A Sudden Change!

Until Longinus's body was about to fall into the sea, the marine camp collectively rioted!

Gion, Hiyori, Zephyr, Garp ... almost all of the high-ranking officers of the marine are instinctively rushed to the fastest speed to catch the ... "body" of Longinus.

"Longinus, how are you doing? Are you tired? You'll wake up after a good sleep, right?" Gion's face was pale, and she asked in a panic.

"Bastard! Wake up, you!" And Garp clenched his fist to punch down but was kicked away by Zephyr!

"Sensei, you defeated Imu! Wake up, the world has been saved!" Drake hissed with tears in his voice.

"Law, Princess Mansherry, please come and look at it as soon as possible." It was Sengoku who barely managed to maintain his composure and said.

Law had rushed to Longinus' side for inspection at the first opportunity, only to remain silent, while the princess of the Dwarves trotted over in a slight panic.

After checking, Mansherry said timidly, "Long, Longinus-sama' vital signs are gone!"

"Damn! How could this happen?" Drake hammered the giant sea king type's body hard, then shook hard on Law's shoulder and said, "Law, you must have a way, right?"

However, Law just lost his mind and let him shake him.

At this time, Ain suddenly said, "Let me do it!"

Considering Ain's fruit ability, the crowd could not help but look wildly happy; Zephyr was excited and said, "Ain, it's up to you!"

Ain nodded her head hard and pressed her hands on Longinus' body, and the peach-colored ghostly flame began to "burn" his body.

To the crowd's surprise, the tiny cracks all over Longinus's body recovered at speed visible to the naked eye ... or rather, regressed!

"It works, it really works!" Garp shouted excitedly.

"Great, Longinus and so on ..." Gion first shouted excitedly, and then her face suddenly changed, "Why is the life breath still unchanged?"

Ain also seems to be drained of the whole body strength general, sitting paralyzed on the sea king class, couldn't stop the tears from breaking out, "No ... Modo Modo no Mi can carry out the material level of regression, but there is no way to break the boundary of life and death!"

"Damn, why the ending will be like this?" Momonga clenched his palm; it pricked even his palm with blood.

When seeing the marine in great grief, the other two forces could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Admittedly, they marveled at Longinus' faith and personality, and even from a hostile position, they couldn't help but feel respect.

This man is powerful, profound, outstanding, magnificent, invincible; when they are on the same side, such a perfect leader is indeed very reassuring!

But when they are on opposite sides of the fence, such a perfect man is better off dead before it's too late!

Akagami sighed as he braced his somewhat limp body, "A man like him, the journey shouldn't end here!"

Beckman gave him a look, "But only his death would be the best outcome for us!"

Akagami let out a long sigh, "To defeat him by this way is just not acceptable!"

"He should have foreseen this scene, right?" Sanji said in a deep voice, "After all, his gaze is able to see through the mists of time!"

"That is to say, he foresaw his own death!" Zoro also faces gloom, "but for the future of this world, he chose to take the initiative to sacrifice!"

"Foreseeing his own death, but did not have any fear, and even actively sacrificed for it!" Brook only felt the mind incomparable shock, "This is what kind of boldness and courage!"

"Perhaps, this is the destiny of the hero!" Sabo also let out a long sigh.

"Although he killed my father, but I have to say ..." Ace said squarely, " with a man like him, is the luck of our time!"

"I can't believe you died in a place like this!" Sakazuki said to himself with a cold face, "Are you just a man of this level?"

"You saved this world, it's just a pity that you won't see this world change!" A rare trace of sadness surfaced on Dragon's cold face.

"Can a man like you also die?" Katakuri's face was complicated, "But since that's the case, there's no need to keep some promises!"

"How dare that brat die? I have not yet defeated ..."

Boom! Boom! Boom!

With a loud bang, an endless storm of energy rose abruptly!

The crowd could not react to this sudden change; the incomparably strong shock wave blew them out.

The violent heatwave, the polluted radiation, once again rose from above this sea.

"Damn! It's Pluton's main artillery barrage!"

"It's Blackbeard and them, damn it, what does he want again?"

In just an instant, the crowd understood who was up to no good!

At that moment, the iconic laughter came from the tumbling waves of air.

"Zehahahahaha! The strongest Zoan power ... is mine!"

Hearing this voice, the crowd could not help but change their faces wildly.

When squinting to see a huge hideous dragon corpse floating on the surface of the sea, Blackbeard stepped on the top of the giant dragon's head, hands toward the sky unbearable laughing.

"Liar, right? Kaido was killed by Blackbeard!"

"To be precise, Kaido was blown away by Pluton!"

"This bastard! Fleet Admiral Longinus just sacrificed, and he can't help but come out and make trouble!"

All the forces are loudly cursing, but there is also a part of the people are eyes moving, "Wait, he said the strongest Zoan should not be ..."

"It seems that you have also guessed it, right? That's right ..." Blackbeard's head steeply appeared two cow horns, laughing wildly, "Hito Hito no Mi - Ancient Zoan - Model: Gyūki! This is the old man's third Devil Fruit!"

The crowd couldn't help but stare in disbelief, the fact that Blackbeard's double fruit power was shocking enough, but they didn't expect that he would be able to accommodate the power of a third fruit!

What kind of a freak is this?

Blackbeard enjoyed their shocked and horrified eyes, "Zehahahaha! My luck is just too good! Originally, there is that Imu on the side of the World Government, my dream could not be realized, but thanks to our beloved Fleet Admiral Longinus ah! Not only did he help me remove the obstacles, but he also filled himself in. Without the two of them, even becoming King of the World is not impossible!"

Everyone fell into the deepest silence; Blackbeard, who controls the third Devil Fruit, has probably become the world's strongest fighting force after Longinus. Even more frightening is that in his hands also holds a strategic weapon like Pluton.

This world, is it going to fall into the hands of such scum?

But at this moment, Bullet suddenly asked, "I have a question, why do not you want Imu's Archangel fruit?"

Blackbeard's smile froze!

Published in Qidian, January 09, 2020