneath his feet instantly split into pieces, then the giant king raised the largest part of the cracked ice field and threw it towards Charlotte Linlin.

Compared with the previous ice block thrown by Jozu, the piece of iceberg Olaf lifted was almost ten times bigger, and from a distance, it looked like an island flying in the sky.

"Hey? Are you going to have a snowball fight with me, big guy?" Linlin clapped her "little hands" happily, lifted a massive iceberg, and threw it at Olaf.

Boom! Boom!

The two huge icebergs crashed in the sky with a terrifying bang, followed by numerous ice debris falling to the battlefield below.

It is important to know that the two icebergs crashed and shattered into the smallest ice slag as big as two or three people, suddenly falling from the sky; the impact is no less than a cannonball.

"Run! Do not fight near them!"

"Good, so strong, obviously the size is about the same, but the Giant King is countless times stronger than that Little Oars!"

"Pure physical strength can be this strong, these two are both monsters!"

Before this, many people only felt that Giant King was very prestigious, but they did not have an accurate definition of his natural strength.

They finally know the king's real strength from Elbaf, which is sufficient to fight with the powerful "BIG-MOM" of the Goko.

No wonder it is said that Elbaf is the world's number one power!

Another part of the people are thinking farther, before; they only noticed that Admiral Hitsujiza influenced the human kingdom, the Marine Headquarters, and the World Government. But now it seems that the other party can also mobilize an extremely powerful force among the giants, the Fishman, the minks, and other races!

Admiral Hitsujiza, not only strength, it seems that even the influence network is terrifyingly extensive ah!

Published in Qidian, October 22, 2019