How Can One Lie Be Enough?

In the Marine Headquarters' square, blood-soaked the ground; even if the seawater constantly washes, you can smell the pungent smell of blood that is difficult to disguise.

In the constant influx of middle and high level of the powerful offensive marine combat power, Blackbeard's crew is no match for the people; in addition to a small number of pirates who jumped overboard in time to escape, they killed almost all the pirates!

At the end of the war, a group of marines tired and limp on the ground, some dazed and confused, still immersed in the shock of the sudden victory and the resurrection of the marshal.

"In the end, is it still that we won?"

"What foolish words are you saying? It is inevitable that good will triumph over evil!"

"I didn't expect the fleet admiral to be resurrected, how wonderful!"

"Yes! God must have heard our prayers, and knowing that our world cannot live without the fleet admiral, he returned the fleet admiral to us!"

On the other side, Princess Mansherry of the Tontatta was using the power of Chiyu Chiyu no Mi to treat Fujitora.

"You can be seriously injured to this extent, is Aloof Red and Blackbeard teamed up?" Zephyr asked with a stony face.

"What a shame, this injury is caused by Blackbeard alone!" Fujitora said in a deep voice, "Although there are reasons for my carelessness in it, but the current Blackbeard, indeed, is stronger than we can imagine!"

"A triple fruit ability user, is that really all that strong?" Zephyr asked.

"Gyūki fruit gives him abundant physical strength, Hado Hado no Mi gives him powerful attacks, and Yami Yami no Mi gives him the ability to absorb damage and play steadily!" Fujitora scrupulously very said, "He is intentionally picking the fruit, when the ability of these fruits combined together, the effect that comes into effect, far greater than the ability alone!"

"That Longinus, he ..." Zephyr somewhat worried, "he just resurrected out of the war, still not clear Blackbeard got the third ability! Moreover, that guy of Lone Red will most likely also meet with Blackbeard."

"Zephyr-senpai, you underestimate the ability of this fleet admiral of ours, no matter how difficult the predicament, he can always find a solution." Fujitora laughed, "Blackbeard is stronger, can it be stronger than Imu?"

"Also ..." Zephyr could not help but dumbfounded, he was concerned, even Imu as powerful enemies have fallen in the hands of Longinus, one Blackbeard, there is no need to worry.

"I would say that before, just to remind, Blackbeard's threat level must be adjusted up again, absolutely not with the previous ..."

When Fujitora so cautioned, a white stream of light came from the far side of the sea at a very fast speed to the headquarters.

The next moment, the figure of Longinus appeared in the square.

He looked around at the crowd and shouted in an extremely serious tone, "The Pirate King Marshall D. Teach has received his due judgment, and I hereby declare a worldwide order for the suppression of pirates!"

Although Longinus did not produce any decisive evidence, all the marines still chose to believe in the first place.

All of a sudden, cheers rang out in the clouds.

"Great, Fleet Admiral Hitsujiza, hurrah!"

"It's time to make those pirates pay the price!"

"The Age of Pirates, has completely ended!"

"Surprisingly ... killed Blackbeard in such a short period!" Fujitora' heart shock, then smiled, "really, you never let us down!"


Two days later, the centre of the large conference room.

Returning from the New World, Sengoku looked embarrassed and reviewed, "I was careless and was tricked out by Blackbeard with such a simple scheme."

Garp rarely did not sarcastic Sengoku, said with a big grin, "This is not all to blame Sengoku, after all, even I did not see that the guy was playing dumb!"

Sengoku first subconsciously nodded but soon pinpointed the problem; what do you mean even Garp did not see, this bastard is to put his IQ above his?

"No need to pay attention to these, anyway, even Blackbeard himself has become a thing of the past!" Longinus said in a gentle and soothing tone.

Hearing him say this, Sengoku also could not help but secretly emotional.

He just resurrected and took out Blackbeard, that bastard Pirate King, and had to say, Longinus is too reliable!

Not only him, Aokiji, and Fujitora is also secretly sighing.

Just a few days, the previous confused and pessimistic atmosphere of the marine was swept away; it is difficult to imagine, this is the presence or absence of a person can bring changes!

"Fleet Admiral, there is something I need to report to you." At this time, Sengoku suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Pluton is likely to have fallen into the hands of Sakazuki!"

"Sakazuki really decisive this time!" Kizaru, with a crooked mouth, said with a marvellous face, "we all thought he would wait to grab the Uranus and then strike at allies, but did not expect, his goal is simply the Pluton!"

"Blackbeard thought he saw through Sakazuki, only unfortunately, there is one thing he did not see correctly!" Longinus said in a deep voice, "Sakazuki is too strong! He can use the pirates, but never allow the pirates to use him!"

Longinus is also worried that someone will see the identity of Bullet and Sakazuki to be flawed, so simply the Pluton temporarily "stored" in Sakazuki.

"About this point, I will personally go to deal with Sakazuki afterwards!"

"Fleet Admiral, you ..."

Seeing the people ready to stop, Longinus gently shook his head, "not only because of the Pluton, but also the future of the Marine, and ... the future of this world!"

The future of this world is it ... quite a few marines are looking at Longinus with glowing eyes.

Longinus did not continue but changed the subject, "I asked Momonga in the last big meeting to bring the two cosmic pirates, do you remember?"

The crowd looked puzzled; Imu is dead and still talk about this; why?

"After I woke up, I thought carefully and found that we and Imu may have misunderstood!" Longinus said in a deep voice, "Imu said that most of the cosmic pirates back then were killed by her, and the rest were supported by her to become the Celestial Dragons! But in the memories read by me and Aloof Red, their home planet still exists!"

"What does this mean? It means that there was probably more than one group of cosmic pirates who invaded our world back then!"

"What? More than one group of cosmic pirates!"

"No wonder those two cosmic pirates look so much different from the Celestial Dragons!"

The marines didn't hesitate to believe Longinus' words; after all, the fleet admiral couldn't possibly be wrong!

Longinus himself identified the only "mistake".

"Damn! What are we going to do? There is no second Imu now!"

"Go to Dr. Vegapunk?"

"It's no use, Dr. Vegapunk has no way to guide the solar storm!"

After all, the people are a little alarmed; after all, Imu left too deep an impression on them and directly led to the tragedy of Imu's life by the cosmic pirates; the same is also deeply scorned by the people.

"To this, the best solution is to establish a more powerful coalition government!" Longinus said in a deep voice, "Our world is not weak, what our ancestors were able to do eight hundred years ago, we are also able to do, and the basis for doing this is to integrate the world's resources and power!"

"Moreover, this is what I have always wished for! So that people from all islands, all kingdoms, and all races can live together without barriers, and the light of justice, can spread throughout the world without barriers!"

"To form a new world government?"

"That would surely be an incomparably wonderful world!"

"Isn't this what Fleet Admiral Hitsujiza described in his statement when he was inaugurated as the Admiral?"

The crowd was fascinated by the world described by Longinus, and then, not knowing who led the way, shouted :

"Fleet Admiral, you should lead us to form a new government!"

"Yes! The only one who can convince the kingdoms and races is you, Fleet Admiral!"

"We need a strong government, but more importantly, we need a strong leader!"

In this regard, even Garp, Sengoku and others are also deeply agreed. Longinus has brilliantly proved his ability, and they can not think of anyone else capable of this position.

"Before that, I will tell a story, after listening, if you still think I am the best candidate, I will not resign, but if you think I am not suitable anymore, I will try to pick out a capable leader for you!" Longinus said in a low voice, "It was twenty years ago when I first walked in the darkness, when my name was ... Apophis!"

Published in Qidian, January 13, 2020