The Hidden Trouble of the Marine Headquarters

Suppose the four admirals are dividing into four factions. In that case, Akainu is undoubtedly the radical faction, Aokiji is the moderate faction, Kizaru is the negative neutral faction, Longinus is the positive neutral faction.

The proportion of these factions in the Marine can roughly say to be three : two : one : four, which, it cannot compare the moderate faction to the radical faction is mainly because as the "leader" Aokiji is too inactive.

Longinus has the highest voice in the Marine Corps and his philosophy that most people agree more, or because his philosophy can make the moderate and radical faction are barely accepted.

It also makes, when Cister reads the opinion of Gorosei, the whole room is in an uproar. It seems that no one is on the side of Akainu; after all, even the radicals themselves think that the most likely to become the Fleet Admiral can only be Longinus.

However, when Cister explained the reasons, the radicals also finally reacted; they seem to have discovered that the possibility of making radical and absolute justice the dominant voice in the Marine.

So, a different voice soon emerged from those questioning voices.

"I support Admiral Akainu, only absolute justice can truly destroy the evil in this world!"

"Admiral Hitsujiza is very good, but his heart is not ruthless enough, such a character is no way to lead the Marine out of the confusion!"

"If it is in a gentle era, Admiral Hitsujiza will become the best leader, but in this era of chaos and disorder, only Admiral Akainu can end evil!"

Although these voices are only a small number of people, in their radical resistance, the voice's outbreak is barely holding with the other side.

"I didn't expect this Admiral Akainu to have this kind of popularity in the Navy, it seems that Gorosei-sama did not find the wrong person!" Cister looked at the calm-faced Akainu with surprise.

He knows how high the reputation of Longinus in the marine, but in this case, there is still a part of the loyalists supporting Akainu, so this man is a compelling character.

Furthermore, the support of Gorosei can only be used as a driving force if the people who stand in front of the stage themselves do not have many followers, such as a certain monkey. Even if Gorosei says, more beautiful estimates will not have many people stand out to speak for him.

Even Longinus had to admit that Akainu did have his charisma, especially in these increasingly chaotic and turbulent times; many people will subconsciously expect a more assertive and more decisive leader with stronger fists.

Seeing that both Longinus and Sakazuki were keeping silent, the debate, again, gradually spread to the hierarchy of vice admirals.

"Doberman, Onigumo, are you two going to betray Longinus-senpai as well?" Vice-Admiral with a Mohican haircut roared this way.

"What are you talking about, Momonga!" Doberman said coldly, "What we believe in has never been anything but the marine and justice!"

"Stupid!" Onigumo eyes gloomy, "Admiral Longinus last time is indeed do some wrong, just for the idea of some soldiers spared the Whitebeard Pirates, such matters obviously just go to explain afterwards can be."

"You two are the ones who are stupid." Momonga roared, "Have you forgotten what senpai said? A destroyed house can be rebuilt, a broken bridge can be rebuilt, but how can a broken heart be returned to the past?"

Hearing Momonga says this, both Onigumo and Doberman's eyes flashed a little.

Just then, Akainu, who had not moved, suddenly looked at Longinus and asked, "What do you think, Longinus?"

"What can I do? If I withdraw from the competition, doesn't that mean that I think even I myself did the wrong thing last time?" Longinus sighed, "Even if it's for the sake of the justice those soldiers are holding on to, I absolutely cannot give up!"

"Hmph! What hypocrisy!" Akainu snorted coldly, "Didn't you yourself say before that soldiers take obeying orders as their natural duty?"

Longinus eyes firm, not retreating half a step, "This is a proposal, not an order, and, even the government can not directly interfere with the marine's internal matters."

"Are you going to stop me again this time?" Akainu's face is cold, and his words carry a cold air.

"I can back down on other things, but when it comes to disputes over ideas, I'm sorry, I have to stick to them!" Longinus said decisively.

The two eyes stared at each other, the atmosphere strained, and the air around them became sticky as a result.

When the smell of flamewars between the two is getting heavier and heavier, Kizaru gags, "Oh yo yo, you guys come a little closer to kiss together!"

At once, four sharp eyes cast towards him.

Kizaru hurriedly raised his hands in surrender, "I did not say anything."

However, after his interruption, the atmosphere has slightly eased down.

Sengoku also coughed, "You're all too emotional, go back and calm down, let's revisit this matter in a few days."

Akainu snorted coldly, turned, and walked out.

In this case, the atmosphere in the meeting room also gradually eased, and then, the hateful gaze of the people shifted to a specific person who provoked this incident.

It's not a good idea to point out a thousand things.

Being stared at by so many fierce and hostile eyes, even Cister's body instinctively trembled and walked quickly to Longinus to apologize, "Long time no see, my friend, about this time, I am sorry."

"No need for that." Longinus's face smile, as gentle as ever, does not seem to be affected, "like you said yourself, you are just the messenger to convey the opinion."

Seeing that Cister has a good attitude and does not carry malice as they thought, the marines in the meeting hall also have a gloomy expression and dispersed and began to think about the next stand.

Cister is also relieved to see this, once again thanked while implicitly reminded, "Admiral Longinus, this time it should be those Gorosei want to deliberately cause conflicts between you and Admiral Akainu, or even, is to trigger the conflict between the various factions of the marine!"

Longinus glanced at the newly appointed Vice Chief of CP0 and sighed intentionally, "Of course I know, moreover, I believe that Admiral Akainu must also know!"

Cister asked in a surprised tone, "Did you already know?"

"What can we do if we know? This is the positive conspiracy!" Longinus shook his head and sighed, "The conflict between the major factions in the marine has actually been a long time, but in the severe current situation was temporarily suppressed."

"And the significant victory of the Marine Corps at the same time to boost morale has also unlocked the shackles placed on them, the suppressed conflict began to burst out, I can feel, after the winning of the war, the internal marine is indeed a lot more restless!"

"And as long as this conflict does not disappear, the problem will not be solved! Gorosei-sama merely set this conflict off in advance!"

The pupils under the mask of Cister flickered a flash of shock. He did not expect that after defeating Whitebeard, in the eyes of all people should be in the most triumphant stage of life of the man, surprisingly have not been overwhelmed by the joy of victory, and Marine Headquarters's situation is incomparably soberer to know.

This man's mind, it's just too scary!

After a moment of silence, Cister nodded with deep feeling, "Yes, even within the government actually has a similar contradiction."

Longinus continued, "It is not really difficult to suppress this conflict for the time being, but neither I nor Admiral Akainu is willing to do so."

Cister asked tentatively, "Does Admiral Longinus mean that one of you withdraws from the competition?"

Longinus nodded slightly, then shook his head again and said, "But like I said before, this is the only thing that we will not back down one step."

"In this aspect of the fight against pirates, Admiral Akainu and I can agree, but when it comes to the marine and civilians, we have our own differences of opinion."

"Admiral Akainu thinks I'm not strong enough to end this era of pirates, while I think Admiral Akainu is too aggressive and will lead the Marine to destruction!"

Longinus sighed, "So that even if we all understand the intentions of Gorosei-sama, we can only do what those Gorosei expect!"

"The dispute between me and Admiral Akainu is inevitable!"

Published in Qidian, October 29, 2019