News from Morgans

After the speech, Longinus did not leave directly but went to the stage and warmly greeted each one.

In this strict hierarchy world, few people will be like Longinus to do so, even the same popular Aokiji and Garp in the Marine. At most, moderate attitude, it is impossible to pull down like Longinus to greet one by one.

After all, they are both too lazy!

"None of you have been officially appointed yet, and you don't have to call me fleet admiral, just call me senpai."

"Yeah, I used to be a student of Zephyr-sensei too, those were really nostalgic years."

"You are ... Jace? Of course I remember, how could I forget that brave little guy back then?"

"Adonis? It should be this name is not wrong, right?"

Almost every person who has crossed paths with Longinus would mention by name, and the scene was so exciting that these recruits could not contain themselves.

By the time Longinus left, he had sawed in these recruits' eyes was fanaticism and impulsiveness.

"My friend, thank you for letting me watch a perfect speech!" Morgans, who appeared in the ability of Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Albatross, said with a big belly, "When today's speech is reported, I'm sure more people will choose to join the Marine Corps!"

"I'm more concerned about how you're doing with your hero series than I am about that." Longinus asked.

"Kuwa, how dare I forget what Fleet Admiral-dono cares about?" Morgans patted his big belly and said, "But, are you really not going to put yourself in?"

"No, I'm not much of a hero." Longinus sighed with emotion, "I can let those real heroes be remembered, I, the fleet admiral, can be considered to have done something practical!"

"Your modesty is something to be ashamed as well!" Morgans flapped his wings and said, "But it's still too bad, fleet admiral, you're a guaranteed sales for us!"

Longinus smiled slightly and turned towards the central building, "Why don't you go to Vice Admiral Garp for this kind of thing? Isn't his 'Bullshit' column also very popular?"

Morgans followed quickly, spouting, "I was warned by the government only the day before yesterday to shut down my column."

"What? Did Vice Admiral Garp say something inappropriate?"

"Vice Admiral Garp commenting on current affairs 'accidentally' said not to ask too much of the Celestial Dragons, that kind of stupidity is rare enough to talk."

Longinus footsteps stop, the corners of the mouth twitch, "Such comments, and you dare to publish in the newspaper?"

Morgans laughed heatedly, "This is the high sales ah, and, the name of this column originally said 'nonsense'."

At this time, the secretary lady next to Longinus also could not help but spit out, "Hina think, you are still in the president's position is a miracle."

"You can't say that, but seventy percent of my newspaper's revenue went to those Celestial Dragons, and besides, they can't read the newspaper, if not for those CP0 snitches, I can still open this column for at least another year." Morgans depressed said.

"Well, explain why you're here today." Longinus interrupted.

"Kuwahahaha, I'm just going to start a new column!" Morgans said as if ingratiating himself.

"A column? Relating to me?" Longinus laughed lightly, "I don't know any nonsense."

"Certainly not the kind of show that's too low level." Morgans didn't feel half guilty then sold Garp, "What I want to start is a war correspondent column."

"War correspondent?" Longinus narrowed his eyes to the side, "You know all about it?"

"If you, Fleet Admiral-dono, are referring to the matter of the Revolutionary Army's headquarters being leaked and the marine's intention to start another war, then I do know about it." Morgans rattling laugh, "without some of their own intelligence channels, I would have been killed by others."

"Is it convenient to reveal where you got the information from?"

"Fleet Admiral-dono don't worry, your high-level marine is solid, my information, of course, from the government side."

"It's because you say so that I am more worried!" Longinus rubbed his brow, "With my knowledge of the government's top brass, the revolutionary army side has probably received the news too!"

"Then I don't know." Morgans said incoherently.

"Although I do not expect them to give me much help, but do not always pull the marine's leg ah!" Longinus sighed; if the pig teammates are already terrible enough, then the pig leader is an entirely devastating disaster!

Morgans did not care about this; he just said ingratiatingly, "I, a war correspondent, just want to simply record the heroic appearance of Fleet Admiral."

"Is it really that simple?" Longinus looked at the big bird in front of him with a smirk.

"Of course, I also have a little ambition of my own." Morgans "coy" said, "If you can record the battle between the fleet admiral and the leader of the revolutionary army, it would be even better!"

"That's not easy; if not, there are lives at stake." Longinus knew that the big bird's strength in front of him was not weak, but this strength also depends on who to compare them to; if it is on the battlefield between him and Dragon, Morgans' power is not enough to see.

Morgans said fervently, "As long as I can shoot the top news, this danger is nothing at all!"

Longinus pondered for a moment and said, "As long as you can persuade the government side to release the footage you have captured, there is no problem on my side."

"Kuwa, as long as you can agree, Fleet Admral-dono." Morgans said excitedly, "For people like us, it couldn't be easier to coax those world nobles!"

Longinus nodded slightly. The Celestial Dragons, who are known as the source of evil, were considered the best to deal with it.

Of course, the premise is not to be disgusted.

"In return, I can tell Fleet Admiral-dono a few little information." Morgans said in return.

"Oh? What kind of information?" Longinus' eyes slightly stared; he certainly knew that what could be mentioned explicitly by Morgans could not be any insignificant news.

"The Revolutionary Army headquarters was leaked, in fact, it was that guy who called himself Blackbeard who passed it out."

"It's him!" Longinus raised an eyebrow.

"The second information is also about him, I heard, he probably already knows about the treasure of Rocks. Exposing the Revolutionary Army's main base is an attempt to use it to divert the attention of the government and the marine." Morgans sorrowful smile, "Moreover, that former admiral will again destroy the Blackbeard Pirates, it is said, also because of this reason!"

Published in Qidian, November 11, 2019