30% Strength

"97%? Are you kidding me? This kind of thing, how is it possible?" Hearing Longinus' words, Nami, who fell to the ground, became even more desperate.

"Yohohoho, everyone, we'll see you in the underworld!" Brook was likewise on the ground, not even having the strength to stand up.

It's no wonder they reacted this way; it's really because Longinus' power had almost destroyed their confidence. Invincible defense, powerful attacks, crushing aura, and huge beyond the limits of the armed color hegemony, this level of suppression is not something they can deal with it.

Even if they have been able to defeat Jimbei, who has grown to be the strongest on the sea, but from the world's top battle power is still too far away.

"Is it just this level? If this is all, then I would like to add a few more cannon fodder during the final battle of the idea may fall short." Longinus, somewhat disappointed in his heart, secretly sigh, "This kind of strength, even become cannon fodder is not enough qualification!"

"If you are not even qualified to be cannon fodder, it means that there is no meaning of existence; in that case, there is no need to continue to pay attention!" Longinus' eyes gradually became dangerous.

When the crowd is a little demoralized, Luffy forcefully straightened his body and shouted, "I do not care, even if it is one in 100,000, or one in a million, or even no hope at all, I will never, never bow down to you!"

"Luffy, you ..." Nami first froze, and then her eyes gradually brightened up, "Yes! This would have been a road that could not be backed up!"

"And really a rare moment of trustworthiness!" Zoro laughed a little, gritted his teeth, and stood up again, "A swordsman who has lowered his head, is still a swordsman?"

"To say that the blood in my body are boiling up, Luffy, you really grew a lot!" Sabo, whose memory of Luffy still stuck in his childhood, sighed with double relief.

"The aura is completely different!" Longinus narrowed his eyes and said, "But this makes the cleanup even more necessary!"

Just when the two sides confronted each other, a cold and a little warm voice came, "You're right, Luffy, we are not some natural king, and yet, the bones will flow in the blood that makes us never bow down!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Sabo was surprised and happy towards that man who came in the distance, draped in a dark green trench coat.

"Chief!" Surprised, Sabo can not be too late to think, why would the chief who was not in Fishman Island suddenly appear?

"Hey? Do you know me?" Luffy, who was named, was at a loss.

"Ahem, did not hear that brother of yours say?" The bruised Robin stood up firmly, "He is the leader of the revolutionary army, in other words, that is, your father Dragon!"

"Dad?" Luffy first giggled and then looked at Dragon with a wary face, "Dad would not be the same creature as grandfather, right?"

Hearing Luffy's terrified voice, Dragon's steady pace paused vaguely.


"Oh, that's good!"

Hearing this inexplicable conversation, the crowd who had just recovered from the shock of the arrival of the revolutionary leader was speechless again.

What were this inexplicable suspicion and inexplicable belief in the end?

However, Dragon did not have time to answer their doubts; now, there is a most difficult character waiting for him to solve!

"You don't seem surprised by my appearance." Dragon asked in a deep voice.

"To be precise, it was already known! If I didn't have to reserve 70% of my strength to guard against your sneak attack, senpai, with few of them, how could they have lasted until now?" Longinus shook his head and then looked at Dragon and said, "But you are really cruel to watch them being ravaged by me, if you do not help in time, they will really be killed by me!"

"If they die, it's only their bad luck!" Dragon said indifferently, "In this sea, is there still less strong people who have fallen because of luck?"

When hearing the conversation between the two, the crowd's eyes fell into a daze.

"Just, just 30% strength defeated us with an overwhelming posture!" Nami's eyes once again lost their high light.

"Damn, who the hell is this bastard looking down on?" If not Sabo hold down, Luffy has rushed up.

"Thirty percent strength? Really realistic ah!" Zoro sighed, then his eyes once again firm, "but we have also grown a lot! Two years ago even your back can not see, now, at least we already know where your limits!"

When the mood of the crowd stirring ups and downs, Dragon suddenly opened his mouth and ordered, " Sabo, you first take them and quickly leave, the base side, I have been notified."

"Do not let them stay?" Longinus smiled and asked, "Although their strength is not much different from zero, however, it is always good to be a help. Or is it that you didn't recognize that fact clearly from the last battle, senpai?"

"The current me is stronger than you!"

"What?" Sabo looked at Dragon in surprise; they had always thought that what was said in the newspaper before was just an exaggeration by the government to save face.

But from the tone of Longinus' voice, did that thing seem to be true?

Seeing Sabo with a pleading look, Dragon just said softly, "Don't worry, I will naturally have a way to escape after you leave."

The crowd paled, although Dragon did not directly admit, from his tone of voice can also be judged, he is indeed not a match for Longinus.

Even the revolutionary army leader, the world's most vicious criminals that the World Government is afraid a lot, is not even a match for Longinus. Is that man truly invincible?

At this point, Longinus went on to say, "Normally, of course, I can not stop you, but this is the deep sea, the Fishman Island which is 10,000 meters below! As an ability user, how can you escape from this cage?"

The crowd's faces changed again, they had seen the scene before, but Longinus easily defeated the deep sea overlord; in the boundless deep sea, indeed, there is no stronger existence than that man!

"Chief, is it true what he said?" Sabo asked nervously.

"Or, we'd better stay and help you, right?" Luffy also rubbed the back of his head and asked somewhat rustily.

"Since you have just fought with him, you should know that your strength is useless in a battle at this level, except, to distract me!" Dragon said without mercy, "So, the greatest help you can do for me is to hurry up and leave!"

Although reluctant to admit it, but Sabo and they also know that they are indeed a burden in this battle level.

After a moment of hesitation, Sabo clenched his teeth and yelled, "Ah! Let's go!"

Published in Qidian, November 12, 2019