Fishman: Show Guardian-dono Our Muscles!

After Longinus left, peace returned to the room of authority.

It was only after a long time that the blond Gorosei laughed, "He's smarter than we thought, but then again, not smart enough."

The long-haired Gorosei shook their heads and said, "With the information he had to deduce, it was good enough to guess that we wanted that part of the core fragment."

"Eternal life is indeed an irresistible temptation, however, in front of the will of God these are not important." The Gorosei who held the sword had solemn faces.

The curly-haired Gorosei laughed, "Not to mention that he can't guess, even we don't know why Imu-sama would want to ..."

However, the bearded Gorosei was rudely interrupted, "Shut up, don't use your mind to guess the thoughts of God!"

The curly-haired Gorosei did not get angry but instead looked around in fear and trepidation, "I implore Imu-sama to forgive the subordinate's slip of the tongue."

Seeing that there was nothing strange happening around, the curly-haired Gorosei only breathed a long sigh of relief, "It's good that you reminded me."

"As servants of God, we must know how to be reverent." The bearded Gorosei mentioned with a solemn face and then changed the subject in a taboo manner, "Since God has shown interest in that kind of thing, we must capture and send Vegapunk back to the order of God!"

"Escape? He underestimates the power of the government too much!" The Gorosei with swords snorted, tapped the hilt of the sword in his arms on the world map, "This world, always been under control of the government, this never changed!"

"What about the bounty? How much bounty do you plan to post for him?" The curly-haired five old stars asked.

"The amount is too big that may attract the attention of those ambitious people, but with his reputation as the world's chief scientist can not be too little, so, for the time being, the bounty of one billion berries will be formulated."

At the same time, out of the hall of power, Longinus is also secretly pondering, "Doctor, is this your real purpose? If that's the case, it looks like it's impossible for me to see you in person again!"

On the other hand, Cister walked around the corner with his mask on, his mind recalling the scene he just saw, "How on earth did he do that? Surprisingly, he really turned around the attitude of the Gorosei towards him in such a short time!"

"It's really an elusive man!" The pupils under Cister's mask flashed with astonished scorn, "But it's for the best!"

"A person like me, who is not in the direct line, would have climbed to the top as a vice chief, and if it weren't for the death of two vice chiefs in three years, I wouldn't have been able to seize the opportunity to climb up. Since they want to exclude me, don't blame me for completely turning to the other side!"

"Originally a stinker in the gutter, why must you go and fight hard against a lion of the steppe like Fleet Admiral Longinus? For the sake of CP0's future, how about the position of Chief Commander is also given to me!"


Two weeks later, Fishman Island.

Near the harbor, many fish people or mermaids have gathered here; one is cheerful, seems to be waiting for the arrival of some big shot.

Not only that, but even the official representative of the Ryugu Palace King's Army also has a long army waiting here, as King Neptune is not good enough to wait personally, so Queen Otohime conveys the respect instead of him.

"Is the Guardian-sama about to arrive? Wow! It's so exciting!" A sweet mermaid girl said longingly.

"It's too much of an eyesore, you guys ..." the strong tiger shark pushed them out of the way and puffed out his arms, "I'm in the way of showing my muscles to the Guardian-sama!"

"You're too brutal and rude, you big guy!" A group of mermaid girls angrily accused, "The Guardian God will not want to see a rude guy like you!"

The tiger sharkman disdained this, "Guardian-sama is a real strong man, of course he will appreciate us brave warriors, as for you little girls, all of you hide behind me!"

Saying that, he also raised his arm towards behind him, "Brothers, am I right?"

Behind him are various hunting-looking octopus fish people, whisker shark people, sea eel fish people; they have spoken in solidarity.

"That's right, we're powerful warriors who are going to join the Fishman Partisans!"

"As long as we get the approval of the Guardian-sama, we can become a valiant soldier!"

After more than ten years of hard work, the value orientation of Fishman Island finally deviated perfectly from the original path. In their perception, only by joining the Marine can they realize the value of their own life as Fishman.

Seeing this Fishman are shouting fervently, the pirates wandering nearby asked themselves towards the fishermen next to them, "Brother, what are they all doing here?"

Thanks to the Whitebeard Pirates' influence, even if the Fishman Island values biased towards Marine, but for most people, as long as the pirates do not cause trouble, they do not care too much.

So, the Fishman who asked just looked at him calmly and then withdrew his gaze and said casually, "Can't you see that? Of course we are waiting for someone."

"Waiting for someone?" The pirate who asked was a bit curious, were not all the important people of the Ryugu Kingdom on the island?

"Nah, it's the guardian god of our Fishman Island!" The Fishman who spoke also got excited and cheered loudly, "Longinus-dono!"

"Longinus?" The pirate who asked the question was first stunned, then panicked and shrieked loudly, "Longinus! Fleet Admiral Hitsujiza Longinus!"

His voice didn't attract much attention because, all around, a sea of cheers had fallen.

"It's the Guardian-sama, the Guardian-sama has finally arrived!"

"Look at me, look at me, look at me, Guardian-sama, look this way!"

"Guardian-sama, please look at my muscles!"

Seeing the face that can be called a nightmare in the hearts of all pirates, the asking pirates finally no longer doubt, in constant fear, screamed and turned around and ran, "Run! The world's strongest man has appeared!"

Not only him, the surrounding pirates who came together after the reaction are also pulling their legs to run; many pirates are crawling on the ground while crying out for their companions to take them away because their legs are weak.

Longinus, who walked out of the cylindrical passage in front of the harbor, paused slightly and looked sideways.

Seeing Longinus suddenly stop, Gion couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

"I think it's some pirates." Longinus did not pause for long, soon smiled again in the surrounding cheers and walked forward, "This time, after all, is the Princess Shirahoshi's coming-of-age ceremony. I can not afford to arrest people at such a banquet, as long as those pirates do not make trouble, this time I will let them go."

Gion smiled, "know that you are here, where there will be pirates dare to make trouble? They are probably thinking of going to sea now, right?"

Longinus, however, narrowed his eyes and said meaningfully, "Don't be so positive, don't overestimate the intelligence of some pirates!"

Published in Qidian, November 07, 2019