We are the Marine, We will not ......

Marine Headquarters, a room was emitting bone-chilling air.

"Bastard, can you give a quick word!" Garp shouted with a glare.

When he yelled, a group of people in white coats almost fell to their knees in fear.

This guy is too brutal; many of them were "invited" by him in the sack.

But Sengoku pressed Garp's head, "Sorry, ignore this guy, please say it, we are the Marine, we will not be angry."

After seeing the kind-hearted Sengoku said so, these doctors were relieved; a man who looks like a ball came forward and said in the most concise and clear words, "It's hopeless, it's time to die ... ahem, bury it!"

"What did you say?" Two stormy voices erupted simultaneously; the ice prisms on the walls of the room rustled and shook off.

Garp's big hand grabbed an empty one because the man was already raised in mid-air by Sengoku grabbing his collar, "You say it again for me?"

"Wait, didn't we agree not to relent?"

"Am I not just lashing out now?"

"Oh! So this is what anger means!" Garp looked like "learned", then stood next to Sengoku and shouted, "Aren't you some kind of genius doctor? And performed many miracle operations?"

"But bringing the dead back to life is not a magic, it's a miracle!" He was a genius doctor, not a heavenly god doctor; how could he possibly do something like resurrecting the dead?

Sengoku calmed down his restless heart and asked to the side, "Are there any doctors more powerful than them?"

"No!" The voice did not come from Tsuru, but from Hogback, who was being carried by him, only to see the round roll proudly puffing out his chest, "I am the most powerful doctor in this world!"

He did not say it was better; as soon as he spoke, Karp and Sengoku glared again, "Even a dead man can not save, how can you be the most powerful doctor?"

Hogback: (=°Д°=)?

"Calm down, both of you." At this point, Vice Admiral Tsuru dissuaded, "This fatty although his medical ethics is not good, but there is no need to kill him."

Sengoku and Garp froze. Did they say they were going to kill someone?

Hogback also panicked; he lacks medical ethics, occasionally insults the dead, and secretly sells some organs of the dead? How is about to be killed?

Thinking of this, he could not help but let out a pig-like scream, "Do not kill me, I know, I know there is a very skilled doctor in the Drum Island, her medical skills, probably even more powerful than me so billion points!"

"Drum Island?" Sengoku nodded slightly, "I'll have someone go to Drum..."

"If it's that Dr. Kureha from Drum Island, that won't be necessary!" Gion blushed a little strangely, "Actually, I've already sent someone to invite."

"Is that so?" Sengoku was slightly stunned and did not pursue the question after putting down Hogback with a disgusted face, "Get lost!"

After these doctors fled in general, Garp rubbed his chin again and said, "I do not think it, relying on these doctors probably not much use, in order to save Longinus, the biggest possibility still to fall on the Devil Fruit. For example, there is one person on the Rombar Pirates, as a result of eating Yomi Yomi no Mi to resurrect the pirates?"

Sengoku looked at him with some surprise, "You guy surprisingly also have open-minded time?"

Not waiting for Garp, he nodded again and said, "However, this is indeed a thought, I'll let someone go through the fruit pictorial, see if there is a similar ability to Yomi Yomi no Mi but the fruit can be used after death."

There were no words, and the room fell silent again.

Seeing that everyone is still immersed in the hurt, Sengoku shook his head and said, "Let's leave first, don't make noise to Longinus!"

They walk out in silence; the sky was cloudy as if the effects of the nuclear explosion had not yet dissipated.

"Actually, I should have thought of that." Walking along, Sengoku suddenly sighed, "Longinus that gentle character, at that time would act so impatient, must be because he foresaw his own death and Imu, so he was worried about being changed by us in the future!"

"In the past, he was walking with the darkness on his back, but now he is walking with the world on his back, he always lives more tired than everyone!" Tsuru said with emotion and looked at Gion with some worry; that trance-like lost look is indeed very frightening!

She was even a little worried that Gion might turn out to be like Imu!

"Sensei is not going to die!" Drake said loudly, "Like Sensei once said, some people live but are dead, but some people die but live forever in our hearts! Sensei's beliefs will be passed on by us! Right, Law ... Law?"

Drake glanced around, "Hmm? Where is that guy Law?"

Smoker also responded, "He didn't come out?"

"Wait, he can't be ..." Drake's face changed wildly, "trying to resurrect Sensei with the Perennial Youth Operation, right?"

At once, the originally silent corridor coaxed.

"What? Law could he do such a thing?"

"It should be possible, isn't Imu the best proof of that?"

"But, what will happen to Law after performing the Perennial Youth Operation?"

"Perhaps, it will die!"

"Not good, she has not yet arrived ah!" Gion, who had been in a trance, now had a sudden change of expression and turned to speed up and rush in the direction she had come.

The others were a bit surprised by Gion's reaction, but they also quickly followed.

Inside the frozen room, Law stood next to the ice coffin, blaming himself and saying guiltily, "I'm sorry, sensei, it's because I ruined your plan! If I had not killed the Celestial Dragon, if I had not let everyone resist, you would have prepared to the most perfect stage before opening the duel, right? It was because of the hasty opening of the duel that caused you to lie inside now!"

"Obviously the one who did wrong is me, obviously the one who is laying inside should be me!" Law clenched his fist, took a deep breath, and said, "Sensei, this world absolutely cannot be without you, now, let me rewrite this wrong fact!"

As he said that, his right hand probed towards Longinus' chest.


The main door was violently pushed open.

"Law, wait!"

"Don't do something stupid, Law!"

He thought everyone would be happy to see this scene if life can be measured by value; using him to return to the teacher's resurrection is undoubtedly worth it.

While relieved, Law shook his head again and said, "For the future of this world, my sensei, he did not hesitate to carry the darkness, and even voluntarily endured the humiliation of the World Government to enter the Advancement City, but then, all this was destroyed because of my stupidity and impulsiveness!"

"So, this is just my personal atonement, if you can, please can you meet this small request of mine?"

Hearing Law says this; many people are shameful in the depths of their hearts. Indeed, they would prefer the resurrection of Longinus.

Everyone has a scale in their hearts, compared to Longinus, Law's weight is still too light!

At this point, Gion suddenly said, "It's selfish to say this, but if I had to make a choice, I would choose Longinus without hesitation!"

"No need to be concerned, I know that ..." Law said with a stunning face because the first to stop him inside the people was Vice-Admiral Momousagi.

"You should have already thought of it! Is not what I want to stop you from doing." Gion took a deep breath and said, "First of all, I want to apologize to you because, if you hadn't taken the initiative, after that person arrived, I would probably have made such a selfish request to you as well!"

"That person? Who are you talking about?" Sengoku, who was on the side, asked with some confusion.

"It's the one I mentioned to you before, Sengoku-san, that Dr. Kureha from Drum Island."

After saying that, Gion looked at Law again, "In fact, after knowing that Ope Ope no Mi and the God of the World Government may have some kind of connection, Longinus had a worry that his power may not be able to protect you. Therefore, he had raised a speculation at a very early stage."

Seeing the crowd look puzzled, Gion continued to explain, "It's BIG-MOM! You should remember, BIG-MOM had her heart crushed by Longinus back then and lost her fruit power, but ended up surviving."

Sengoku's eyes moved slightly, "You mean ... heart?"

Gion nodded slightly, "According to his deduction, the devil fruit is likely to be hosted in the heart, if the heart can be replaced by another doctor who is highly skilled in medicine at the moment the Perennial Youth Operation is completed, even if the Perennial Youth Operation is performed, the ability user has a very slight possibility of surviving!"

Published in Qidian, January 10, 2020