Blackbeard: Ahhhhhhhhhhh!

On the shore, a curtain enclosed.

There was cold laughter coming out from time to time, and a treacherous black mist was escaping, while Shiryu was sitting bored on a reef polishing his blade, quietly waiting for the final result to appear.

At this time, a news coo seemed to notice the movement here, fluttered down, and looked at Shiryu with big, stupid eyes.

"A newspaper? It's not bad to buy one." Shiryu, who was a little bored of waiting, said to himself, dropped a coin and took out the newspaper by himself.

"The match between the Marine Headquarters and Cipher Pol? Even this kind of thing can be published, it seems that Longinus as the interim commander-in-chief is much more comfortable than the official commander-in-chief Steel Bone Kong, and even the highest spy agency like CP0 is under his control!"

"Twenty years, from the bottom of the world, climbing step by step to the top of this world, this man, it's really terrifying! However, all this has nothing to do with me anymore." Shiryu said mockingly, turned the page, saw the content on the second page; his eyes abruptly froze!

Just then, the curtain lifted, Blackbeard walked out with a clear head, and looking through the corner of the curtain, he could still see a certain drained pirate!

"The power of darkness, the power of wave..." Blackbeard clenched his fist, and the black mist swayed rapidly above it in a volatile situation, destroying everything and swallowing all those substances at the same time, "As I imagined. Both this fruit has raised my strength to a level that I can't even imagine myself, Zehahahaha!"

"Now I should really be qualified to fight with those guys standing at the top of the arm!" Blackbeard smiled confidently, which swept away the previous period of decadence, "Shiryu, we ... are you reading the news today? Lemme get well, any chance for me to revive my reputation again?"

Looking at a self-satisfied Blackbeard, Shiryu wanted to say something but finally handed the newspaper over, "Read it yourself."

Blackbeard did not care, took the newspaper, and read it, "The rivalry event ... is that bastard Longinus again in the spotlight? Heh, sooner or later, I will pull him down from that position one day! The mega auction in Golden City? Good, just so I can take this opportunity to re-form the pirate group! What? These auctions have ..."

The smile on the corners of Blackbeard's mouth frozen, black fog is spreading, as if the whole person is directly out of control, the voice of anger from his teeth popped out, "Goro Goro no Mi? Surprisingly the auctions are fucking Goro Goro no Mi, I, I ... ahhhhhhhh!"

The Blackbeard furious fist blast out, the whole coast directly collapsed and disappeared.

He just got the Hado Hado no Mi ability; the next second, he saw the news of the Gura Gura no Mi auction, the Goddess of Fate that bastard is not playing him?

Seeing Blackbeard like this, the corners of Shiryu's mouth can not help but tug a little; there is one to say, he has never seen Blackbeard more unlucky people!

Could it be that it is because of grabbing the Yami Yami no Mi, exhausted his lifetime of luck?

After venting for a moment, Blackbeard finally calmed down.

"Next, what are you going to do?" Shiryu asked.

"Go to the Golden City!" Blackbeard closed his eyes and then opened them with a fierce snap.

"Are you going to use the Gura Gura no Mi as a third fruit as well?" Shiryu asked with a frown.

"No, the third one must be Zoanonly!" Not waiting for Shiryu asked, Blackbeard, said with another grim gaze, "Since BIG-MOM can discard the fruit ability, it means there must be a way to 'take out' the fruit!"

"Are you crazy? That is a more dangerous attempt than eating the third fruit, moreover, the Hado Hado no Mi would have been not much worse than the Gura Gura no Mi!" In Shiryu's opinion, Blackbeard is a kind of paranoid sickness about the Gura Gura no Mi.

"Maybe!" Blackbeard's face some gloomy, "No matter what, even if it is only to re-form the pirate group, the Golden City, I must also go!"

Shiryu, no longer discourage, remind said, "You better be careful, shock shock fruit are taken out of the auction, this behavior itself is very suspicious!"

"Don't worry about it, it should be my old friends who really have to worry about this!" Blackbeard laughed, "I'm looking forward to meeting them again, what kind of expression will be on their faces?"


The atmosphere was somewhat silent on a deserted island somewhere in the first half of the Grand Line.

"Why do you have to hesitate about this kind of thing? Everyone knows that the Gura Gura no Mi is the symbol of father, how can let it fall into the hands of others?" He seems unable to stand this silence, wearing a cow horn helmet "Water Buffalo" Atmos yelled!

"Calm down, Atmos!" Haruta, the former captain of the twelve division, said, "Because everyone knows it, it is more likely that someone else has set a trap for us!"

"Standing behind the Golden Emperor Tesoro, is the Beasts Kaido and the Demon Sword Apophis, with Kaido's character, probably unable to do set a trap!" Izo from the Wano Country said in a deep voice, "And Apophis, didn't he send us an invitation only a while ago?"

"There can be no mistake, it must be him!" Atmos shouted in a sullen voice.

"What's the use of knowing that?" Vista shook his head and said, "Could you still go to his door and argue with him? Don't forget, it's not our time anymore!"

Atmos clenched his fist, "Are we just going to stand by and watch, as father's relics are snatched away by others?"

The crowd is again a dead silence; this sense of powerlessness, after their father's death, is not the first time they have tasted! But every time they taste it, it makes them unbearably uncomfortable.

Marco, who had been silent, suddenly said, "Go on, we can't be absent this time, if even we're not there, then father is really going to be forgotten!"

All of them are a little shocked; they are now still gathered under the Whitebeard Pirates' name. Is it not the hope that their father's name can be passed on forever, like Roger?

At least, not in this day and age!

"But how do you plan to face the threat of Apophis?" Jozu suddenly asked.

"First, we are no threat to him, from the fact that he issued an invitation, he should be planning to integrate us, expand his power and establish his hegemony in the New World! In general, our lives should not be too threatened."

Jozu nodded, "After defeating Hawkeye, he did move a lot more, it seems, that victory also inspired his not-so-subtle ambition!"

Marco then analyzed, "Second, although the Golden City has his support behind, but in the absolute neutrality of the position there, even if he wants to flip the board, Kaido and the World Government will not agree!"

Vista nodded in agreement, "Just from those Celestial Dragons, the World Government will not let him mess up!"

"There is a third point!" Marco said in a deep voice, "Since he put the Gura Gura no Mi to the auction, it will not be just us, the legend of the father has not yet passed, there are definitely a handful of people who want to get this fruit! If Apophis wants to play with this fruit, it will certainly face other forces, even the siege of the other Yonko or Marine Headquarters!"

"And all we have to do is to set the situation off and take advantage of the chaos to get the fruit in our hands!"

Published in Qidian, December 02, 2019