Scum Who Beat Women, ptooey!

"This voice, seems a little familiar ah!" Luffy frowned, pondering, completely did not notice the sudden change of Sanji and other people's faces.

"This voice is indeed somewhat familiar, but, that person should not have died?" Sanji forehead seeped sweat.

Apophis first body stiffened, then tears ran out, "Yes, this voice is absolutely no mistake!"

Zoro wanted to say something but saw the tears in Apophis's eyes, can't help but be creeped out? Apophis cried?

The confinement of Busoshoku Haki suppression filled the huge thunder ball back to human form with purple and black thunder area. He also returned to the most primitive look, standing in the man's thunder showed his body.

Just a glance, let the surrounding pirates completely riot of fear.

"It's Longinus! It's Fleet Admiral Longinus ah!"

"A lie, right? Isn't he already dead?"

"Run! The world's strongest man has appeared!"

Wyper first looked ecstatic but soon suppressed it, "It's Fleet Admiral Longinus, we can't be his ..."

However, Longinus interrupted, "I told you, Wyper, do you think I do not even have the courage to reveal the truth?"

Wait, does he mean ... Sanji fiercely widened his eyes; his heart rose to a conjecture that even he did not dare to imagine.

Wyper judiciously struggling there, "What did you say? I do not understand what you mean."

"I have released all the truth to the world! You guys, it's time to come back!" Longinus said and looked at Sanji, Zoro, and those pirates who kept escaping, "Yes, I am Apophis!"

"Sure enough, he still really gave us a big joke ah ..." Sanji heart incomparable shock, so much so that even the resurrection of the other side has ignored.

Luffy then stabbed Sanji with his elbow, "Sanji, is this guy stupid? Even his own name is forgotten!"

You also have the nerve to say that others are silly ... Sanji mouth corner twitches a little, said in a deep voice, "He means that he has the identity in addition to the Fleet Admiral of the Marine, and Apophis, the same is also him!"

"I should have thought of it, in addition to him, who else has the kind of charisma that makes people sacrifice their lives to die! Only he is worthy of becoming the lord they call him!"

On the other side, Wyper fell to his knees in pain, "Longinus-sama, why do you have to reveal the answer? We, the people, are not worthy of you at all!"

Urouge also said in a low voice, "Your light should not be tainted with any filth!"

Eneru, who was hoisted in the hands of Longinus, also had a scowl on his face, "Let me be destroyed along with this island!"

"It's useless, I've already put this truth in the newspaper!" Longinus said with a smile, "Walking in the darkness all the time is not what a hero should be treated!"

Those pirates who fled to a distance all mentality collapse, no wonder they always can not beat the marine, the captain and the three top cadres are the marine; this is still bullshit, ah?

Zoro stood up and looked at Longinus with cold eyes, "I don't know why you were resurrected, but the incident twelve years ago should be related to you, right?"

Longinus did not answer but went straight to Apophis.

"Bastard! Answer my question!" Seeing this situation, Zoro roared in anger.

Ignoring Zoro's roar, Longinus walked up to "Apophis" and removed his mask, "Welcome home, Kuina!"

Underneath that mask was a face identical to Longinus', and after a moment of silence, her face was enveloped in a blur of light, and her tall figure began to shrink.

Eventually, a very heroic-looking woman appeared in the crowd's line of sight.

"Kuina, you are still alive!" Zoro was knocked a little dizzy by this huge surprise, and only after a long time did he react, "Yeah! If Apophis is Longinus, of course he will not kill you! Just, what happened twelve years ago?"

"Sensei is Apophis, I am Apophis, and father is actually Apophis!" Kuina said in a raspy voice.

Zoro was stunned, even he was baffled by this complex relationship, and only after a long time did he try to ask, "Apophis is just an identity, at first it was him, then it was Koushirou-sensei, and finally it became you?"

Seeing Kuina nod, Zoro couldn't help but ask, "What about sensei?"

"Dead, killed by my own hands!"

Zoro, of course, did not believe that this was all the truth and again turned his attention to Longinus.

Longinus weighed his words and explained, "Koushirou's health went wrong, and in the final stage of his life, he wished to give himself as a final gift to Kuina."

"So that's it?" Zoro muttered, then looked at the bruises on Kuina's body, slightly embarrassed.

"Scum who beats women, ptuuii!" Sanji could not help but spit at Zoro.

"Although it is not clear what is going on, but it seems to be a good ending!" Luffy said with a giggle.

But at this point, Longinus suddenly said, "Although it's a bit spoiled to say this now, but, you restless guys are still to take a trip to Impel Down for me!"

Hearing the words of Longinus, Luffy and a few only suddenly awakened, standing in front of them is the man who maintains order!

"However, this is no way to fight ah!" Sanji sighed; although they are all improving, it is now also completely unable to peer into the back of this man!

"Can't beat it, but also have to fight!" Luffy fist-pumping said.

"Sensei, they ... " Kuina hesitantly asked.

Longinus put up his palm, indicating that she did not need to say, "I heard that you are now not pirates, so it is good. However, the mistakes once made can not be erased by a word."

"Of course, you do not have to worry about that your companion will be killed! Speaking of which, on the contrary, it is our marine who owes her a lot!" Longinus cast his gaze to a certain corner of the battlefield.

"Ah! It's Robin!"


"Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, Nami, Brook, really thank you for not forgetting me!" Robin wiped the corners of her eyes and then looked at Longinus and asked, "Longinus-sama, you let Eneru-sama find me and give me shelter twelve years ago, in fact, to make up for the debts the marine owed me on that matter, right?"

Longinus nodded slightly, "From a soldier's point of view, the Marine didn't do anything wrong, but from a moral standpoint, the Marine does have an unshirkable responsibility!"

"So, there really is light in this world, and moreover, this light has been shining around me!" Robin, shocked, murmured that the great incident back then did not have the involvement of Longinus; according to reason, he does not need to have this kind of debt.

But he did it anyway and silently guarded her twelve years ago!

"I'm grateful, really grateful!" Robin said and looked at Luffy and others, could not help but bite the lower lip and said, "Although this is very selfish, but I still have to say, if the marine still remember that year, if you can look at my face, at least in this time to let Luffy and them!"

"Let them go?" Longinus frowned and swept a glance at Sanji and a few people so that the latter's heart contracted a little.

"You can, but the premise is ..." a moment of silence, Longinus said, "they have to get rid of a hundred evil pirates!"

Hearing Longinus say so, Sanji and others are relieved heavily, the three-legged toad is not easy to find, yet the pirates are not a big catch?

Moreover, what they used to do and this would not be much different.

Finally, Longinus again narrowed his eyes at Zoro, "And you guy, for what you have done today, I will not be confident to give Kuina to you!"

"Hey? What are you talking about, sensei?" Kuina asked with a red face.

Zoro was also dumbfounded and did not know what to say.

"At least, first wash away the sin you carry!"

Published in Qidian, January 15, 2020