This Fleet Admiral is Obviously Super Strong but Overly Cautious!

"Now, isn't it time for Sebastian-sama to keep his promise?" Longinus looked at Sebastian with a smile.

Along with his words, a group of Rear Admirals and Vice Admirals all cast harmonious and friendly gazes towards Sebastian.

All the villains this was ... Sebastian's heart grief and resentment, but can only force a smile and nod, "From today onwards, we CP0 is part of the marine!"

Longinus nodded slightly, "To learn the merits of the Marine, of course, only if you first integrate into the Marine. However, in order to avoid bringing your CP0's bad habits into the Marine, I will not give you any substantial power at this stage, everything will be based on learning and exchange, I hope you, Sebastian-san, can understand."

Hearing Longinus say this, a group of officers and cadets even exuded a smile of satisfaction and relief. However, they were happy to see the CP0 defeated and did not want to have amateurs intervene in military operations.

This CP0 is entirely in the interns' position; it is not how you want to play?

At the same time, they also felt in their hearts that after Fleet Admiral Longinus came to power, Marine's status seems to be much higher than during Fleet Admiral Sengoku's term!

Sure enough, by Longinus to serve as fleet admiral can make the most exemplary path for the Marine!

"Phew, phew, it's okay, it's only temporary!" Seeing the "ugly face" of this group of villains, Sebastian comforted himself in his heart.

However, the more you think about it, the angrier you are, and the more you think about it, the more you lose!

"I think ..."

"Hey? Why are you still here? Oh! I remember now, you were waiting for me, right? I can't believe you said no but your body is very honest! Haha, come on, let's go have some fun!"

Before Sebastian could finish his sentence, he was pulled away by a set of "choke" by Garp, looking at Longinus with eyes full of helplessness and despair.

Longinus, of course, will not go to "rescue" him; after all, it was he who had instructed Garp to "play"!

"I hope to find out some details, otherwise, when it comes to the moment of purging, this guy will definitely be a big obstacle !" Longinus eyes sunken; he will not underestimate this CP0 chief because of the other party's too weak performance. The one to stand in that kind of cannibalistic spy organs to the top, his hidden fangs naturally, is terrifying.

As far as Longinus gathered information, there is no description of Sebastian's strength; on the one hand, he used his position to erase this part of the information, on the other hand, because those who witnessed his strikes are dead!

Powerful and patient, that's the kind of person Sebastian is!

These thoughts flashed in the mind of Longinus. After a moment, he smiled and faced the crowd and said, "After today's fight, CP0's chief, Sebastian-san, has realized his own shortcomings and proposed to temporarily merge the Cipher Pol agency into the marine, so we must open the gap and work together for the sake of justice!"

The game between the Gorosei, the fleet admiral, the CP0 chief, of course, will not let many people know, at least, the level below the vice-admiral still think that today is just an ordinary fight.

Therefore, after listening to the words of Longinus, the entire square is unstoppable boiling up!

"Did I hear it right? Those arrogant and cocky guys would actually ask to join us?"

"Those guys who think they are the privileged class will bow down?"

"Although I don't want to cooperate with that kind of troublesome guys, this feeling is really super cool!"

"Sure enough, under the leadership of Fleet Admiral Longinus, we can definitely go to a bright future!"

"As long as what Fleet Admiral Longinus says, it must be the truth of this world, we just need to execute it firmly!"

"Leadership, charisma, pride, common interests ... I have done all these! Even in the premise that the soldiers at the bottom do not understand the true face of the World Government. As long as I say a word, it is estimated that I can drive 80% of the army to revolt directly ... no, I should say uprising!" Looking at those fierce eyes, Longinus said secretly in his heart, "But this is not enough!"

Longinus is not arrogant that he thinks that he can cover the sky with one hand.

After all, the World Government has ruled the world for eight hundred years, and most people do not know what role they played in those eight hundred years, so even if Longinus had planned for twenty years, he did not guarantee that he could get everyone to trust him and support him.

"Defeating Imu is just the process, becoming the king of the world is the goal, so I must occupy as much of this world as possible before launching the final action!" Longinus took a deep breath.

"The World Government will not give me power for too long, but of course, this 'not too long' is also relative to their long reign. With my understanding of them, this time should be between six months and a year, so the last 'sad hero' plan can also be put on the schedule for the time being!"

Amidst these cheers, Longinus smiled faintly, "Once I get everything ready, the final revelation can begin!"


New World, Dressrosa.

A tavern filled with the hot and beautiful women that are the hallmark of this kingdom is walking back and forth.

"Heh, heh ..." A man with his hands crossed, tongue out, eyes turning red, at first glance he thought it was some dog on heat, "Ow ..."

"Stop it for me, idiot!" The corners of Nami's mouth twitched as she punched someone in the head with an iron fist.

"Could it be that Nami-swaan is jealous of me?" Sanji trembled with excitement, "Please believe me, Nami-sama, I'm just admiring their bodies with an artistic gaze, my love, always and only belongs to Nami-sama!"

"I should never have agreed to come to this island to replenish the supplies!" Nami sighed with a headache.

"Yohohoho, but didn't Zoro-san agree to meet us on this island?" Brook asked with a smile.

However, he did not say Zoro is okay; when he mentioned Zoro, Nami increasingly frantic, "That super invincible fool, it was agreed to meet here, but it's been two days, not even a shadow of him! I now only hope that he will not get lost and go to the Marine Headquarters!"

"Marimo should not be so ..." Sanji said, but also somewhat uncertain, after all, that is in the face of the strange man who can go in the opposite direction, "alas, we should not have let him go alone! "

At the time of the crowd's sad face, a delicate voice came over.

"It's been a long time, Sanji! It seems that you have a very good bunch of friends!"

It is the voice of a beautiful woman ... hearing and recognizing the voice, Sanji quickly turned his head and said with a burning gaze and high enthusiasm, "Ah! Can meet here must be the choice of fate ..."

Before the words fell, his pair of eyes glazed over, and the voice stuck in his throat. Even his cigarette clamped in hand fell to the ground without realizing it.

At this time, the beautiful woman also smiled and spoke, "But, you really are learning badly! Surprisingly, you even want to molest your onee-san?"

Published in Qidian, November 27, 2019