Blackbeard's Provocation

Prosperous, no, to be precise, it should be extravagant!

For the people of this world, the Golden City is both heaven and hell!

It allows people to have the highest enjoyment, no matter who you are, high officials and dignitaries, fugitive pirates, and even slaves branded with the master's mark; as long as you have money, you can enjoy God-like treatment here.

This place will also corrupt people's minds; even the air, containing a decadent and rotten poison, those who degenerate into gamblers and alcoholics, will be swept out like garbage when the money runs out.

In such an environment, a group of striking pirates came off the ship.

"Golden City! It's really been a long time since I've been here!" Haruta said with a sigh.

"Hey? Have you been here before?" Atmos asked with a surprised look, "Didn't father not allow us to come to such a place?"

Haruta waved his hand and laughed, "Of course I sneaked here!"

Blamenco also laughed, "Father is treating us like children! This kind of place, occasionally come to relax the mood is actually quite good!"

"Blamenco, you also came here?" Atmos was surprised.

"Ahem, the truth is ..." Haruta smiled sarcastically, "We've all been here except for you!"

Atmos looked at the thick-eyed Jozu, who pretended to look away and whistled as if nothing had happened.

"It's too much, you guys ..." Atmos looked sad and angry, "I can't believe you don't take me to play!"

"Can't help it! Who called your mouth too loose!" Haruta patted Atmos's waist, " No matter what, we let you play first today!"

It is the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates ... entirely a few people are secretly shocked and have their eyes burning, fantasizing about the scene of them bowing down at their feet.

At the same time, there are a few people with shifty eyes left the port to run towards the city.

Seeing the dull crowd rarely flowing lively atmosphere, Marco also did not stop, only cast his eyes to the side of the trembling receptionist.

"This auction, are there any strong people or big powers have already entered?"

"There are there ... are the Whale Hunters Pirates, the Kalman Pirates, the Pirate Hunters Death's Eye, the Citigroup Consortium from the Kingdom of Saint Roland..."

Seeing that the receptionist rapidly spoke as if he was reporting a rehearsed menu, Marco interrupted, "These people need not be mentioned, what I need to know is the list of those big names!"

The waiter swallowed his saliva; in his eyes, these are not big people?

At that moment, a polite apology came from the side, "Marco-sama, I'm really sorry, these newcomers are so frightened by your aura that they can't speak! My name is Baccarat and I'm happy to serve you."

The one who spoke was a sexy and beautiful woman in a black cheongsam, outlining a stunning and proud curve.

In this situation, Marco still has that half-asleep, half-awake drooping eyelids demeanor, "Then I'll trouble you."

"Now there is the New Marine's Fleet Admiral Sakazuki, the Yonko Akagami Shanks, the Beasts Kaido, the Oka Shichibukai Hawkeye Mihawk, the former Shichibukai Desert King Crocodile. Oh yes, and the one who suffered a tragic defeat in the New World and now back again Blackbeard Teach!" Baccarat said with a smile.

When mentioning Blackbeard, not only Marco, those who are talking about a group of captains also shot a hateful gaze!

The most hot-tempered Atmos could not help but shout, "Where is that bastard Teach? I'll blow his head off!"

"Don't be impulsive, that guy is not for you to deal at all!" Vista warned.

"But we've been chasing him for so long, it's hard to get here ..." Atmos was a bit dissatisfied.

Baccarat cautiously reminded, "The Golden City is forbidden to fight!"

Atmos stared over with big buffalo-like eyes, frightening Baccarat's eyes and suddenly clouded with water.

"Please don't mind, we won't take the initiative!" Marco said soothingly.

Just then, that iconic laugh came from the distance, "Zehahahaha! Really? Captain Marco, do you really think that they can still be calm after seeing me?"

Facing him was Blackbeard with a blackened seal, and behind him was Shiryu and a few pirates who reported the news.

"Teach you bastard!"


Several roars erupted, Atmos and a few people's eyes were red, and immediately could not hold back the surge of killing intent to rush up, but was still held down by Jozu, "Do not be impulsive. He is waiting for us to take the initiative to break the rules, so that we stand against the Golden City, and, do not forget the purpose of our visit!"

Hearing him say this, the stormy few only reluctantly calm down.

At this time, Blackbeard looked "astonished", "Seeing me, the man who killed my father can bear down, you are a group of filial son ah!

"Right, after all, you have said to identify their fathers by watching the fruit ruthlessly! By the way, if the one who ate the fruit is my ... men, you big filial son should not deny it, right? Zehahahahaha!"

Hearing Blackbeard so cynical, not to mention the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates people, the pirates watching around, can not help but want to punch Blackbeard's unpleasant face.

"You damn scum, watch me cut you down!" Atmos roared and rushed up.

This time, Jozu did not stop because even he could not help but rush toward Blackbeard.

Shiryu sneered, slightly stepped forward half a step, but was soon held back by Blackbeard.

"I'll come alone!" When Shiryu cast an uncomprehending gaze, Blackbeard laughed and explained, "Zehahahaha, let me see, what can they do without the shelter of the old man's trash?"

Seeing Blackbeard so arrogant, even Marco can't help but feel angry, "You bastard who betrayed father, what qualifies you to say such things?"

Buffalo's rampage, diamond's ramming, falling rose's swordsmanship, streaming flame's wings ... all kinds of gorgeous and splendid attacks at the same time flew to Blackbeard. The surrounding crowd could not help but secretly sigh; it is worthy of the strongest pirate group; just one person alone out to other pirate groups can be called the strongest battle force!

Only wonder, that tragic defeat in the New World and then returned, how to Blackbeard should respond?

In the curious eyes of the crowd, Blackbeard opened his arms fiercely, with both hands palm, each has a black mist in continuous rotation.

"Infinite Death Prison!"

Instantly, the black fog soared, enveloping all the people in the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Hmm? What is this? Damn, it hurts!" Atmos rushed in the forefront only to feel the body was pulled by countless hands, in this boundless darkness, as if the gravitational force everywhere is powerful to the extreme, drawing from all directions, seems to be tearing him into pieces!

In this field, the sound, smell, and even light swallowed, which is the same as the five senses deprived of all, Marco can not hear the sound of screaming. Still, his Kenbunshoku Haki can sense the sudden drop in the life-breath of the crowd; his mood is naturally impatient, so much so that even the encroachment of darkness is not aware of it.

"Really stupid, how dare you still think about saving people now!" Blackbeard, who was manipulating the darkness in the outside world, laughed grimly, "But thanks to those losers, otherwise it wouldn't have been so easy to take down Marco and the others!"

Published in Qidian, December 03, 2019