Without Brain, Will the Lack of Oxygen Affect One's Brain?

Waiting for the results of the operation, the crowd is a little moody anxious.

Finally, it was Nami who somewhat sullenly asked, "Sanji, in the end what happened? I thought I told you to avoid fighting as much as possible?"

Sanji's tone is low, "It is my fault, those people want to steal the devil fruit, Luffy did not hand over the fruit because of me. If I was willing to bow down, before the arrival of that man, we should be able to walk away!"

"Surprisingly just because of a devil fruit?" Brook is a little surprised, " With their status and power, what fruit do they want that they can't get?"

"Can make them all want to desperately get the fruit?" Zoro murmured to himself, "What kind of terrifying ability would it be?"

"You can't be blamed for this." On the other hand, Robin is comforted, "With those people's bad character, even if you bowed down at that time, the final result will most likely not change."

"Mm-hmm!" Nami also feels that their tone may be a little harsh, hurried to change the subject, "By the way, that guy called Wyper is really that powerful? With Luffy's current strength, it is surprising that he would also be beaten so badly!"

Speaking of Wyper, Sanji said solemnly, "If only on the strength alone, the two of them should not be too far apart, but that man is too daring. After realizing that there is no way to defeat Luffy quickly, he surprisingly eats forbidden drugs in the first place!

"How can anyone do this, do not he want to die?" Nami could not help but exclaim.

"It should be worried about unexpected, just like your arrival." Sanji took a deep breath and said, "I have to say, he made the best choice, now that I think about it, if he had hesitated a little, he might have to run away just like just now, because he saw Hawkeye-sama!"

"No, he escaped because he finished the task, if he did not get the fruit, even if Hawkeye-sama was present he definitely would not give up!" Robin shook her head and said.

Sanji was stunned, thoughtfully nodded, and said, "Indeed, that man like an evil demon does not know what it means to be afraid!"

Nami could not help but say in fear, "Are all Apophis subordinates are such desperate madmen?"

"I don't know about the others, but the three demon gods under him are all such characters!" Robin faces some complex, "They may not behave like Wyper like fanatic, but is definitely also the biggest obstacle to that throne above!"

Zoro looks gloomy, "I did not expect that someone like Apophis can also have such loyal subordinates!"

Everyone is somewhat heavy-hearted, which can make Wyper such a strong man put his life on the line to comply; it is hard to imagine whether Apophis has a huge personality charm? Or is it that his strength is so strong that it reaches a certain threshold?

Moreover, only one of the three demon gods let them suffer a crisis that almost destroyed the group; if they face the strongest of the three Demon Gods, or even against the Yonko Apophis, who is above the three, how much pressure they will be suffering?

Thinking of this, the hearts of all people are somewhat hollow.

Nami sighed with wide eyes, "Robin, you are really great, even know so many things about the Demon Sword Pirates!"

The words are not intentional; the listener is interested.

Robin was slightly stunned for a moment before laughing, "It's not hard to know this, at least, the information I had to gather when I was hiding from the World Government's capture was much more difficult than now!"

Hearing Robin mentions the World Government, the crowd subconsciously nodded, as if this is indeed the case.

At this point, a group of doctors who were operating all came out.

"Doctor, how is the situation inside?" Sanji hurriedly asked.

"This ..." looking at these "fierce" pirates, the doctors who forcibly captured swallowed hard, and finally, or one of the oldest doctor came forward Said, "Your friend's life is saved!"

The crowd did not show any relaxed look; after all, from other doctors' behavior, the Luffy's state is probably not much better.

"Before we arrived, your friend's heart stopped beating for more than ten minutes, his brain was deprived of oxygen for too long, and now even if he survives there is a high probability that he will become a vegetative person! Well ~ vegetative person you can understand as not dead, but maybe never wake up!" The old doctor said in a heavy silent tone.

"What? How can this be?"

"Doctor, you must have got it wrong! Luffy is brainless, even if the lack of oxygen will certainly not affect him, right?"

The crowd is agitated beyond measure; how can Luffy that guy collapse in such a place?

Seeing the group of pirates about to storm, a group of doctors hurriedly said, "You do not worry, calm, calm! We have limited ability, we can only do so far, but, there are many doctors in this world who are highly skilled in medicine, and the ability of the Devil Fruit that you say, maybe you can let your companion wake up?"

"Yes, for example, Ope Ope no Mi, Chiyu Chiyu no Mi, or Modo Modo no Mi, it is possible to make him wake up!"


New World, Demon Island, among the king's palace;

"Original Sin-sama, I've got the fruit ... " Wyper came from the passage, was saying, suddenly his voice stalled, that cold face rarely showed a hint of joy, "God Messenger-sama, are you here too? "

"Well, some things need to be carefully prepared ..." Longinus said with a slight frown, "You used forbidden drugs again? And more than once?"

"The mission went a little wrong, but the problem is not ... cough cough not big!" Wyper's breathing was slightly sharper, and his face had an abnormal flushed color.

"Even without this fruit, the things I want to do will not be too difficult." Longinus said with a grave face, "You really don't have to make it this far!"

However, Wyper looked up sharply with red eyes and said in a somewhat agitated voice, "God Messenger-sama, I said that since the day you rang the Light of Shandora, my life, is for your will to exist! If I cannot fulfill your will, my existence will have no meaning!"

"The pledge of a Shandia warrior?" Longinus sighed softly.

"It is the supreme honor of all Shandia warriors to be able to give their lives for your will!" Wyper half-kneeled on the ground, "What I am doing now is the very promise that all Shandia warriors dream to keep!"

Apophis, who was watching quietly, also felt some emotion. It is perhaps what teacher once said, those who stand on the side of justice will be supported and helped by all!

That's why there are people like the Shandia warriors, who are honored by their teacher's sacrifice, right?

Published in Qidian, December 01, 2019