Listen to Imu's Tales of the Past!

Mariejois, the Domain of the Gods, amongst no darkness;

Walking through the bright corridor to the end, what appeared in front of the crowd was a room emitting a lush spring atmosphere.

The spring water gently flowing, butterflies dancing, the scene in front of the crowd some can not believe that the deepest part of Mariejois can be such a room of birds and flowers.

Longinus' attention was not distracted by these matters, and at the first moment of entering the room, his eyes were firmly locked on the figure in front of it, wearing a towering helmet.

Seemingly sensing Longinus' gaze, the figure gently sent away the butterflies resting on its fingertips, and then, turning around, "It's been a hard journey to get here!"

Under the shadow of the helmet, they can see only two gazes as calm as a deep pool of water.

A moment after hearing this voice, many people will look surprised, this voice sounds like a woman?

Not waiting for Longinus to speak, Sakazuki frowned and asked, "You are the leader of those cosmic pirates?"

Imu, slightly surprised to look at him, "Cosmic pirates?"

Longinus said badly in his heart; he also did not expect Sakazuki would be so aggressive.

However, Longinus did not panic too much, and compared with Imu, his credibility as an ally was undoubtedly higher.

"What? Still not going to admit by now, the fact that the Celestial Dragons are the descendants of the cosmic pirates?" Sakazuki questioned.

Just when Longinus was ready to point to the steed, but he heard Imu suddenly laughed, "I thought the truth was hidden, but I never thought you guys would know! Can you tell me, how did you know?"

Longinus: "???"

"Zehahahaha! This is all analyzed by Fleet Admiral Longinus!" Blackbeard laughed heatedly and pushed Longinus out.

"Longinus ... really resembles it ..." Imu looked deeply at Longinus and then continued, "However, I have to correct one thing. I am not a cosmic pirate, really, most of the cosmic pirates should have died in my hands."

"Huh?" The crowd looked at the question mark, this development, why they can not understand ah?

Could it be that this woman, who was called a God, first killed most of the cosmic pirates and then supported the remaining part of the cosmic pirates to become world nobles?

What is this, a bad taste?

"It seems that you all are puzzled?" Imu laughed, "Then, interested in hearing a story from the past before the duel begins?"

Longinus pondered for a moment, "You say it."

"About eight hundred years ago, the moon people ..." see the crowd face in a trance, Imu smiled, "no need to doubt, it is the same moon in your perception. The moon people encountered a group of cosmic pirates at that time, they tried their best to destroy the enemy, but the resources on the moon were also depleted in that war. So, they brought civilization and ideas to this world of unending chaos!"

Except for Kaido, who was held down, everyone was listening quietly, for this history, those who were slightly curious could not refuse.

"The civilizations of the two worlds collided with each other and finally led to a great fusion, with all the major kingdoms joining that great kingdom." Imu paused and laughed, "You can understand that great kingdom as, the predecessor of the World Government."

"In that peaceful years, almost a dozen years, finally, the follow-up power of those cosmic pirates once again descended!"

Speaking of which, the crowd was looking at Longinus with admiration, and indeed, exactly as Fleet Admiral Longinus said, those cosmic pirates will not die!

Longinus, on the other hand, was expressionless and unmoved.

"Gathered the power of the world, we once again fought back to repel the attack of those cosmic pirates!" Imu said and somewhat reminiscent, "That was a very difficult, but also very nostalgic days!"

Gathered the world's power, crowd face odder up, this situation sounds, how and they are now doing something similar?

"But the disaster did not end, the continuous setbacks did not let those cosmic pirates retreat, but rather inspired their ferocity, especially the power of the Devil Fruit found in this world, but also let them crazy." Imu said in a low voice, "Finally, nearly all of the cosmic pirates from the other end of the Star Ocean arrived!"

"It was indeed desperate, but something like war seems to be like a catalyst for technology, and during those ten years of war, technology that combined the civilizations of both worlds ran wildly at breakneck speed on the other track."

"The Pluton, which can easily obliterate a giant island with nuclear power as its energy source, and the giant Sea King class, which can be controlled by the Mermaid Princess with biosynthesis technology as its core, were all created in that crazy era and led to the victory of that previous war!"

Sea king class is used biosynthesis technology to produce; no wonder can see many different creature features in them, and the original Poseidon is a mermaid princess? ... Many people are lowering their heads, worried about being Longinus noticed their smoldering gaze.

However, Longinus's attention is on another matter, "She really knows the mermaid princess is the Poseidon thing, obviously know but did not eradicate in advance, which means that my guess is probably correct!"

Taking in the crowd's reaction, Imu went on to say, "It's just a pity that a decade of high-speed development is still too limited, compared to the cosmic pirates who can cross the star and sea, it's the technological power that those moon people are proud of is still too far behind, so they shifted their attention to another direction."

"Devil fruit?" Longinus asked softly.

"Good." Imu nodded slightly, "compared with those cosmic pirates, our world's only advantage is that strange Devil Fruit, only the combination of Devil Fruit and the power of technology, our world can win!"

"Finally, that weapon named Uranus was created!" Looking at the greed in the eyes of the crowd, Imu kindly laughed, "They wanted me to be in charge of the Uranus, however, I refused!"

"What? You actually refused?" Blackbeard couldn't help but shout.

"Is it strange?" Imu coldly laughed, "If you knew what kind of price you have to pay to become the controller of the Uranus, maybe you wouldn't think it's something good! To me, that is something more cruel than death!"

The crowd's hearts were astonished; they saw Blackbeard and Longinus can recklessly use the power of the Pluton and Poseidon and thought that these ancient weapons do not need any cost.

But now it seems that the truth and their imagination seem to have somewhat deviated!

"However, I finally agreed!" Imu smiled to herself, "After all, it was a request he made to me!"

"Joy Boy?" Longinus asked in a deep voice.

"You actually know him!" Imu was slightly surprised, and then she smiled, "It seems that those five losers losing to you were indeed not a mistake!"

"Something more cruel than death, you actually agreed to it because of a man's request?" Blackbeard has some unbelievable and even despised the other party in his heart.

In his opinion, on the other side of this character's heart, it is estimated that he is just a lucky guy.

"After all, it is his request!" Imu does not care about Blackbeard's strange gaze, continued, "those scientists are indeed very powerful, just as they envisioned, as my ability and the Uranus with each other to play an unimaginable power for the whole world in fear of the great forces of the cosmic pirates, before they can descend on this world, they were destroyed in a single blow in cosmic space! "

"What? Cosmic pirates' army was destroyed by a single blow?"

"Liar, right? Is the power of the Uranus really that powerful?"

The crowd erupted in a burst of shock; no wonder they are acting like this, it is because the amount of information in Imu's words is too shocking!

The Pluton and Poseidon combined only repelled the cosmic pirates, but the Uranus wiped out the cosmic pirates with a single blow; how can this battle be fought if the gap is so big?

Longinus look gloomy, seems to have been shocked by this information, is calmly analyzed in the heart, "Why choose to annihilate the enemy in the stars? Star space combat is not supposed to be this world's strong point, right? Is the power of the Uranus too great? Or is it that that power can only be maximized in the stars?"

PS: Tomorrow night party is likely to go out vertically and come back horizontally (* ꒦ ິ ⌓꒦ ີ), in case there is no update, you do not wait; I will make up for it in the daytime on New Year's Day (*  ̄з ̄).

Published in Qidian, December 31, 2019