Blackbeard Pirates Targeted

"Ryusei Kazan!"


The burning sky, crumbling ground as if the world's end generally scene in the center of the battlefield constantly reappear.

Although suppressed by Whitebeard, but Akainu did not half retreat from the idea, his eyes steadfast and fierce, seems to be intended at all costs to Whitebeard completely stay here.

"Nice eyes, but, you can't stop me!" Whitebeard said in a deep voice.

"Stop talking big, Whitebeard, you can' t take a step here!" Akainu said in a cold voice, a "Hades Dog" blast at the other side.

"Humph! Then you have to ..." Whitebeard swung his naginata to break through the magma and was about to put down harsh words, but his eyes suddenly drifted to the sky, "This aura is ... "

Over the sea, Blackbeard's face gloomy, suddenly shivered body, like an ancient beast on the general, seems to think of what, panic and shouted, "bad, run!"

Lafitte quickly reacted, vibrating his wings to fly away, but he was still a step too slow; a roar towards him has accompanied a fierce and violent shock wave.

"Teach, you bastard, go to hell!"

Whitebeard angrily punched a fist to shatter the sky, the pillar of light visible to the naked eye almost through the sky and the sea.

The pillar of light brushed Lafitte, who carried two people too late to dodge, half of the body, and then directly vaporized and dissipated.

Then, Shiryu, Blackbeard, and the half of Lafitte's body fell from the sky.

"Is that guy Blackbeard? In addition to ugly a little black and a little fat, it seems nothing special!"

"Do not underestimate him, who dares to scheme Whitebeard will not be a simple character!"

"What will Whitebeard do? Will he move on or execute himself? This is really something to look forward to!"

The crowd on the battlefield is all casting derisive glances toward the two who fell; no one likes betrayers, not to mention that they are also both traitors.

"Damn!" Blackbeard does not care about the gaze of others, only the sacrifice of the last one of his men, leaving his heart clouded with a layer of gloom.

"It seems like becoming the focus, but I don't want to be the focus in this situation." Shiryu's face was gloomy, and he began to doubt whether he had made the right choice before.

"Teach, don't you have something to say to me and Thatch?" Whitebeard pointed his blade at the other side and roared.

"Zehahahahaha, father, I've thanked you for your care in the past, as a reward, I will take everything you have ah!" Blackbeard does not hide his ambition at all.

"Do not call me father, Teach, only you do not deserve to be my son!" Whitebeard coldly snorted.

"Really no mercy, but it is good, I have long been tired of playing the game of house!" Blackbeard opened his hands and laughed fiercely, "Next, I will take over the world!"

"Take over the world? Gurararara, then I will let you understand the cruelty of this world!" Whitebeard violently swung the naginata, attached to the blade of vibration's power with the power of shock waves to the opposite side at a breakneck speed.

Blackbeard's pupils shrink, the body quickly landed on the left side of a roll; the next moment, the place where he originally stood utterly shatter by the terrifying force.

"Ze, zehahahaha, this is the power I have dreamed of getting!" Blackbeard's forehead corner seeped a cold sweat; if hit by this level of attack, even if he can absorb the injury, it is estimated to be no better.

"If I let you the scum who killed his companions live in the world, the dead souls of Thatch will cry!" Whitebeard took a big step, swinging open space of a fist hammered to Blackbeard's head.

Blackbeard, this time did not dodge but seized the opportunity to press the right hand up, the deep sea swirling infinite darkness in his hand emerged, will continue to vibrate with the milky white light all swallowed.

"Zehahahahaha, how about it, the earthquake can not start, right?"

Blackbeard's wild laughter abruptly stalled because, without any warning, Whitebeard's naginata fell on his shoulder.

"Hooahhhhhhhh, it hurts!" Blackbeard, who knocked out, rolled on the ground, and tears of pain came out of his eyes.

"Only relying on the ability of the fruit is not going anywhere in this world, this principle, I should have told you a long time ago, Teach! Whitebeard's fist clenched a fierce and powerful fist towards the ground down.

"Stop it, father, I am your son ah!" Blackbeard shouted in panic.

On the other hand, Shiryu admired the captain's ugly face and then fiercely drew his sword to cut behind him.


A cloud of restless magma scattered in all directions, Shiryu turned to look at the man who was slowly walking towards him, "Admiral Akainu, is this your intention to fight?"

"I'm more disgusted by traitors like you than by pirates!" Akainu fiercely clenched his fist, searing hot magma spilling out from between his fingers, "Your existence will bring shame to the face of the government and the marine!"

"What bad luck! Fighting two admirals in a row is not something I want to see!" Shiryu's face was grave; the injuries that Longinus had previously left him had not yet recovered.

"Go to hell and repent! Dai Funka!"

The huge magma palm shot out like a giant mountain of gliding flames, destroying all the existence in the way.

Shiryu held his sword with both hands and cut it in front of him; a giant slashing wave of hundreds of meters long flew out and cut the magma fist apart from it.

However, the magma fist split in two bursts apart the next moment, shattering into countless volcanic missiles and accelerating towards Shiryu's position.


Like the cannon fire of dozens of battleships washing the ground back and forth, in just an instant, a large area of ice field disappeared directly from people's sight.

"The Admiral is really no one is easy to deal with!" Shiryu jumped out of the sea; it burned his clothes most of the time.

"You're pretty quick to escape." Akainu's cold snort of dissatisfaction once again turned into magma rushed to Hiryu.

Seeing this scene, the crowd on the battlefield could not help but mourn for the Blackbeard Pirates.

Both Blackbeard and Shiryu are at the top of the sea; their strong combination should be the nightmare of any enemy.

Unfortunately, their opponents are more terrible, the two sides of the pirate and marine leaders, surprisingly, because they both temporarily put aside hatred at the same time.

This kind of treatment, only the Rocks Pirates thirty-six years ago, enjoyed.

"Father, do you really want to kill your own son?"

On the other side, in a panic, Blackbeard shouted, initially being Longinus's priority attention, and now by Whitebeard, regardless of the cost of violent beating, can be said to be forced into a desperate situation.

"I have long said, Teach, only you do not deserve to be my son!"

Although such words, Whitebeard's attack still delayed for a moment.

"Chance!" The Blackbeard set the darkness to liberate while quickly retreat; if it is an older state of Whitebeard, he may still think about the opportunity to sneak attack.

But this fierce man in front of me, let's forget it!

"Don't try to escape, bastard Teach!" Whitebeard's eyes cold, a fist of fury punched out.


The ground shook, the ice field collapsed, Blackbeard screamed and fell into the sea.

PS: The second chapter will be a little later.

Published in Qidian, October 24, 2019