Gradually Disintegrating Issho

Above the Red Line Continent, ten figures rushed like streams of light in the direction of the Holy Land, and although they acted in haste, there was not much anxiety in their voices.

After all, they all know the government's depth and power, this level of the blow, is not considered to hurt the bones.

"Well ~ always feel like we came out this time seems to do nothing ah! We were so shocked that we didn't have time to declare our force as Sivis-sama said."

"It can't be helped, who knew that those two monsters were far more powerful than imagined? In this situation, we can only be reduced to a supporting role no matter what we do."

"Our luck is actually good enough, if we were in the Holy Land, we would have been seriously injured without dying if we were affected by a big explosion of that magnitude, moreover, with the Holy Land in chaos, our return as a battle force can also reflect a sense of presence in front of those lords."

"This matter must be completed before the return of Fleet Admiral Longinus to do, otherwise, we can only again ..."

"Can only what?" A gentle voice came from behind the CP0 who spoke, scaring him almost fell to the ground with weak legs and feet.

"Long Long ... Fleet Admiral Longinus, why are you so fast ... " the CP0 who spoke incoherently said, "No, I mean ... right, I mean to say that if we can't arrive earlier, we will have to watch you, the faster fleet admiral, fight alone!"

"So that's it?" Longinus smiled gently, "It is indeed easy to be ambushed by the revolutionary army if you are too fast, so we will hasten along together."

A group of CP0 forced a few laughs, rushing together with the leader, how to think about it is not comfortable ah!

In this awkward atmosphere, a CP0 asked stiffly, "Longinus-sama, I wonder how the situation on the pirates' side is?"

Longinus shook his head and said, "Apophis' vigilance is too strong, as soon as he saw me approaching, he used his fruit power to transfer with the other pirates!"

"Oh, is that so?" CP0 smiled sarcastically and once again fell into silence.

On the other hand, Longinus's gloomy "mask" underneath is secretly thinking, "Suppressing some strength, to take on the burning life potential of Hawkeye is really some problems, even I, also in this battle is not lightly wounded."

"The good thing is that I can use the Seven Star Sword to replenish the life energy, plus the life potion developed by the scientific force, and then it' s logical to delay for a few minutes, and when I return to Mariejois, my injuries will be almost healed."

In this oppressive atmosphere, all the way, speechless.

Then, the leaping firelight got increasingly closer.

In a crowd of CP0 relief-like sigh, they finally returned to Mariejois.

Even though they had prepared, they were still shocked by sight before them!

Pangaea Castle, where the Levely held, was also the iconic building of the Holy Land. It had collapsed by half, and the palace complex, which used to be magnificent and gorgeous, had also turned into ruins and collapsed into the ground. Even Mariejois itself had disappeared by a quarter.

Almost no intact body could see on the crumbling ruins, and there mutilated flesh everywhere, emitting a pungent smell under the burning of the remaining fire.

"This destruction is almost as bad as the one that happened five years ago!"

"Wait, where's the revolutionary army? What the hell is going on?"

A group of CP0s all muttered in disbelief.

"Stormy wind, sudden rain!"

Longinus gloomy face flew up into the sky, around him, the fierce wind and dark clouds surrounded, and soon it was raining heavily.

When seeing this scene, at this moment, everybody involved in the rescue of the guards, CP0, and soldiers who came from the Marine Headquarters are loudly cheered.

"Great, Fleet Admiral Longinus is here!"

"With the presence of Longinus-sama, those revolutionary forces who are hidden in the shadows are nothing to be afraid!"

In this chaotic situation, most people did not yet know the root cause of the unrest; they just instinctively thought that it must be the revolutionary army that had caused the disruptive riot.

Although, as a result, they were not wrong.

Sensing Longinus' aura, Issho, who was presiding over the disaster relief, flew over and said, "Just by standing here, you can make them settle down, this kind of aura, it's enviable!"

"My reputation is only somewhat useful at times like this." Longinus casually coped, then asked, "What's going on over here?"

Issho's face looked strange, "According to the information I got, it seems that Dragon escaped and then, by the way, blew up the Holy Land!"

"Dragon?" Longinus, slightly "shocked" said, "He was not held under guard?"

"It seems that there are people from the Revolutionary Army in the CP0 hierarchy." Issho shrugged, "To be honest, I'm a little impressed with them, how can they do something like letting a cooked duck fly? I even suspect that they are not really spies of the revolutionary army, right?"

"Is that so? It is indeed helpless to have such teammates!" Longinus whispered, then abruptly asked, "What about you? Are you ready to take over the defense system of the Holy Land?"

"Hey? Why are you suddenly talking about this?"

"After this time, the government is probably nearing the end of its patience with CP0's incompetence, and they won't feel comfortable leaving the safety of the World Nobles in the hands of CP0, which frequently has traitors."

"That's true, but doesn't the government like to maintain a balance? It's not in their interest to outlaw the power of CP0, right?" Issho's eyes are blind, but his heart is not blind; he certainly understands the World Government's attitude towards the Marine Headquarters.

"Long-term is certainly not possible." Longinus said with a slight shake of his head, "But if you just let them hand over their power for a while, a knockout warning is still entirely possible."

"After all, I am a used to inspire them to be more competitive and aggressive... er, what's that word called, by the way, is what those little girls call a spare tire, right?"

Issho looked helpless, "This kind of thing, shouldn't it be taken over by the more senior, Admiral Aokiji or Admiral Kizaru?"

"Among the three admirals, only you are joined halfway, and only you, who has the shallowest marine attributes, could have been chosen by those five honored ones." Longinus shook his head and sighed, "This simple reason is unable to see, because you instinctively loathe the Holy Land, preferring to play dumb rather than take over the task, right?"

"Alas! Really can't hide anything from you, Fleet Admiral-dono!" Issho looked depressed and then asked in surprise, "Wait, could it be that my being promoted to the rank of admiral at that time was also in your calculations, Fleet Admiral?"

"There is part of the reason for this, I guess." Longinus did not deny, "You know, the government played a dishonorable role in the incident of Admiral Akainu, right? For the sake of the stability of the government and the marine, it would be best to let you fill the vacancy of the Admiral."

"So that's it, we all thought you were trying to avoid suspicion!" Issho said with sudden bewilderment, "Wait, avoiding suspicion of the argument should not also be transmitted by you, right?"

"If the purpose is too strong, it is not easy to dispel suspicions!"

"I finally understand why Fleet Admiral Sengoku has suddenly become so much older after retiring. The position of fleet admiral, it's really not for ordinary people to sit!" Issho, this time is convinced, in his heart, secretly thought, "For the justice of this world, Fleet Admiral, he really is exhausted ah!"

"But, fortunately, the fleet admiral is on the side of justice, if he also joined the darkness, I really dare not imagine what the world will become."

Published in Qidian, November 21, 2019