Aspirations Blackbeard!

At this moment, Marineford, a symbol of peace in the world, has been completely lost in the fire, and the wails of misery and pain are flying over it.

"Kill them, absolutely not let these pirates underestimate the power of justice!"

"That's right, even if we die, we absolutely can't retreat!"

"But where are the ... Vice Admirals and Admirals? Why are we the only ones fighting?"

"They have more important things, we have to do ... only to carry out the orders!"

"... YES!!!"

In the rear of Marineford, listening to these miserable and desperate voices, a group of officers were all glaring.

"Damn it! I must kill that group of sea ..." Smoker's angry voice stalled and stopped in pain, "No, I can't leave yet!"

"He is deliberately trying to make us hear these sounds!" Momonga hammered his right hand into the wall in pain.

"Are we just going to listen to it? Listen to that group of pirates trampling on the banner of justice?" Drake also roared in anger.

In such a tense and tormented atmosphere, Zephyr suddenly spoke, "Do what you want to do!"

"Chief Instructor Zephyr, you ..."

"If you give up the whole marine for the sake of Longinus alone, even if he can finally wake up, he will definitely blame himself to death!"

"But the fleet admiral here ..." the crowd is slightly moved.

"Leave it to the old man! Even if I put my life on the line, I will definitely not let even one person in!" Zephyr said resolutely.

"How about this, I will take half of the people out to block them!" Issho said in a deep voice.

"Half of the people?" Zephyr frowned, "You must understand, now Blackbeard is not the old kind of small role! Not to mention, there is also Aloof Red with him."

"Don't worry about it, I won't fight them to the death!" Issho said with a smile, "Moreover, my ability should be quite effective in limiting the enemy in this regard."

"... Then I'll leave it to you!" A moment of silence, Zephyr only solemnly said.

The killing is still going on in the square of the Marine Headquarters!

All the pirates are incomparably excited, looking at Blackbeard's eyes filled with admiration and awe!

They never thought that they could have the initiative to attack the Marine Headquarters this day. In this place, almost all pirates are afraid, slaughtering indiscriminately, and all this was brought to them by that man!

Only, Blackbeard is not as excited as they are.

"Damn! Where the hell did those bastards of the marines hide the mermaid princess?" Blackbeard is somewhat impatient; he has put the Marine to completely pissed off this time; if he can not get or remove the Poseidon, he will not be good for the next part of the day!

Just at this time, he heard a pirate's shriek in his ears.

"Ah! What are these monsters?"

"Help! I don't want to be eaten by monsters!"

Somehow, the sky seemed to darken.

Blackbeard looked up; those almost blocked the sky super giant sea king class congestion in this narrow harbor.

Seeing this situation, Blackbeard was not angry but happy, "Surely still did not hold back? I knew it, those idiots who think they are righteous can't watch the Marine dead!"

Blackbeard is not worried about the threat of those super giant sea king class, and has a huge body of the Pluto different, such as his top battle power, to avoid the attack of supergiant sea king class is not difficult.

However, he is not afraid of these sea kings, which does not mean that the others are not afraid either.

Amidst the cries that rose and fell, there were constantly pirates who were swallowed directly with their ships.

"Teach-sama, save me, save me!"

"Admiral Teach, hurry up and kill these monsters!"

However, Blackbeard is looking at it coldly, he can kill those super giant sea kings, but that would take too much time.

He is not going to waste time on these fools; anyway, the purpose of attracting the sea king has been achieved; these tools die!

Dodging several super giant sea king attacks, Blackbeard smiled and walked towards the somewhat isolated and helpless Shirahoshi.

"Not good, his target is you!" Next to the side, Jimbei shouted nervously.

"Shirahoshi quickly leave!" Fukaboshi also yelled in anger.

"I know it, I heard his mind!" Shirahoshi said with tearful eyes, "He wants me!"

"What? That nigger has such dirty and filthy thoughts about you!" Fukaboshi shouted in anger.

Jimbei twitched the corners of his mouth and looked at Shirahoshi again, "Why did you stand out when you knew? Aren't you afraid of him?"

"I am afraid, but, I also want to become a hero like Longinus-sama!" Shirahoshi, while crying and yelling at Blackbeard, "Let the others here go, I'll leave with you!"

"Princess Shirahoshi, don't do something stupid!" Although shocked at the cowardly Shirahoshi will also have such a strong commitment, but Jimbei still in the first time to stands in front of her, "If you let such ambitious people as Blackbeard get your power, it will only bring more profound disaster to this world!"

"Zehahaha! He's right!" Blackbeard provoked Shirahoshi's psychological defenses, "If you really want to be a hero, you should be like the marines as a turtle to hide inside ah!"

At this time, a cold voice came.

"Blackbeard-san, I can not pretend not to hear such words!" The man cloaked in a purple yukata walked out with a group of marines.

"Hm? Admiral Fujitora!" Blackbeard's pupils slightly contracted, but quickly calm down, now he is not the same as before!

Seeing Fujitora and many Rear Admiral and Vice-Admiral finally appeared, those remaining marines are teary-eyed shouting :

"Admiral Fujitora, Admiral Fujitora!"

"Great, we weren't abandoned!"

"Sorry, we're the ones who came late!" Although he couldn't see, Fujitora could tell just from the thick smell of blood that filled the air what a fierce battle had taken place in this square!

"Hehehe! You guys are indeed too late -" Blackbeard laughed, "today's ending, is already predetermined!"

"A doomed ending can also be rewritten!"

"Unfortunately, you do not have the power to rewrite the ending!"

The moment the words fell, Blackbeard released the darkness field, and immediately, everyone was enveloped in thick darkness.

"Trying to stall for time?" Fujitora's Kenbunshoku Haki is very strong, even powerful, to the point that even Blackbeard's dark field cannot block, in his perception, clearly "see" the image of Blackbeard is accelerating towards the location of Shirahoshi.

Jigoku Tabi!

Fujitora slashes the staff blade down, increased gravity to the extreme around the same time chopped towards Blackbeard.

An explosion sounded, and each of them flew backward out of the darkness.

"You're blind, but you're not blind at heart!"

"This is the only good thing left in me!"

"It seems that to end the battle as soon as possible will have to use some tactics!" Blackbeard smiled and grabbed a marine towards Fujitora and threw it, and he was not slow to follow the Marine.

Blackbeard's intention is more than obvious; if you do not save people, he will kill this Marine!

"Damn, it's despicable!"

"Admiral Fujitora, don't be trapped!"

Fujitora hesitated for a moment but finally reached out his hand, ready to take the man.

"Zehahahaha! I knew it, to deal with you self-righteous marines is really too ... ahhhhhhhh!"

But just as Blackbeard was laughing, Fujitora steeply increased gravity so that the Marine who flew towards him in a flash dropped to the ground.

Then, the two abruptly met!

Then, Blackbeard was caught off guard and stabbed in the head!

"That was awesome, Admiral Fujitora!"

"That despicable guy finally ..."

When the crowd was cheering like this, their voices were abruptly stagnant.

Because Blackbeard unexpectedly seemed completely unaffected by the injury, while Fujitora got impaled by his staff knife through his body, with an incomparably heavy punch, Fujitora heavily knocked out!

Published in Qidian, January 12, 2020