Moving Bricks

Akagami Pirates are not weak; they are recognized by the sea, the weakest of the Yonko, the smallest territory, and the most elite one!

But even so, when hearing such shocking news, they still can not help but shudder from the heart.

We should know that it is the same as their Yonko Pirates, or the two big Yonko Pirates team up, which is such an invincible power and defeated by the marine!

Is the marine that strong? What will happen to them next? Will they be caught like the two Yonko Pirates?

For a while, a variety of mixed thoughts filled the minds of the crowd.

Akagami's heart was also turning over, but he did not show it, but quickly stood up from Lucky Roux and asked in a deep voice, "When is this news?"

"Let that man talk to you, Rock!"


A pirate with an excited face and a hedgehog haircut on his head stepped forward.

The newcomer of the Akagami Pirates, Rockstar;

"I found it half an hour ago, when the BIG-MOM Pirates and the Beasts Pirates were almost defeated!" Rockstar said in a rapid tone, "I originally wanted to report to you, boss, as fast as possible, but boss, you and Apophis's battle is too intense, I can not get close, and worried that screaming loudly will affect your battle, so I had to wait until you finished the fight to say it."

Beckman then said, "With the formidable battle power of the marine, what will happen in this half hour do not need me to do more to elaborate it!"

Akagami's innate understanding, Beckman does not know the final battle situation in the case of a hasty conclusion, is not want him to intervene.

After all, this is a dead-end either way!

"I don't know, unless I can reach a joint venture with Apophis just now!" Some regret in the heart of Akagami, but also did not blame Rockstar; in that case, he really can not do better.

Exhaling a heavy breath, Akagami said with a slightly sad face, "The next time, we are all going to have trouble ah!"

Beckman is also looking gloomy, "This time is indeed careless! In the New World, marine forces did not take action when the Yonko were scattered, and in the Wano Country, the marine forces launched a surprise attack when the Yonko gathered together! I have to say, that guy Longinus gave us a good lesson ah!"

Akagami nodded, "Just like the Marine Headquarters eight years ago to conquer the BIG-MOM Pirates, if the Yonko perceived the threat, will also be spontaneous united! But this time is different, they take advantage of the illusion of preventing the Yonko to unite, as well as with the marine in a weak blind spot, so that we do not realize that the real target of the marine is actually the Yonko!"

Beckman took a heavy puff of the cigarette in his hand, swallowed a cloud, and said, "The Wano Country is indeed a good battlefield ah! Because it is on the same piece of land, let the Yonko loose vigilance, and because of the vast territory of the Wano Country, so we do not easily notice the battle in other areas!"

"That guy Longinus also really dare to gamble!" Akagami could not help but sigh, "If we could have noticed something was wrong earlier, if the struggle with Apophis had not broken out, it would be their marines who would be panicking and fleeing now. He is putting the future of the world on this hand!"

"But the result is, he won the bet!"

"Yes! He won again!"

"Get ready to leave!" Beckman shook off his cigarette and stomped it out with one foot, "We don't know, how big will the Marine's appetite be as well?"

"Haha, what a wretched escape!" Akagami is still in the mood to snort and look at the disoriented quartet, "Marco, why don't you leave with us first!"

"It seems like that's all we can do." The corners of Marco's mouth were bitter; what was this?

He had wanted to lend a hand. Who knew that one of the parties had pushed too hard, blown the other one right out of the water! Thanks to them, they had carefully prepared one plan after another!

"It's true that such things as plans have to be matched with strength to be useful!" Marco sighed and led the other three, who looked bewildered, to follow.


Hakumai region.




Blackbeard yelled at each; there will be a lot of strange and bizarre things are spit out.

Looking at Blackbeard running around in this area, the corners of Bullet's eyes jumped more than wildly. This guy repeatedly "freedom, freedom", does not know also think he is the revolutionary army!

"Still not ready?"

"I am not a spatial ability, where so fast?" Blackbeard spat and explained, "Dark space is equivalent to a pond, Rocks dropped the ancient stone tablet place and there is no mark, in this case, I can only find a way to drain the pond ah!"

"There it is, Blackbeard's wonderful analogy!" Just when Bullet was bored and could only secretly spit, finally, along with a boom, a massive square stone monument was spat out from the dark space.

"Zehahahahaha, finally the old man got his hands on it!" Blackbeard crossed his arms and laughed.

"Don't waste time! Hurry up with the topography!" Bullet reminded.

Blackbeard's laughter abruptly stalled and looked at Barrett with a skeptical gaze, "Shouldn't you be doing this?"

"Isn't that what you guys said, I'm the king?" Blackbeard forced himself not to say the latter half of the sentence.

"Why would you think it should be me to do it?" Bullet said speechlessly.

When the words fell, the two asked each other at the same time, "Don't tell me you won't ah ... I won't ah!"

The atmosphere is a little awkward, half a long time; Bullet mused and asked, "Then what are you going to do?"

Deep breath, Blackbeard looked at the vast monolith, "That can only be carried by the two of us!"

Bullet was silent for a moment and asked, "Can't you put it in that dark space?"

"You still haven't figured it out?" Blackbeard said depressed, "Unlike those spatial class ability to mobile space, dark space is the opposite of the real world, there is no way to follow me to move. In other words, if I throw the tablet into dark space, I have to take it out in the same place to do so."

"Then you can't ... teleport the tablet out of the island like Rocks did?" Bullet asked again.

"The distance of the directional transmission can not be too far, not even beyond the Wano Country, like the super long-distance transmission of Rocks, there is no way to control the orientation and coordinates." Blackbeard pondered for a moment and then said, "As for like Rocks like himself swallowed together to teleport, it is too dangerous, or will be torn into pieces by the dark gravity!"

"So the two of us will have to carry such a large piece of stone monument out of the island?" Bullet asked with a twitchy mouth.

"That's right, that's all we can do!"

Published in Qidian, December 16, 2019