Blackbeard: I Fucking ......

When the marine fleet arrived at the Momoiro Island, all that awaited them was an empty cluster of pink buildings.

Thanks to the Momoiro Island's prestige, the soldiers on the warship were a little afraid to go down; in case they got into something unclean, it would be an even more terrible punishment than death.

"Arara, we missed it again!" Aokiji sighed lazily.

"That's so ... sad!" Kizaru pretend to sigh and then stretch out his index finger in the cheek scratch, "Since all have not been able to catch people, why do not we go back to the headquarters?"

"If we really want to go back without doing anything, the leakage of information will certainly be pushed to us." Longinus said with a shake of his head.

"It's true that you can't underestimate the lower limit of those people!" Aokiji, even though he did not want to go out, but knew that this kind of thing at least can not be found by others to excuse.

"That's fine." Kizaru shrugged and asked, "Boss Longinus, do you have any ideas?"

"The revolutionary army is strong, if too scattered, it is likely that they will seize the opportunity to break one by one." Longinus mused, "How about this, I'll go all the way, you two go all the way, if you encounter the enemy, don't act directly, try to delay until government reinforcements or the arrival of another party among us."

"You alone?" Aokiji asked in surprise.

"You should also know my ability, even if I meet with the revolutionary army, I can still do self-preservation." Longinus said calmly.

"Do not forget that our Fleet Admiral-dono is a real monster in the sense of the word!" For his part, Kizaru said with a crooked mouth.

"The ability to defeat Sakazuki? Although I vaguely know some, but in the end was a curious kind of power ah!" Aokiji also looks solemn.

Time is short; several people did not talk too much; soon, the huge marine fleet split into two groups in the opposite direction.


In the first half of the Grand Line, a dozen broken pirate ships suddenly surfaced from beneath the surface of the sea as if they had just experienced a fierce battle.

It is a huge warship; each ship has a large log on both sides; it looks like an ancient primitive raft from a distance.

"Whew! Finally saved!"

"It's been half a month!"

"Fuck! Finally we are free from that monster!"

These pirates were lying on the deck. Their face after the robbery of the expression of fear, or joy, or cry out in pain.

The tallest of the main ship, compared to two years ago, much darker than Blackbeard, looking around the tragic situation fiercely clenched his right hand, "my huge fleet is left with these people?"

Before this, he has more than a hundred ships of the New World's enormous fleet, second only to the Goko's existence.

But that bastard let his two years of efforts all in vain!

"The enemy is, after all, a third of the Marine Headquarters, with our strength, it is good to escape!" Nevertheless, Shiryu is still looking down with a face, who would not feel good if they encountered this kind of thing, not to mention that they are full of unwarranted disaster. No one expected Akainu to focus on them suddenly.

"The new marine, Akainu, I''ll take this revenge!" Blackbeard cursed viciously.

Seeing Blackbeard screaming incompetently and furiously there, the corners of Shiryu's mouth twitched slightly and couldn't help but change the subject, "What are you going to do now? Continue to follow the original plan to take away the legacy of the Rocks?"

Hearing Shiryu mention the business, Blackbeard also forced to calm down, "No, I will not go for the time being!"

"Why suddenly decided not to go?" Shiryu frowned, have offended the revolutionary army and suddenly did not go?

"Speaking of which, it is also thanks to that bastard Akainu." Blackbeard's eyes shaded, "if he did not wake me up, I may still be immersed in that illusory world!"

"Defeating the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates, and being called the Goko by my men, all of this made me think I was truly qualified to stand on the same level as those other four men! But now it seems that the first one who gets out of the game after getting the legacy of Rocks is me!"


"The treasure of the Rocks is the Road Poneglyph pointing to Raftel, while the other three pieces of Poneglyph, one in the hands of Apophis, one in the hands of Katakuri, and the last piece is in the hands of Kaido."

Blackbeard said in a deep voice, "New World can now calm, is because this fourth piece of Road Poneglyph has not yet appeared, once I took that piece of Road Poneglyph, it is the same as opening the door to hell! A super battle between the Yonko, can you imagine what kind of scene that would be?"

Even Shiryu was stunned by the image Blackbeard mentioned and couldn't help but say to himself, "No wonder you said we would be the first to go out, compared to the Yonko, we are indeed the weakest party!"

"So what are you going to do?"

"Of course ... let me also have their level of power!"

Shiryu instantly understood, "Devil fruit?"

Blackbeard nodded heavily, "Yes, only Devil Fruit can let me catch up with them in the shortest possible time!"

"But, don't you want the Gura Gura no Mi?"

"This is what bothers me the most!" Blackbeard's face cloudy, "I acted a little impatient this time, may let others guess some questions, if I do not go to the initiative to open the treasure, there may be more impatient than me to force me to open. So, I must get the power that can fight them as soon as possible!"

Shiryu's face was grave. Indeed, they had no more time to wait for more options.

"Wait three more ... no, wait two more months, if I still can not get the Gura Gura no Mi -" Blackbeard eyes ruthless, "I will find a random devil fruit ..."

Bang! Bang!

The sudden sound of the firing made Blackbeard look aside with displeasure, "What's going on?"

"Admiral, we met three cargo ships, probably a merchant fleet from nearby." A pirate with a scar on his face next to him said in awe.

"A merchant fleet?"

"The brothers have just come back from the dead and want to find a few women ... hehehe to vent!" The scar-faced pirate shrugged his lower body and laughed with a YD face, "You shouldn't mind, right?"

"Zehahahaha, bring me two of the best over!" Blackbeard laughed; just in time, he also wanted to vent his anger.

Shiryu, on the other hand, cautiously asked, "Why did you shoot?"

"Those bastards probably look at us as losing the war, and somewhat underestimate us, surprisingly, they only intend to hand over the money but not the women!" Scar-faced pirates laughed, "So, we scared them a little."

The next pirates also followed and laughed, "These losers in paradise, if they know that we are the Blackbeard Pirates, probably, will be scared to piss their pants, right?"

Other pirates mocked, "Don't underestimate them, maybe, there are some powerful strong people in this merchant group?"

Scar-faced pirates laughed, "What strong people can there be in paradise? Can they defeat a small pirate with a 50 million berries bounty?"

After escaping from the crisis of death, these pirates were all venting with reckless enthusiasm.

At that moment, a cold voice came from the middle passenger ship.

"Blackbeard Pirates? Then we don't have to hide!"

The man in the dark green trench coat stepped out; his eyes were cold.

A group of pirates first froze and then let out a loud laugh.

"Ahahahaha, is this idiot scared silly?"

"It should be ignorant, it is surprising that even our Blackbeard Pirates do not know ..."

However, Blackbeard and Shiryu is cold sweat, shouted, "Dragon!"

Wait, since Dragon here, then it does not mean that ... Blackbeard subconsciously looks towards the three passenger ships.

Sure enough, the next moment, there will be a large number of revolutionary warriors from the passenger ships out, looking at his eyes, filled with anger and hatred!

"I fucking ..." see this scene, Blackbeard's face become purple!

Published in Qidian, November 02, 2019