...... becomes the shape of the Marine Corps

Clang! Clang!

Another series of weapons fell to the ground with a series of sounds, whether pirates or marines, who were shocked by the terrible sight before them!

When the creature's size to a degree does not need to have much special ability, they are the biggest deterrent.

"This, what kind of monster is this? Any one of them, the part floating on the surface of the sea is thousands of meters!"

"Just kidding, right? Isn't this a super large Sea King class that can only be seen in the deep sea?"

"Could it be that Poseidon is the weapon that can manipulate the Sea King class? This is just too scary!"

"The Marine Corps is still in possession of such a powerful force!"

"But where the hell is Poseidon? How come I didn't see Fleet Admiral Longinus use it?"

Not only them but following the swaying of the huge battleship together with Blackbeard also shouted, "Surrender, surrender! Quickly make these monsters stop!"

He could get Bullet to sink the Marine Headquarters in one shot before the giant ship sank, but something like losing both sides is not what a mature pirate should do!

In Blackbeard's view, a qualified pirate absolutely can not be overwhelmed by anger and hatred; in this world, only profit is eternal!

So, after realizing that things did not go as smoothly as he thought, Blackbeard did not half hesitate to choose to give up!

As for dignity and shame or whatever, he never cared; anyway, the victor writes history.

When Blackbeard shouted the words of surrender, those huge sea kings stopped stirring, and the huge battleship that was swaying also stopped moving, but one by one, those sea kings were staring back and forth at him with huge eyes.

"Ze, zehahahaha!" Blackbeard awkwardly but not impolitely laughed a few times, "Fleet Admiral Longinus, you are also too impulsive, I just made a small joke!"

Longinus laughed faintly, "I was joking with you too!"

The corners of Blackbeard's mouth tugged and rubbed the back of his head "naive" laugh, "Poseidon is really good ah! Fleet Admiral Longinus, can you take out Poseidon to satisfy my curiosity?"

"You'd better not know. "Longinus shook his head and said compassionately, "Too powerful a weapon is the cause of constant strife in this world, and after this war today, I will seal it away forever!"

No wonder the Marine got the Poseidon but never used it ... around the crowd is mind-blowing, to themselves, they do not think they can restrain their desire after getting such a powerful weapon, although they do not want to become such a "good guy" However, this does not prevent them from having respect for such a "good guy".

It turns out that he intended to let this secret remain permanently dusty from the beginning ... because he was not told the secret of the sea king was strange to Sakazuki and Dragon. They looked at Longinus' gaze also softened up.

Neptune and the others who were watching from afar were even more grateful; not only did Fleet Admiral Longinus not reveal Shirahoshi's identity, but he even took the initiative to promise not to use this "weapon" again! In their view, it was Longinus making a restraint for the safety of Shirahoshi!

Do you want to force me to give up the Pluton like you? However, I do not think I will care about those insignificant accusations, and, Pluton and Poseidon, I want all ... Blackbeard's eyes dark thought but soon changed to an embarrassed face, "Fleet Admiral Longinus's weapon really let me shame ah!"

Longinus is smiling slightly; there is no impenetrable wall in the world; if this news "accidentally" spread, then for the safety of Shirahoshi, he can only be "forced" to accept help!

Of course, this is something to be considered later ... thinking in his heart, Longinus said in a deep voice, "The noise caused just now is not small, it can not conceal the World Government side, so, the meeting will be held early!

"Now, those who want to know the truth about everything, come with me, survival or destruction, this choice is up to you to make a decision!" After saying that, Longinus turned around and walked towards the central building.


Mariejois, Room of Authority.

"What do you mean, tomorrow again?" The long-haired Gorosei suppressed their anger; nearly even their beards flew up in anger.

CP0, standing below, wiped his cold sweat and said, "Sivis-sama said that this time is definitely the last time!"

"The first day said tomorrow, the second day said tomorrow, this is the fifth day, he is still talking to me tomorrow! If he can't fix those guys in the Marine Corps, get the hell back here and get someone else who can!" The blonde Gorosei shouted in dissatisfaction.

"This, this ... Sivis-sama should also be considered to appease the sentiment of the Marine, right?" CP0 said tentatively.

"Appease the sentiment? Hmph! This sword is really getting out of hand!" The Gorosei with swords was saying; suddenly, the ground shuddered unnaturally.

"What's going on?" The blond Gorosei frowned and stood next to the window, squinting their eyes to look down.

The Room of Authority is located on the upper level of Pangaea Castle, which overlooks below and can capture the Marine Headquarters, Enies Lobby, and Impel Down in full view.

Of course, across such a long distance, only three small black dots are not clear.

And he looked this time, but he suddenly found that there were more small black dots in his vision.

"Am I hallucinating?" The blonde Gorosei rubbed his eyes, fixed his eyes, and looked, and at once screamed out in shock, "Wait, how come there are so many giant sea king types appearing?"

Hearing his scream, the remaining four looked puzzled, "What's wrong?"

"There are a large number of super giant sea kings appeared near the Marine Headquarters ..." The blond Gorosei did not turn around, took over a telescope to observe; suddenly, he shouted in a panic tone, "That huge warship could it be Pluton? And Longinus, why did he appear in the Marine Headquarters?"

"What? Pluton?"

"Longinus, shouldn't he be in Impel Down?"

The remaining four people are also panic to take over the telescope. With their mind experience will appear this situation, they can see it, combining several things on their shock!

"Why would this happen ..." muttered the long-haired Gorosei, and suddenly his eyes glared, "It's that bastard Sivis who's lying to us!"

"It's not him!" Bearded Gorosei faces sunken, "Or rather, that person who reported the news to us is not him at all!"

With that, he shot a stern and cold look at CP0, who was a bit dumbfounded, and asked, "Who told you to pass on this information?"

"Yes, it was Cister-sama who was conducting the intelligence work!" CP0 stammered, "There was also Admiral Fujitora supervising!"

"Supervision? I think it's basically watchdogs!" Curly-haired Gorosei said with hatred, "Cister! Fujitora! Well, they really did a great job!"

After the incident of Longinus, they still didn't take back Issho's power.

On the one hand, they were testing Issho's attitude to see if there was any chance of supporting him to become a Fleet Admiral; after all, they all knew that Kizaru's kind of personality was not suitable to become a Fleet Admiral!

On the other hand, the Marine and CP0 supervise each other, so they slightly relaxed their heart guard.

But they did not think that the power of CP0 put out so short time, and then take back, it has completely become Marine's shape!

Published in Qidian, December 28, 2019