Our Promise: We will use Garp First

Sebastian did not ask to take back the power of CP0; even if he won the battle, he just wanted more freedom to play.

It can say to be a very humble request for CP0, which is known for being strong and brutal, especially for being the chief of CP0!

Even Longinus was sighing in his heart; how could he have the feeling that he was the evil villain?

Well, he was!

So, Longinus smiled slightly and said, "I don't have a problem with that aspect, but are there any requirements for the personnel to be sent?"

"Let's just match up according to the rank and title, after all, we have a corresponding ranking system in CP0." Sebastian said after a moment of contemplation.

CP0's chief, minister, and captain are just positions, similar to the Commander and Base Commander of the Marine Corps. The military rank is the suitable measure, only because the Marine Corps is the most famous. The military rank recognizes as the symbol of the Marine Corps.

"Yes." Longinus nodded slightly.

"However, the destructive power of the Vice Chief and Admiral level is too powerful, I think, there is no need for them to get involved!" Sebastian would say this, of course; he had his considerations.

Sivis now is no longer vice chief; that is to say, if he wants to send someone to the battle, he can only send Cister instead. The too-young Cister is not the opponent of the kind of veteran strength of Aokiji and Kizaru, and the consistent orientation of Cister alone is very questionable.

"Reasonable consideration." Longinus certainly understood the other party's thoughts but did not reveal it, "It's just that too low-level battles will also waste our time, how about, positioning the participants at the three levels of Commodore, Rear Admiral and Vice Admiral?"

"It seems that we have reached a consensus on this point!" Sebastian nodded his head in satisfaction. The CP0, which pursued an elite policy, had a minimum rank of Commodore, and further down the line, they would have to select from CP1-CP9, which he was not sure about it.

Such considerations, obviously the most in line with his interests!

"Vice Admiral then, I intend to let Vice Admiral Garp participate in the battle!"

Hearing such shameless words from Longinus, Sebastian's smile froze!

The bodies of the group of ministers who were candidates for the battle even trembled instinctively.

Was their opponent that pervert?

That said, is it too late for them to pretend to be sick?

The air was quiet for a moment, and Sebastian couldn't help but laugh forcefully, " Vice Admiral Garp is already old, this kind of thing, it's better not to disturb him, right?"

Longinus laughed and said, "Vice Admiral Garp is most annoyed with people saying that he is old, if he heard you say that, he will definitely bring out his strongest strength to prove that he is not old!"

Hearing Longinus say this, a group of ministers looked at Silbastian with eyes that became incomparably sorrowful.

The facial muscles under Sebastian's mask twitched wildly and said stiffly, "I think it's better to leave this kind of stage to young people to showcase, and in terms of age, how about limiting it to below forty!"

"That's fine." Longinus did not force, "In this case, then the marine side decided to let Vice Admiral Momousagi participate in the battle."

Once again, Sebastian was petrified and forced to overcome his shame and said, "I think, the alternate admiral should not actually be counted in the Vice Admiral, right?"

He was also helpless, similar to the alternate chief class CP0 once had; there are still two.

It's just that those two, one filled in for Julius' vacancy after being killed by Aloof Red two years ago, and another, Cister, who took the previous one's place.

It also resulted in that they had a break in this level.

I blame those damn revolutionary army ... Sebastian cursed in his heart.

Seeing their boss began to shamelessly, a group of CP0 also lowered their heads with some embarrassment.

However, what shocked them was that the other side agreed!

Only to see Longinus spread out his hands and said, "Since we are trying to win, of course, we have to convince you to do so, but, what other demands you have please say them all at once!"

Even from an opposing standpoint, these CP0s had to admit that man's apparatus was indeed as broad as the sea!

Sebastian was also a little embarrassed and coughed slightly, "The last point is that there should be no rank adjustment before the competition!"

Longinus could not help but laugh dumbly, "That is certainly true, is Sebastian-san underestimating my apparatus?"

"With your temperament, Fleet Admiral Longinus, it is certainly impossible for you to do such a thing!" Sebastian smiled to cover up his embarrassment, "By saying this, I am actually taking the initiative to cut off my own back!"

Longinus looked at the other side with a smile before shaking his head and said, "Then I also put forward a request, the time and place of this competition, it will be placed in the Marine Headquarters in three days, such a level of battle can also let the officers learn a lot of things!"

Sebastian agreed after just a moment's thought, "Sure, that's a very reasonable request!"


The next day, the significant events that happened on the Red Earth continent spread across the sea with an incredible speed!

First, the world's greatest swordsman's name changed ownership, then the escape of the revolutionary army leader, followed by the Mariejois explosion and the birth of the interim commander of the world government!

Either one, all the people's brains went into a state of downtime.

The first half of the Grand Line, a specific winter island;

"Apophis and Hawkeye's battle pierced the Red Line continent? Do those two guys have to be so exaggerated?" Jozu asked with wide eyes.

"Although the overall still can not compare to father, but in terms of pure attack, those two guys are even above father!" Vista said in a deep voice.

When hearing him say this, there was a chorus of cold breaths all around.

"What an amazing growth! However, the one who is more frightening is this man!" On the other hand, Marco was looking at the newspaper in his hand; a pair of dead fish eyes showed a rare gaze.

Jozu is also scornful nodded, "Overstepping the World Government's entire army commander-in-chief, directly controlling more than half of the world's power, that man, really terrifying to the point of awe!"

At the same time, Wano Country, Onigashima.

"Ahhhhhhh! Dragon, that fool, why did he run away? He escaped, how can I still go to the execution ground?" Transformed into a giant dragon, Kaido berserk roar in the sky on the Onigashima, then with the obsessive-compulsive disorder generally shouted, "No, I'm going to catch him back, allowing the World Government to execute, and then go to the execution ground to make a fuss!"

Ember, on the other hand, stood below and said in a calm tone, "Dragon almost blew up Mariejois, and he won't just show up in this situation."

Hearing him say this, the dragon suddenly burst out laughing, "Worororo! The World Government guys are really idiots, not only did they let Dragon escape, but he even blew up the base camp! I'm so excited to think of the look on those idiots' faces!"

Published in Qidian, November 23, 2019