Beating Children

Almost the moment the words fell, Sebastian rushed across space, moving at great speed as if mingling with the world.

Longinus did not move, seemingly unable to react, and waited until the other party's attack kept approaching before raising his hands and catching Sebastian's fist.

Then, Sebastian opened his mouth and shouted, his voice turning into an air cannon and shooting at Longinus' face without any hesitation.

However, Longinus was faster than him, almost the moment he opened his mouth, he turned his head sideways, and at the same time, he threw a knee strike at the small of his stomach.


Sebastian let out a low roar of pain but did not retreat; his eyes were full of fierceness, but from the small of his belly emitted a compelling suction force, sucked Longinus' right leg firmly, and then slammed an elbow into Longinus' face.


Hearing the sound of metal impact and feeling the burning pain in his elbow, Sebastian's eyebrows twisted into a ball. Is this bastard's face made of stone?

And Longinus has obediently pinned down Sebastian, pinned him on his knees, and struck the back of Sebastian's spine with his right elbow continuously.

Poof! Pfft! Pfft!

Every time the elbow fell, there was a lot of blood gushing out from Sebastian's mouth; it was not like a battle of the same level; it was like an adult beating a child.

At that moment, Sebastian faltered and raised his finger as if he wanted to pull something, but a pink light burst out from his fingertips.

Kami-e - Slime!

Longinus' body twisted like mud, and while avoiding the light, he still didn't stop beating Sebastian.

Sebastian looked at the scene in disbelief, but he was still undeterred, and while spewing blood, he shot waves of light of various colors at Longinus without hiding anything.

The area irradiated by pink light waves, even the dust blowing speed are slowed down a lot, the red light area is accelerated in an instant generally, and yellow light area where the rubble will wind up and fade away in the blink of an eye, the purple light area is even the ground is withered and corroded!

"Noro Noro no Mi, Moa Moa no Mi ... " Drake recognized two of these abilities, "this guy really stored a lot of powerful ability!"

Swoosh! Swoosh! Phew!

Poof! Poof! Poof!

Longinus dodged with incomparable agility, and Sebastian spat blood with foremost difficulty.

Finally, he seemed unable to endure the bad experience of being beaten endlessly, no longer entangled, and actively backed away.

Looking at the puddle of blood left at his teacher's feet, Drake couldn't help but sigh; this guy Sebastian couldn't be doomed to spew out so much blood!

"Damn it, the future I saw should not be like this!" Sebastian was resentful; if it wasn't because he saw Longinus' fiasco's future, he couldn't have acted like a fool, being pressed and beaten by Longinus and not running away.

"That's because I can see further into the future than you!"

"A farther future ..." Sebastian was stunned and looked at Longinus to feel that the other party's eyes seemed to contain a starry sky-like profundity.

"This bastard's Kenbunshoku Haki is not simply stronger than mine, but exceeds me by at least one level!" Sebastian was in a heavy mood; ever since he had developed his Kenbunshoku Haki to the stage of foreseeing the future, he had rarely been moved like today.

The more important point is that the suppression in perception is undoubtedly a fatal blow to the ability he possesses.

What's the use of a more powerful and perverted ability that can't hit people?

"Damn it, am I destined to be overpowered by this bastard?"

Just as Sebastian was staring dead across the room, Longinus' figure abruptly disappeared from his sight.

"You can't be allowed to cause more damage to the Sabaody Archipelago, so give me a good penance for the rest of the time!"

When Sebastian heard these words, it already pushed his face to the ground.


Sabaody Archipelago, on the way to the area of Groove 60-69.

"Have the personnel been evacuated?" Vice-Admiral with a Mohican haircut asked this.

"Vice Admiral Momonga, the people on Groove 1, 59 and 70, which were most severely affected, have all been evacuated, please give instructions!" A Commodore reported.

"Very good!" Momonga nodded slightly, "You will maintain order in these three areas, don't let those who are too curious sneak in!"

"Yes!" The Commodore replied instinctively, then hesitated a bit, "Report Vice Admiral Momonga, we can also follow you ..."

"The battle fluctuations inside are not something you can withstand." Momonga shook his head and looked to his side again, "Besides, Observer Lucci will also follow me in."

"But ..."

"Execute the order!"


After entering the almost wholly destroyed area, Lucci asks, "You really don't know anything?"

Momonga didn't stop, asking as he walked, "What do you want to talk to me this time?"

"Of course it's what happened on Groove 69." Lucci narrowed his eyes and looked away, "Wasn't all that time wasted on something as frivolous as saving lives to create more opportunities for some fugitive to escape?"

"Do not use your dirty ideas to speculate on the justice of the marine!" Momonga said in a deep voice, "Saving lives is always above everything!"

Lucci does not deny, "Whatever, anyway, because of the intervention of that unknown power, your ideas are most likely to fall short!"

Momonga can not help but fall into silence; although he is still unclear about the specific events, he has roughly guessed the source of trouble from some information he got.

After all, Drake and Law's actions today would have been uncovered.

There were no words along the way, and suddenly, the road ahead of them exploded, and it was a "meteorite" that fell straight in front of them.

"What is the situation ..." Lucci frowned slightly and then abruptly opened his eyes wide, incredulous exclaimed, "Sebastian-sama?"

He had no way to connect this round creature in front of him with the powerful and terrifying Chief-sama in his impression.

Also, shouldn't the one being beaten be the Marine?

"How tragic! This is beaten and swollen all over ..." Momonga subconsciously shook his body, and then, looking up, "Senpai!"

"It's him!" Lucci let out a low cry, and then he was not surprised at sight in front of him.

But, the Chief-sama is miserable!

"You're just in time, move him back." Longinus looked at Lucci and ordered directly, "Remember to tell him when he wakes up, and next time if he dares to poke his paws out, I'll blow his dog head off!"

The corners of Lucci's mouth twitched slightly but still whispered, "I understand."

Published in Qidian, December 22, 2019