Don't Come Over!

Seemingly because of the change in the fat's touch in his hand, Redfield instinctively tightened his fingertips.


Five columns of blood spurted out, Blackbeard screamed like a pig, "Wait a minute, it's me!"

Redfield sniffed and let go of his right hand, said without apology, "Sorry, your fat sticks up too smoothly!"

"Hey! What the hell are you two bastards doing?" Bullet couldn't help but roar, "Why did you let the Celestial Dragons get away?"

"It's your intelligence that's wrong, dumbass!" Redfield said without joy or sorrow, "His Haki, and the fruit power of that black eye, you didn't even calculate it!"

"What? You're blaming me ..."

"All stop arguing, or hurry up and think about how to deal with that guy's purge!"

Bullet's exasperated voice was interrupted by Shiryu because Longinus was walking towards them step by step with a cold face.

"You scumbags, stay here completely today!"

"Hey, do we have a second set of plans?" Crocodile asked, smoking his cigar.

"There's no need for that!" Bullet said grimly, "Redfield's strength is close to his, Blackbeard and I are not far from him, you and Shiryu both and assist from the side, this lineup is enough!"

"And -" Bullet straightened his body, sweeping his gaze around the room, grimacing and laughing, "No one should want to have someone over their head all the time, right?"

After saying that, he did not care about the reaction of the others, but his gaze looked straight at Longinus, "Since I have no way to defeat you myself, it is just as well for me to organize a battle that can defeat you, for today, I have waited long enough!"

Bullet's fist to the ground, the entire top floor of the Emperor of Gold Hotel all collapsed, in countless screams and wails, the golden giant formed by activating the merging fruit ability, from mid-air a "gorilla dive" rushed to Longinus.

"Morbid obsession with victory? Unfortunately, you will be disappointed!" Longinus stepped on the moon step, appeared in the golden giant's head like across space, right hand clenched fist, aimed at the back of the giant's neck fiercely down.


A circle of spatial ripples radiated out; this blow struck the golden giant from the top directly down to the bottom. The gorgeous and beautiful huge hotel, also in the middle of this blow, became history!

"Ahhhhh! My gold, my hotel!" Tesoro let out a desperate roar, but his heart was incomparably sober at this moment, "That guy dared to incorporate my gold, heh, is that looking down on my ability? However, now is not the time!"

Not only was Tesoro in extreme "madness", but the venue, which had been quiet for some time, was also entirely detonated by Bullet's crazy actions!

"Surprisingly, even the marshal is attacked, this chaotic world is really ... fantastic!"

"Scream! Wail! The era belonging to chaos is coming!"

"Damn! This is an assassination against Fleet Admiral Longinus!"

"No need to panic! Fleet Admiral Hitsujiza will not fail! All we have to do is try to guard the people!"

But even among Marine's camp, there were still discordant voices emerging.

"Kill him for me, kill that bastard for me ah!" Carlisle tugged at Law's sleeve, pointing at Redfield and shouting.

"Sorry, Your Highness, I'm no match for him! Besides, you have to believe that the fleet admiral will be able to help you take revenge!" Law said as the corners of his eyes danced.

"Idiot! Piece of shit! If you can't beat him, will you not pile up with your life!" Carlisle said in a commanding manner.

Hearing Carlisle's voice, Law resisted the urge to change this idiot back and endured it.

At this point, Redfield frowned and looked, "You're a little annoying, you little worm! Wait a minute, how many slices do I have to cut you into?"

With Carlisle's heart to withstand this kind of gaze, just by a glance, scared limp on the ground, clinging to Law's thighs and crying, "How scary ah! Quickly take me away, quickly take me out of here!"

Law resisted the urge to kick this fool out and said, "Don't worry, he can't spare his hands and feet to deal with us!"

With his ability to potentially turn the tide of battle at a critical moment, how could he possibly leave the battlefield to protect this fat pig?

Carlisle's cry stalled, and he looked up incredulously, "You you, you dare to disobey my orders?"

Not waiting for Law to reply, Carlisle cursed again, "You inferior human know who I am? I am a god! How dare you disregard the will of God, I will kill you when I get back, yes, I will kill your whole family!"

Law took his head off and stopped caring about this idiot, his whole family died long ago, and he is a vice admiral, not a word the other side can handle.

At the center of the battlefield, Longinus was fighting with Blackbeard and others.

Seeing this high level of combat, Kaido roared and could not help but rush up, "You bastards did a good job!"

At the same time, Doberman stood beside Sakazuki and asked, "Commander-in-Chief, where do we stand?"

Sakazuki looked around and said in a deep voice, "As a Marine, what kind of position should I tell you?"

"Pirates, must be destroyed!" With these words, Sakazuki turned into a torrent of magma and rushed towards Kaido. All the way, the pirates who accidentally got caught in the magma were melted before they could even scream.

Doberman was not surprised by this result, turned his head, and ordered, "Destroy all pirates!"

"Yes!" A group of officers and cadets of the New Navy also took active action.

"Admiral Akainu surprisingly ..." the hearts of the Marine of the Headquarters side were shaken at the same time feel justified, after all, this man has never been incomparably firm in his stance on the elimination of pirates!

"Kaido, your opponent is me!" With a cold cry, the giant magma fist blasted at a certain bull-headed man.

"Then I'll beat you to death first!" Kaido carried the wolf tooth stick swiftly swung out, pushing the air like a cannonball bounced out.

Seeing Kaido was blocked, Blackbeard and others felt heavy and relieved at the same time; after all, Kaido's allies are always high-risk occupations.

When Kaido intended to come over to "help", they almost shouted, "you do not come over" such humiliating words!

What's more, they now have enough combat power! That man has been completely overwhelmed!

They were right in their assumptions, a Yonko level battle power, two extremely close to the Yonko battle power, and two slightly more watery battle power, this kind of lineup. Even Longinus is impossible to block.

The crowd who saw this scene was all mind-blowing. Was the myth of Longinus about to be shattered?

No one would think he was weak; according to the widely circulated saying on the sea, no one could defeat two admirals combined, and Longinus was now facing a lineup of more than two admirals?

Even if he loses, there is no denying his power!

But the hearts of the crowd was still feeling some regret, a kind of legend disillusioned regret.

Published in Qidian, December 07, 2019