What if Fleet Admiral Wanna Commits Suicide?

After the riot of the Marine Headquarters' square, many CP0 bruises, eyes listlessly lying into the "too" word.

The most miserable should also be Sivis, covering the lower body, has lost consciousness, but the corners of the mouth are still gurgling out of the white foam.

According to incomplete statistics, he was beaten by two active admirals, a former admiral, a former marshal, and more than a dozen Vice Admirals combined.

After a good session, the Navy looked refreshed, as if years of repressed dissatisfaction are vented out, and then, the soldiers began to clean (off) sweep (custody) war (captive) field (prisoner).

After entering the sage mode, Garp calmed down and looked at the mess, slightly embarrassed touched the back of his head, "Things have become a little difficult to do ah!"

"What's not to do?" Sengoku snorted, "Go directly to the Impel Down, and release Longinus is not good?"

"Why have you become even more radical than me?" Garp looked at Sengoku incredulously, holding his chin in one hand, "Although this change is good, but still a little strange ah!"

"That's even radical?" Zephyr wrapped his arms around him and shouted with an angry face, "I still have to go to Mariejois to ask those five old guys, are their heads squeezed by the door? How dare they do such a thing to Longinus!"

He put a very deep emotion in Longinus, and we can even say that he treated Longinus as if he were his dead son.

Therefore, when he knew that Longinus was imprisoned, he did not even appear in the summit war, surprisingly followed and jumped out to join the siege team.

"Hahahahaha! So you have such a thought too?" Garp patted Zephyr's shoulder hard and laughed brightly, "I've long thought that those five old bastards' brains were crushed by the Sea King class! If you want to go, let's go together!"

"Arara! I'm not sleepy if you guys are talking about that! I also have a lot of questions about the government!" Aokiji, on a rare occasion on his forehead hanging eye patch off to put into his pocket, by the way look to the side and asked, "Fleet Admiral Kizaru, what do you think?"

"My opinion ... poof!" Kizaru was looking at Aokijit with a horrified face, as if a heart attack while rubbing his chest, "Do not say such scary words ah!"

With that, he complained again, "Then I also go with you guys well, I also want to ask them, where am I wronged the World Government, they actually want to harm me like this!"

A group of Rear Admirals and Vice Admirals all tacitly laughed; if what happened to Law was for them to empathize, then what happened to Longinus was for them to completely wear out the last shred of illusion about the World Government.

So after hearing this dangerous conversation, not only did no one object or worry, on the contrary, each one is looking forward to that day.

However, Gion was frowning and said, "With Longinus' strength, it's impossible to trap him in Impel Down, which means that he was actually voluntarily imprisoned!"

Tokikake said with a big grin, "The boss has always been a person who values the big picture, the World Government must have threatened him with peace and other excuses, so that the boss did not dare to break with them!"

"That's exactly what I'm worried about!" Gion's face was grave as she took over the topic, "For the sake of the world's peace and stability, he will probably choose to sacrifice himself!"

The officers and soldiers were shocked, this kind of thing may seem absurd if it happens to others, but if it happens to their fleet admiral, it is not impossible.

After all, that fleet admiral of theirs once had a precedent of breaking his arm for the sake of justice, and if they just rushed over there, maybe he would choose to self-sacrifice for the sake of world peace?

"What our sensei values most is justice, and if we can find a way to prove that we already have the vast majority of justice, then, for the sake of the world, our sensei will definitely not refuse!" Law seriously analyzed.

"Makes sense." Drake nodded approvingly, "But how is this overwhelming majority of justice going to be proven?"

When the crowd was thinking about countermeasures with a sad face, a bitchy bird call came through, "Kuwahahaha, my friends, do you seem to be bothered by the matter of Fleet Admiral Longinus? Although I can't help much, but, these might help you guys a bit!"

Looking in the direction where the voice came from, a large bird with sharp eyes and a bloated body wagged its small tail as it approached.

"President Morgans!" After seeing the visitor clearly, Vice Admiral Momonga hurriedly asked, "The help you are talking about?"

Morgans handed over a newspaper, "All I can do is to let the world see the true face of the government, and at the same time, restore the most realistic Fleet Admiral Longinus for everyone!"

Gion hurriedly took a look. The first page of the newspaper is a fair and detailed record of the entire incident. Even Rosinante's experience also has an extremely detailed introduction.

The rest of the pages are the disasters that the World Government has caused over the years. For example, the collection of heavenly gold as an excuse for reckless taxation dragged down the economy of three countries; for example, a country after the emergence of signs of revolutionary activity was forcibly massacred; and even, there is a Celestial Dragon looked at some national princess at the World Conference, after being rejected directly launched the Buster Call!

And corresponding to this, Fleet Admiral Longinus made the remedial measures. Between the lines, there is a veiled mention that Fleet Admiral Longinus alone can not resist the power of the government, so can only choose to become the government, carrying the darkness forward, in this way to save the desperate world!

Finally, there was the big headline of Fleet Admiral Longinus being unjustly imprisoned.

"It's so great! Boss, he's just too great!" Tokikake muttered, "Even what I know is less than half of this, boss who did so many things and never actively proclaim it with us! This ... is perhaps the awareness of a hero!"

Morgans nodded, "I was able to collect, in fact, only part of the intelligence, I believe, outside these areas, there are more heroic deeds of Fleet Admiral Longinus waiting for me to dig. It's just a pity that there is no more time this time!"

Vice-Admiral Momonga sincerely thanked, "President Morgans, thank you for the help you provided!"

"There's only so much I can do, with the public opinion, maybe I can make the World Government take the initiative to release Fleet Admiral Longinus!" Morgans seem to be unaware of what decision these marines have made, sighing there, "As for me, I have to hurry to take refuge!"

"No need to be so troublesome!" Garp laughed out loud, "We already intend to fuck up the World Government!"

For Garp so easily exposed the action, the crowd just bristled but did not stop more; as far as the current situation, this President Morgans also seems to be moved by their Fleet Admiral loyal followers' deeds!

Sure enough, after hearing this answer, Morgans trembled with excitement, "This kind of big news please make sure that I join the witness, please!"

Sengoku did not object. Compared with the marine, Morgans' strength is indeed not worth mentioning, but his world economic newspaper's power is not to be taken lightly, "Yes, then you also follow."

Morgans struggled to squeeze out one or two tears of emotion, "I will be faithful to record this historic moment!"

Gion suddenly asked, "President Morgans, when do you plan to release this newspaper?"

"It's already out!" Morgans laughed, "I'm sorry that the World Government would have found out about this kind of thing if it had been delayed, and I didn't ask for your permission beforehand!"

Gion shook her head slightly, grabbed the newspaper, and waved it hard, "This is the key to breaking the game! Now we can contact the vast majority of justice in this world!"

PS: I finally had time to read the latest manga today, and it's so powerful; I suspect the next word is going to reveal the secret of Raftel! Speaking of which, I have a grudge against Oda-sama, the last book just wrote about the Wano Country, well, Oda-sama also started writing about the Wano Country, and slapped my face! The last time I wrote about the Saijo O Wazamono, it was revealed to be the O Wazamono after writing, slap in my face! This time, I guess I'll be rubbed on the ground again (* ꒦ ິ ⌓꒦ ີ).!

Published in Qidian, December 24, 2019