Shiryu: I Have Died So Badly!

On an isolated island, from time to time, the roar of beasts and the soft chirping of insects and birds were heard because, for a long time, the peace without visitors was broken today!

Blackbeard was lying on the ground; the other three surrounded him.

Longinus' gaze scanned back and forth between Blackbeard and the other two from time to time, and his brow furrowed slightly.

"The restraint of the Yami Yami no Mi for Imu, the manipulation of the Gasha Gasha no Mi for Pluton, and the support of the Red Count's revealed ability to read memories for some statements I made, these are the powers of no way to give up!"

If the average strong man's limit is two minds, then the limit of Longinus is only three minds!

It is where the problem lies!

The simultaneous manipulation of three bodies is also a tremendous burden on his consciousness so that there must be a trade-off among these three identities.

"In fact, didn't you already make a decision when you were playing him?" Longinus lightly smiled at Blackbeard lying on the ground, he indeed can only control two miniatures, but he can use these two miniatures to tempt a third person!

And compared to Bullet, who does not have much desire, Blackbeard is, in turn, a better object of temptation!

The most crucial thing is that if he can not wholly control Bullet, even if he gets the Pluton, he does not dare to give this ultimate weapon to Bullet to use.

"Then, the next step is to get more information!" Longinus squatted down, his right hand on Blackbeard's forehead.

First, he needs to know the whereabouts of the fourth coordinate body from Blackbeard's memory, and secondly, he also needs to feel Blackbeard's trump card thoroughly!

Although he defied Blackbeard in strategy, in tactics absolutely will not belittle any enemy!

After thoroughly feeling Blackbeard's memory, he can see Blackbeard as a person and then design a whole set of lure plans for Blackbeard's character!

After a long time, Longinus retracted his right hand, eyes slightly shocked muttered to himself, "So it is, no wonder that an island as large as God Valley suddenly disappeared out of nowhere but almost no one can find, is because, it appeared in the place of the closed country! Perhaps even the people of that country would think that the passage was naturally formed!"

"This does explain why Whitebeard never wanted to return to that place after having an experience of going to the Wano Country? Why Kaido, an impatient person can stay in the Wano Country for more than twenty years? The original time and space BIG-MOM would be attacked by Ember, most likely also have the reason of excessive surprise after seeing the God Valley in it!

As for the private deal with Kaido as to why the World Government also failed to find, Longinus is not surprised; the World Government naturally does not dare to conflict with Kaido if they want to make a deal.

In other words, the way they enter the Wano Country is most likely to enter from the submerged port, rather than choose to let the sea creatures pull the way to rush up the waterfall.

In that case, they naturally can't witness the full view of the God Valley while leaping over the waterfall-like BIG-MOM!

"Interesting, this is just too interesting!" Longinus could not help but mutter, "Everyone thought that year after his defeat, Rocks is in despair to swallow the God Valley with Yami Yami no Mi, intends to pull Roger and Garp to die together, did not expect that he actually transported the entire island through the black hole to here, and even by coincidence formed a connection to Wano Country and the outside sea!"

"It is also for this reason that he was able to barely survive and use his last strength to find Shakky and use the second fruit of Ope Ope no Mi as a final gift to his daughter!"

"Since this is the case, then perhaps my plan can be slightly altered, next, it is good that he will be pushed!" Longinus smiled and looked at the dead pig-like black beard, then turned away.


After a long time, it was already dark.

"Is it hell?" Blackbeard barely opened his eyes, saw the dark and obscure sky, could not help but murmur to himself.

"If you want to go to hell, I can help!" Bullet's mocking voice came from the side.

Hearing this familiar voice, Blackbeard hurriedly a "dead pig" to stand up, even if this involves the injury, he did not show any pain color.

As he never trusts others and even has been playing the idea of the so-called "allies", in his view, these allies most likely can not be trusted.

Therefore, after hearing Bullet's voice, he maintained a minimum of vigilance and hurriedly rolled over to his feet to remain on guard.

At this point, he could barely see the injuries of the other two through the night.

Bullet's chest appeared a lurid hollow, and his left arm was irregularly twisted, and Redfield's condition was slightly better. Still, the pale, paper-like face also gave the impression that he was recovering from a serious illness.

"Heh! Worried that we might harm you?" Bullet mocked at sight.

It seems that everyone is almost ... Blackbeard heart slightly stable, not half-embarrassed laugh, "Zehahahaha, of course not, we are allies ah! For allies, I am absolutely at ease!"

Indeed, if he were alone with either of the two, he would not be so comfortable, but the "triangle" formed by the three would give him more room to maneuver.

Both Bullet and Redfield, it is impossible to see him being pulled or assassinated by another party.

At least, in Blackbeard, himself seems to be so!

With that, Blackbeard also asked with some disbelief, "I can't believe I survived? That guy Longinus would make such a mistake?"

To Longinus on his "killing intent", how he does not seem to be able to survive the look.

Hearing him say so, Redfield just looked at him with regretful and mournful eyes.

Bullet did not say mockery this time but followed Redfield to look at him with care and sympathy.

Blackbeard was looked at by the two weird gazes, somewhat shivering; even the laughter is not smooth, "Ze, zehahaha! What are you guys doing looking at me like that?"

"We were able to escape this time, thanks to you!"

"To be precise, it is thanks to that henchman of yours!"

"... Shiryu?" Blackbeard's heart immediately had a sense of foreboding.

"You had been about to be killed by Longinus, it was he appeared and forced to hold Longinus to buy us time to escape!" Redfield said.

"He himself was blown up on the spot by Longinus, it was too tragic!" Bullet followed and sighed.

"Shiryu, he actually would ..." Blackbeard's heart shook; he did not expect that Shiryu, who he used as a tool man, would be so loyal!

Bullet and Redfield are not lying to him; Blackbeard did not have half a doubt because they can not hide this kind of thing; even if Bullet and Redfield teamed up to kill Shiryu, how can they still let Longinus give them false testimony?

It is not possible!

When Blackbeard deplores, Redfield's heart has some feelings, Shiryu is indeed dying too tragic!

Because the time he arrived is not very suitable, Shiryu accidentally witnessed some scenes that he should not know, and then, he was hammered by the three villains together!

When he was hammered by Longinus, Bullet, and Redfield together, Shiryu was even a bit confused. Was it too much to surround him with such a lineup?

He would be too damn tough!

PS1: The contents of this chapter are estimated to be insanely hit in the face; I was planning to wait to read the latest issue of the manga before making a decision, only to have Oda, the killer, actually pausing his work! But to be honest, the God Valley and the Wano Country entrance is quite similar.

PS2: The third one may be late, but it will not be absent!

Published in Qidian, December 09, 2019