Survival or Death ......

On the streets of the 60-69 Groove, a figure was flying through the streets. The streets even caused panic due to the frequent exchange of positions.

"Ah! Why did I suddenly run ahead?"

"Strange, I don't seem to be here just now, right?"

"Hell no! There's definitely something wrong with this street!"

"I just saw it too, it's a ghost! There was a white ghost floating past my eyes!"

"What? There's really a ghost? Run!"

The culprit who triggered the panic did not care but just kept rushing in the direction of determination, "It will be fine, Cora-san, he ... is also a Celestial Dragon ah! Even if it is deprived of the identity of the Celestial Dragons, that scum definitely do not dare to do too much! Killing the Celestial Dragons, even within the Celestial Dragons is also absolutely prohibited!"

That being said, Law's heart is still a little uncertain; after all, that's a Celestial Dragon ah!

For that creature of chaotic nature, they broke the rules, disrupting order, almost as if engraved in their bodies instincts in general!

The most critical thing is that the Celestial Dragon said to him at that time!

"Damn it, why did I forget about Cora-san at that time! Although there are not many people who know about Cora-san, but that scum is after all a world noble, if he wants to know, he can definitely gather information about me and Cora-san!"

Law unconsciously clenched his fist, his already pale face became grimmer because of the overuse of his ability and the guilt and self-blame in his heart, "It's all because of me, it's all because of me that that scumbag targeted Cora-san!"

"Cora-san, you must wait for me!"

On the 69th Groove, inside a luxurious villa of the utmost luxury, someone set up several large iron cages; inside were numb and godless eyes, outside were judgmental scowls.

"Gigister-sama, please look, these are the newly arrived slaves!" A merchant nodded his head in greeting.

"Just this kind of goods?" As a steward, Gigister frowned, slightly unhappy.

"You know, the Marine Corps is tracking tightly in this area, just these few, have cost us a lot of energy!" The slaver rubbed his palms and sent up a roster, "Why don't you take a closer look?"

Gigister flipped open the register, saw the envelope clamped inside, without missing a trace of the register closed and put it in his arms, coughed twice, and said, "Forget it. Anyway, Saint Carlisle-sama recently found a new toy, these new arrivals, just as a backup!"

"Then ... could Saint Carlisle-sama's name be borrowed to us?" The slaver asked cautiously.

"It doesn't matter if I give it to you, but be careful what you do! If traced by the Marine, we will also be in trouble!"

"Yes, yes! That is as it should be!" The slave master nodded repeatedly and asked again tentatively, "But, would even Saint Carlisle-sama fear the Marine?"

"Idiot! What stupid words are you saying?" Gigister snorted in dissatisfaction, "This world all belongs to the Celestial Dragon-sama, the Marine Corps? It's just a dog that the master uses to guard the house! Saint Carlisle-sama, just don't want to be bitten by a dog while fighting a dog, got it?"

Since his master returned from the Golden City last time, he has been displeased with the Marine, and he is good at reading people's opinions because he was promoted up for following Marine's scolding.

And because of this, he is a small butler who sprayed up the navy without half a burden.

"Of course, of course, this world all belongs to ..."

"Where is that scumbag Carlisle? Where is he?"

An abrupt and cold shout so that several people in the room are skeptical to look in the direction from which the voice came.

"You, you, you, you dare to blaspheme the honor of God!" Gigister spoke with anger and urgency, and after noticing the clothing on the visitor, he even cursed in a high-minded manner, "How dare a marine say such things, are you trying to rebel? Who is your officer? I'm going to complain to him about you! Damned bastard, wait to go to jail!"

However, the slave owner standing aside was having a bad feeling in his heart.

He, who has been dealing with pirate villains for many years, is all too familiar with the rich and highly bloody aura of the other party.

The other party that symbolizes the shoulder badge's rank and lets him feel numb that is the Headquarters Vice Admiral, even in the Marine Headquarters, also belongs to the absolute top!

A vice-admiral full of anger appeared in the Celestial Dragon house; how to think is not correct, right?

He now only regret saw such a scene; no matter how the subsequent development, he will not have good consequences to suffer.

"Why don't you say anything? Humph! Now you know you're afraid? But it's already too late!" Gigister was still there spouting fragrance, but the next moment, he froze.

Because he found that his head suddenly seemed to be in the hands of this Marine, he instinctively looked back; a headless "body" has fallen to the ground.

"Ahhhhhhh! My head was cut off, I'm dead, I'm dead!" Gigister shouted with his mind exploding.

Seeing such a shocking scene, the slavers who were planning to sneak away sat down on their asses in fear.

Those slaves who were locked in the iron cage, on the other hand, their eyes glowed with hope.

"Shut up and tell me--" Law's face was grim as he brought that head up to his face, "Where is that scum now?"

The first time he used Kenbunshoku Haki sense, that the Celestial Dragon is not here, fearing a heart change, he can not wait to go on guard!

"That scumbag is out to walk with the dog!" The mentally broken Gigister subconsciously replied.

"Damn, then where did he go ..." Law was saying, suddenly his voice stalled, his palm loosened, and his gaze looked out the door.


Gigister's head rolled around, panicked, and shouted, "Help me, someone put my head up ah!"

Just then, Carlisle came in on his mount.

"Saint Carlisle-sama, save ..."

"Ah! A monster dares to scare me, kill him for me!"

Although surprised at the scene before him, the bodyguard who followed Saint Carlisle still faithfully executed the order.

Step forward and stomp on it!

"Whew! I was scared to death!" Carlisle let out a slight sigh of relief, then cursed, "How dare this bastard scare me, I'll kill his whole family!"

Saying that he turned his gaze to the room, "Who told you ... to turn out to be you, that Marine bastard! Great, I must kill you this time!"

However, Law looked gloomy, and his angry voice popped out from his teeth, "You bastard, get down here!"

The one he used as a mount was indeed Corazon!

PS: For details, please see the writer's testimonial, put here to exceed the word count.



The deadline is valid until 7:00 tonight because, after 7:00, I will start writing (depending on the number of comments on these two words to determine, personal repeat statements do not count).

Published in Qidian, December 19, 2019