Sebastian: Is this the Commodore?

The other party's aura does not look like the Commodore level can have, so a group of marine soldiers is all turning their apprehensive and expectant eyes to Longinus.

The corners of Sebastian's mouth under the mask also slightly curled up, "Incidentally, Diego's doriki value is 5300, I wonder, who is Fleet Admiral Longinus going to put on the field?"

"The person who is going to be on the field, is me!" Without waiting for Longinus to open his mouth, a short, robust, and low bellow came from the marine camp.

Following the direction the voice came from, the smile under Sebastian's mask froze. He looked at Longinus with suspicious eyes, "As I recall, he seems to be the number one in your marine class fifteen years ago, right, and you're telling me he's a Commodore?"

Longinus helplessly spread his hands, "To be precise, it is a former Rear Admiral, due to more military discipline violations, he was demoted to Commodore again three months ago, which, Sebastian-san can verify on his own afterwards."

The corners of Sebastian's mouth under the mask went crazy; these three days, of course, they were trying to collect as much information about the marines as possible so that he could tell the other party's biography at a glance.

But who can tell him what the hell is this demotion?

Since Longinus had said so, Sebastian naturally had no way to doubt that, after all, with Longinus' status and position, it is impossible to lie to him on such matters.

Therefore, it was too short a period of three days, which led them to collect, in fact, outdated information?

Thinking of this, Sebastian could only admit his lousy luck and forcefully comforted himself, "It's okay, that guy spent so long in the first half of the Grand Line, his strength or whatever, should have been wasted long ago!"

At this point, a crowd of marines also broke out in cheers.

"It's Rear Admiral Smoker, no, it's Commodore Smoker! He is the same Logia as Admiral Aokiji and Admiral Kizaru!"

"Great, Commodore Smoker is stern, but the strength is absolutely superb!"

"This guy Smoker is really getting confused, speaking of which, this seems to be the third time he became a Commodore, right?"

"Although this guy is a prick, but the strength aspect is completely unnecessary to doubt, this game, our marine took it!"

In the center of the square, Diego looked at the man in front of him also fell into silence; this uncle estimated to be almost forty years old, right? The newcomer, who is in his twenties, is a bully?

From the side of the discussion and reaction, the other side should also be a marine genius. The ability of Logia is not inferior to his; the same are geniuses, plus the other side than his more than ten years of experience no matter how you look at this will be a very tough battle!

However, the matter has come to this point he had to force calm down, "This guy more than ten years is only a Commodore, maybe it is the kind of high start low waste, nothing to worry about!"

At this point, Smoker wrapped his arms around a cold face and said, "Let's begin! It's a bit of a bully, but don't expect me to hold back!"

"Underestimating me? Well, let your guard down a little more!" Diego's mind flashed instantly, pretending to be berserk, and yelled, "Damn, how dare you underestimate me even if you're still a Commodore at an old age! Next, I'll let you know what despair is!"

"Soru - Torakari!"

Diego bent his legs and blasted out like a cannonball, the ground where he was standing before exploded, and a wave of air swept around.

The endless illusion flashed around Smog, giving the impression that hundreds of tigers were ambushed around him, ready to hunt at any time.

"Obviously the form is inclined to the power attribute, and still such a huge size, can reach this level of speed is indeed very good, but also, a little smart!" Longinus said to Sebastian with a smile.

The illusionary movement speed in ordinary people's eyes was no different from the frame by frame in the eyes of Longinus, so of course, he could see that Diego had only used 80% of his speed to paralyze the enemy.

Sebastian was also satisfied with Diego's caution, "His power will surprise you even more, Fleet Admiral!"

Longinus, however, shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, I guess I won't be able to see that scene!"

Sebastian was about to make a mocking remark when the situation on the battlefield had quietly changed.

Diego's figure is still changing, and Smog is standing silently, seemingly in full concentration to guard against the other side's fatal attack.

When Smoker gradually "adapted" to his speed, Diego's momentum surged around behind Smoker as a stream of light ripped into the back of the opponent.

"Stupid, you think that's my ultimate speed ..."


Diego's smug voice was interrupted by a loud bang, and he caught by Smoker with a giant white mist palm and slammed into the ground.

"This clown-like antics, is what you learned in CP0? In front of absolute strength, these boring tricks are of no use!"

Many marines familiar with Smoker showed a hint of strange; when did this guy also learn to have a foul mouth?

"Damn, this bastard is deliberately playing me!" Hearing the cold voice in his ears, anger, and humiliation flooded Diego's sanity like a tidal wave.

"I want you to die ..." Diego, who pressed to the ground, let out a roar, his body steeply berserk, surprisingly gradually broke away from the confinement of the giant white mist hand, at this moment showed his great power as the ancient top predator.

When a group of marine soldiers was sweating about Commodore Smoker, many of them found that Smoker's paralyzed face emerged with a smirk of triumph.

"Caught in a trap, stupid!" With a low shout from him, the giant hand of white fog that imprisoned Diego suddenly loosened and then turned into a torrent of white fog that surged towards Diego's throat and nose that had steeply opened up because of his roar.

"White Smoke - Haze!"

"Ka ka ka ka ..." Diego fell to his knees on the ground, desperately clutching his neck, his eyes bulging, his face flushed, like a fish that accidentally jumped to the shore; even breathing has become incredibly difficult.

"This fight, should count me win, right?" Smoker cast his gaze to the two above, "If we wait any longer, this guy is going to suffocate to death!"

"What a waste!" Sebastian cursed in his heart; if it was in standard times, he didn't even bother to care about the loser's death, but not now; he had to try to secure his position.

So, he also had to say in a cold voice, "This one is our loss, let people go!"

At that, Smoker then put back all the haze.

On the other hand, Diego collapsed to the ground, breathing heavily of the rare fresh air, not even caring about the chief's grim gaze.

Published in Qidian, November 24, 2019