Dragon, Arrested!

Longinus' body dodged under the chase of hundreds of dragon-shaped vortexes, and around him, space rippled because it could not withstand the pressure beyond the extreme.

For this kind of attack, Longinus chose to attack directly on Dragon himself.

With his physical strength and skilful control of the Rokushiki, he quickly used the "Soru" to more than a hundred times the ordinary admiral's speed utilising this style.

"So fast!" Dragon pupils contracted violently; the body instinctively elementalized to disperse.

However, Longinus seems to have foreseen the future of this moment, almost simultaneously as Dragon scattered elementalization, a fist that carries the Busoshoku Haki sweeps powerfully, instantly knocked Dragon out of the elementalized state.

The air suddenly compressed, and it burst the sound of the sonic boom.

Dragon discarded all the distractions in his mind to the side, manipulating the storm's flow at the same time, his right hand squeezed into a dragon claw form to meet it.


The devastated ground was once again torn open, a deep wound, under the deep abyss, there was even hot magma gurgling out.

The sea dragon hovering around the two in pursuit also abruptly exploded, and Dragon, while dodging the scattered seawater, control the hurricane to compensate again.

Although Longinus had experienced two battles before that, the wear and tear from those two battles were minimal. At most, he was equivalent to warming up before the battle, so he was still strong enough to suppress Dragon at the moment completely.

"Iron Fist!"

"Ryu no Kagizume!"

"Iron Fist!"

"Ryu no Ibuki!"

"Iron ..."

"Don't you have any other moves?" The corners of Dragon's mouth twitched slightly.

"Of course there are, but for you, senpai, this attack seems to be the most effective!" Longinus chuckled softly.

In fact, with Dragon's mind, after a bit of adaptation, he would no longer be disturbed by Longinus' special attack, only, this kind of attack was still a little unpleasant.

"Hyaku-biki no Ryuga Ranbu Suru!"

The dragon whirlpool that hovered over Fishman Island almost simultaneously tore towards Longinus.

In such a dense attack, Longinus perfectly anticipates all the attacks' trajectory, weaving through the clouds, giving the impression that Dragon's attacks proactively avoided him in general.

Then, a fist that gathered his whole body's power slammed down on Dragon's arms that crossed in front of his chest.


Dragon's feet dragged through the ground in a long track, and the shockwave that penetrated his body exploded into a vast circular crater behind him.

"Predicting the future again! Fighting with me while still continuously using Foresight Future?" Dragon slightly moved his arm, which was a bit numb, and asked in a meaningful way.

The ability to foretell the future is indeed outstanding. Still, the use of this ability is a prerequisite for a high degree of mental concentration. At this combat level, the consequences of a high degree of mental concentration may be to enter a state of fatigue before the opponent.

And for monsters who can easily fight for days and nights, whoever enters a state of fatigue first means who will be the first to go out in this battle.

"It's true that Fishman Island was a limit for you, but it's also a limit for me. If we can't solve this battle in the shortest possible time, Fishman Island can't withstand the two of us!" As Longinus said this, he rushed towards his opponent, seemingly rude and violent, but like the top dancer dancing in the wild waves and turbulent currents, easily dodging those tricky attacks one by one.

"Are you still thinking about the safety of Fishman Island at this time? Compared to those hypocrites, you are indeed much more noble than them. In that case, I'll let this battle proceed a little faster too!" As Dragon said, he fought with Longinus in close quarters while manipulating those torrents to surround them.

Longinus kicked Dragon away with a whip kick and scanned the surroundings after narrowly avoiding a dragon vortex, "An infinitely shrinking circle of death? This dangerous aura really makes my calm blood boil for too long!"

"But the person who controls the circle of death is me, this battle, after all, I still have the advantage." Dragon coped with Longinus' attack while carefully dodging the vortexes.

As the wind's incarnation, he could say that no matter what, he would not get injured by the wind, but the problem was that it wrapped those hurricanes in endless seawater.

Although not much weak to be touched by seawater, even just a momentary break can determine the battle with his strength in battle at their level.

So, this encirclement is a veritable circle of death for both of them!

"That's not necessarily true, my Kenbunshoku Haki is stronger, on the point of seizing the first opportunity, the person who has the advantage is me!" Longinus ignored the increasingly swollen and painful brain, using the Kenbunshoku Haki to the extreme, his eyes, see the future more clearly.

"The diameter is only a hundred meters!" Dragon's heart secretly calculates, a dragon claw fist towards Longinus's waist.

He was not worried about Longinus' foreknowledge of the future, like playing chess, even if he could see more of the future if it was already a dead game, it was useless.

And he who controls the death shrinkage circle is undoubtedly the one who set up the chess game!

"In a minute, I will be forced to the end of the road!" Longinus easily dodged Dragon's attack, his heart clear, and did not panic because of the foreseen future.

"Indeed, even if I can see through the mists of time, I can't compare to someone who has turned the whole map on, in that case, I have no choice but to flip the table!" Longinus sighed softly in his heart.

After the circle suddenly shrank to fifty meters, Longinus ignored the vortexes' threat and charged towards Dragon with an incomparable rampage.

At this moment, he compressed all Busoshoku Haki in his body. After entering his transformed state, his attributes in all aspects had increased again to some extent.

"Is it going to start? Next, is the final blow to determine the end of this battle!" Dragon's eyes were grave, even if he had a slight advantage through his ability, but the opponent's strength was so strong that he could not afford to let up in his mind at all.

"This pressure, it's really scary!" The first to overturn the game of Longinus has been more than a dozen ultra-high-pressure water column through the body erupted in blood mist. Even with his Busoshoku Haki, there is no way to defend nearly large to infinite pressure completely.

The good thing is, those wounds are tiny; even if the destructive power is extremely terrible, Longinus can still barely withstand for a while.

"Bet on all the strikes, the Fist of Judgment!" Longinus' fist glowed milky white, with the bracelet's transformation transformed the purest faith into power to blast up.

"Can you even hold out like that? What a terrifying physique!" Seeing that Longinus, who wrapped in blood mist, actually rushed out of the vortex, Dragon was also shocked in his heart; no one would know better than him, an ability user, the terrifying nature of that vortex.

The infinitely large pressure means that nobody can withstand that kind of pressure.

For these two, they can cross the distance of less than a hundred meters in an instant, and the glowing fist of Longinus approached instantly, while Dragon also met him tit-for-tat.

"Dragon King Spit!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The extreme energy fluctuations comparable to a super large-scale earthquake erupted out in a flash. It was good that the two have initially been fighting in a bottomless pit in the ground that had sunken down. It barely saved Fishman Island as a battlefield.

A bright, blazing pillar of light from the bottomless pit straight into the deep sea, that terrifying energy fluctuations make hovering sea kings nearby body trembling and quickly fled.

Visible to the naked eye, the entire Fishman Island has collapsed more than a dozen meters below; it is like that part of the ground disappeared out of thin air, as a result, everywhere on Fishman Island, there are shouts of panic and panic.

The huge abyss, which is the main battlefield, has been surrounded by the magma emerging from the sea's bottom. Longinus, whose body was spurting columns of blood everywhere, came out with a more wretched body after the aftermath dispersed.

Published in Qidian, November 13, 2019