Vegapunk's Research

"I'll attract its attention, by its own ability to hit, it really let the old man can not raise his head ah!" Kizaru sighs like this, turning into a light track, flying around the giant beast to flying around.


Although he didn't know where the beast's "head" was, Victor could sense that the brilliant light track indeed attracted the beast, or rather, was provoked. The bloated body was spinning in circles, and from time to time, laser light waves shot out of its body without any pattern, as if any part of the body could shoot out light waves.

"Then let's do it too." Victor and Aokiji looked at each other and attacked the beast at the same time.

One is to create countless vines to bind the beast; one is even with the sea to the ice.

"Hoo, how long can the big guy's action be sealed?" Kizaru asked with a sigh of relief.

"A minute or two." Aokiji said casually.

"Hey, only a minute or two for both of you combined?" Kizaru said in shock.

"It always feels like you're not saying anything nice, but forget it." Victor's mouth twitched, and then looked at Aokiji asked, "How about we sink the whole thing into the sea now, and you do a complete freeze?"

Aokiji took a look at the ice mountain that was too high to see the top; his eyes calmly said, "I have no problem, but how are you going to sink it?"

"The ..." Victor is also dumbfounded; they are not difficult to destroy a mountain range, but to press a mountain range into the ground is not so easy.

Not to mention, they will inevitably damage the ice when they move the beast's body, allowing the beast to break the seal in advance.

Just when the three were at their wits' end, a golden dot of light suddenly flashed in the shadows, and then a powerful golden storm came hurtling up.

"Boss Longinus, if you do not come we will be in trouble!" Kizaru said and looked at Dragon, who also stood behind the griffin, "Tsk, today this is considered a joint action of our Marine and Revolutionary Army?"

See Victor and Aokiji and Kizaru did not break out in conflict, Dragon heart also relieved.

Longinus then looked at the ice sculpture and asked in a deep voice, "What is going on here? This ice layer, is the monster you mentioned?"

Aokiji nodded and said, "That's it, we were in pursuit of the revolutionary army when this monster suddenly attacked! The weird thing is that we didn't perceive its arrival at all."

"Couldn't perceive it?" Dragon's face changed slightly, sending out his Kenbunshoku Haki in his perception; the front was like an iceberg without any breath of life, "Indeed, what kind of monster is this guy?"

"Can't perceive it? It seems that, indeed, he has succeeded in his research!" Longinus already understood the identity of the "beast" but still pretended to be shocked and asked, "There is such magical creature. What about its strength?"

"Strength -" Aokiji mused, "for us there is no threat, but likewise, our attacks on it is also very difficult to effect."

"This is exactly what gives us a headache." Victor interjected, "This giant beast is not much of a threat to the strong, but to those towns and islands, it is easy to bring them to destruction!"

"So, its defense power is beyond those giant sea king class a lot?" Longinus asked again.

"Although those giant sea kings are huge, but if they come to the surface, it's not difficult to kill them, but this giant beast is different, its body defense is almost comparable to the best alloy!" Victor said in a deep voice.

"Comparable to the best alloy -" Longinus whispered, then looked at Dragon with a "shocked" face, "Dragon-senpai, please use your ability to blow away all the fog in this sea."

Seeing Longinus' expression, Dragon also asked, "Do you know something?"

Longinus look "grave", a slight nod, and then shook his head, "Not sure yet, but the answer may well be hidden under this fog."

"I see." Seeing Longinus said so, Dragon also did not force; after flying into the sky, the incomparably powerful hurricane steeply erupted, as if to blow away the world in general, all the space filled with hurricanes.

Gradually, the mists dispersed.

The monster's body hidden in the mist that hidden was finally all exposed in the eyes of the people.

"Wait, this is ..."

"A joke, right? How is this kind of thing possible?"

Not to mention the soldiers on the warship, Dragon, and others shocked by the image in front of them. What is this unknown creature? It was simply an incomparably large and distorted base!

Although its shape has been destroyed and distorted beyond recognition, but still can vaguely see, a base should have the form of the outline.

"This can't be ..." Dragon turned his gaze to Longinus.

In the crowd's horrified gaze, Longinus nodded heavily, "This presumably is the sub-sea scientific base that was given life by Dr. Vegapunk!"

"Even if you say so, this kind of thing is still hard to believe!" Aokiji also can't continue to maintain a bashful posture.

"Since Dr. Vegapunk can turn people into machinery, then he turned the base into life should not be so difficult to accept, right?" Kizaru shrugged and said.

"Even if I can accept it, but can you tell me -" Victor's eyelids jumped wildly said, "how it is now turned into such a state?"

"This is not simple, out of control!" Kizaru lightly said.

Seemingly to confirm his words, the next moment, the inorganic life form that it had frozen for a long time furiously broke out of the seal.

It is an incomparably hard alloy shell, but under its willpower, it is like a dough-like flexible change of shape, hundreds of metal tentacles flying towards the crowd in unison.

At the same time, dozens of turrets in its body changing positions at all times, every moment, there will be covering all directions of light waves for 360 ° deathless strikes.

"It's really super ferocious firepower!" Dragon lamented and looked at Longinus, "You should know how to stop this thing, right?"

"Unfortunately, I only had a perception at the very beginning, and after questioning Dr. Vegapunk, he said he would not conduct similar research, but I didn't expect that he just relocated his research to the whole base."

Longinus did not dodge but just slapped the incoming light waves away casually while observing the base life structure. "Although I do not know how to make it stop, but I think the main control room where Dr. Vegapunk used to preside over the research should be the core of it! And the location of the main control room, I happen to know!"

Published in Qidian, November 05, 2019